Social šŸŽ A Weighty Issue

I weigh 108.6kgs as of this mornings scale reading. My news resolution is to lose weight. Will post in this thread how I am getting along so that I feel some public pressure to keep my goal.

My waist line is 50 inches

Goal is to one day get to 80kgs and less than 40 inch waistline.

I have purchased an expensive treadmill to use at home. The key I am telling myself is not to over do it on the first day and pull a muscle and be out of exercising for 3 months afterwards.
Good on you and good luck mate. Sustainable weight loss over time seems to be the way forward. Fucked if I know how you do that. I'm in a similar boat to you. Usually around 105kg. Tried various things and nothing really worked. Just had a fairly major surgery unrelated to weight but ended up being only able to eat limited amount of food and types of food. Lost over 5kgs and found my eating habits have changed including portion size (which I think, along with the types of food I was eating, is my main problem) I'm determined to maintain and try and improve on this. Obviously not an ideal or recommend way to lose weight and I'm still recovering but also a big opportunity for me as well.

Good on you and good luck mate. Sustainable weight loss over time seems to be the way forward. Fucked if I know how you do that. I'm in a similar boat to you. Usually around 105kg. Tried various things and nothing really worked. Just had a fairly major surgery unrelated to weight but ended up being only able to eat limited amount of food and types of food. Lost over 5kgs and found my eating habits have changed including portion size (which I think, along with the types of food I was eating, is my main problem) I'm determined to maintain and try and improve on this. Obviously not an ideal or recommend way to lose weight and I'm still recovering but also a big opportunity for me as well.
Feel free to track your weight in this thread as would love it if two or three of us formed a little motivational group?

I was 118 kgs two months ago but also mainly due to smaller dinner sizes (long story) I have lost weight,
Feel free to track your weight in this thread as would love it if two or three of us formed a little motivational group?

I was 118 kgs two months ago but also mainly due to smaller dinner sizes (long story) I have lost weight,
Sounds good and sounds like you are well on your way. I have a few more weeks at least of recovery but am determined to 1. Maintain a weight under 100kg and 2. To increase my fitness

Happy to support where ever I can.
Itā€™s approx 70 per cent diet and 30 per cent exercise.
This time of year is hard.
Xmas over indulge new year day ditto.
I got diagnosed with diabetes 2 in 2022 so I cut out obvious sugar and all alcohol.
In my case stuff like bread and potato chips pack extra weight on.
If I eat say a 170 g potato chips next morning I weigh in 1 kg heavier
I walk first thing every morning for minimum 30 minutes and do light weights at home 3 days a week

But itā€™s diet thatā€™s the key.
I saw a dietician years ago and that took me off the bad highway.

So good luck and remember
We are all different
The road to sucess is a slow steady one like eating an elephant
Good on everyone who is on their journey to Lossing some weight.

May I chime in with some suggestions.

Set small achievable goals with a time frame. I.e. lose 5 kgs in a month.

Whether you achieve or not, reset after that time frame. If you fail make a good educated guess and then go again, changing numbers if needed.

With food, this depends on you. Some people can go cold turkey with foods, others can't. If you can't, make sure to not exclude those foods but limit them, as falling off the wagon sucks.

Others have said posting on here. It's a good thought, as helps to motivate and help keep each other accountable.

Good luck all !
Agree. Getting on top of my food intake has been key. A few years back I went from 135kgs to 110 kegs. Just stopped eating large amounts of bread and cut out all sugar. Still ate lots of food though and def never went hungry. I always tried to make sure I had good snacks around for when I needed them. Binge eating was one of my biggest flaws
I weigh 98kg, ideally should be 88kg. Doesn't sound like much to lose but I'm tall and long limbed, all that 10kg is around the middle.
All due to overeating. Got covid on the 27th, spend 60hrs without food and the last 60 would equate to one bowl off rice. Haven't got any scales so don't know how much weight I've lost, but a little I think. I'm going to change portion size, less bread and pasta. Only reservation is that from mid 60's on I understand its good to keep a few extra kilos on incase you get ill otherwise muscle gets eaten up first in the fight against illness.
I haven't been able to any real exercise for about a year because of an ankle problem I am waiting for surgery on. That's scheduled for December. But anyway I weighed myself after reading this thread and I am 95kg which is about 8kg more than I want to be. So I started the fast 800 diet today, 800 calories a day for 2-12 weeks (whatever you choose to get to your goal) then you go into a more manageable maintenance phase. Nothing compared to what some of you are doing but will see how it goes.
Today wasn't so bad, I don't eat breakfast so didn't get hungry till afternoon then had a small lunch and about 450 calories for dinner - bit of steak, peas and spinach, watched everyone else eat chips jealously.
100 of my daily calories wool come from almond milk I drink with my coffee, impossible to give that up.

Is all about diet for me. Had my op in December and been pretty much exercise less since then. I got down to about 87-88kg since october, lost another kg over Xmas. Have cut out carbs like bread, pasta, potato and white rice and only eat when hungry, which for me starts about lunchtime, so fasting between 8pm - 12pm without any trouble or hunger.
Probably have to work on water intake, have not got any trouble from it but I only drink 2 or maybe 3 glasses of water a day and have probably 4 or 5 coffees.
Good on you and good luck mate. Sustainable weight loss over time seems to be the way forward.
Actually I find rapid weight loss easier and more rewarding than long painful torture which I find unsustainable. The fat 800 was good for me and by the end adjusting to a new way of eating was easier.
Also it is a myth that you put it back on fast if you lose it fast.
Actually I find rapid weight loss easier and more rewarding than long painful torture which I find unsustainable. The fat 800 was good for me and by the end adjusting to a new way of eating was easier.
Also it is a myth that you put it back on fast if you lose it fast.
Thank you Tragic that was very helpful. Especially the part about rapid weight lose being ok.

I go back to work on Jan 15th (like a lot of people) and I am trying to limit my calories before then and see how much progress I can make in two weeks since I can dedicate each day to nothing else but weight loss.

Finally, I want to tell a story in case it helps anyone. This is not a story of weight loss but a story of weight neutrality. Which was a victory unto itself.

After I turned 49 my metabolism took a nose dive. No matter what I did:
a) Go to the gym
b) Walk the dog
c) Walk ten thousand steps
d) Work out with weights because having more muscle speeds up your metabolism
No matter what I did I put on more weight week by week.
I went from 90Kgs to 115kgs in a year. While trying to lose weight.
Finally my wife alerted me to a youtube clip on intermittent fasting. Don't eat for 16 hours per day and only eat for 8 hours. I gave it a try and stopped putting on weight immediately. I didn't lose anything. But if it wasn't for that change I would have gone to 135kgs or more.
So if you are putting on weight and can't stop try looking that up on youtube.
If you I want to lose weight I find I have to last 20 hours of fasting and just eat in the evening. I can't do that on a working day though.
Actually I find rapid weight loss easier and more rewarding than long painful torture which I find unsustainable. The fat 800 was good for me and by the end adjusting to a new way of eating was easier.
Also it is a myth that you put it back on fast if you lose it fast.
I can get fairly rapid weight loss by not eating anything but it goes back on fairly quickly to once I start back eating again. Adjusting to a new way of eating is what I'm aiming for to make it more sustainable and manageable. Focusing on portions and type of food I'm eating. Everyone is different though. Hardest part for me is that I have a fairly sweet tooth so temptation is hard to ignore, particularly with kids in the house and the chocolate, lollies, biscuits etc that they have around
Thank you Tragic that was very helpful. Especially the part about rapid weight lose being ok.

I go back to work on Jan 15th (like a lot of people) and I am trying to limit my calories before then and see how much progress I can make in two weeks since I can dedicate each day to nothing else but weight loss.

Finally, I want to tell a story in case it helps anyone. This is not a story of weight loss but a story of weight neutrality. Which was a victory unto itself.

After I turned 49 my metabolism took a nose dive. No matter what I did:
a) Go to the gym
b) Walk the dog
c) Walk ten thousand steps
d) Work out with weights because having more muscle speeds up your metabolism
No matter what I did I put on more weight week by week.
I went from 90Kgs to 115kgs in a year. While trying to lose weight.
Finally my wife alerted me to a youtube clip on intermittent fasting. Don't eat for 16 hours per day and only eat for 8 hours. I gave it a try and stopped putting on weight immediately. I didn't lose anything. But if it wasn't for that change I would have gone to 135kgs or more.
So if you are putting on weight and can't stop try looking that up on youtube.
If you I want to lose weight I find I have to last 20 hours of fasting and just eat in the evening. I can't do that on a working day though.
Did you see a dietician Wrighty?
I hover around 95 to 100 kg at 6'1", was a whippet in younger days, played wing/centre and always struggled to put on weight. Turned 40 and ballooned up, only thing keeping me under 100kg is substituting food with smoking. I reckon when I have my first heart attack I can cut out the chips and beer and drop 10kg pretty easily. Until then I'm not worried about it, the stress of dieting could kill me. My advice Wrighty, smoke yerslef thinner.
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