It is a muscular organ

...if you lose muscle mass your heart is affected..guaranteed....I was that soldier
Like I said Cyrille, avocado is an
exceptionally nutritious fruit...however it has a heavy oil, and not good for a weight watcher...just to explain Cyrille...not every lady or jellybean needs to be a weight watcher...which I have already said as well.
My dietician has prescribed a half a cup of boiled white rice per day. An Asian would scoff twice that in a snack.
Asians have spent 5000 years evolving with rice as a staple part of their diet.
5000 years ago our European ancestors were living in caves, eating what they could scavenge from latrine areas and the odd wild animal they managed to catch.
So white guys have evolved slightly differently.
The reason I have to be careful, as I have said, it is am prediabetic and have an issue with simple carbohydrates...white rice is a simple carbohydrate.
Our ancestors got meat when they could catch a wild animal, which wasn't every day.
They didn't have refrigerators to store it either.
As humans got more domesticated they kept poultry for meat and eggs.
They certainly did not have Maccas and KFC down on the corner loaded with salt and sugar.