Social 🍎 A Weighty Issue

- the best exercise is the exercise you will do. Walking, weights, cycling. Whatever it is, you don't need to follow advise on what's the best exercise for weight loss. I Fucken hate running and I'm a small dude.
This right here!

At my heaviest I was 115kg and lost weight down to 74kg for a bodybuilding show - something I never thought I could do. My biggest lesson is that I often got caught up in what was ‘best’ for weight loss that it prevented me from starting in earnest. Ultimately it ended up being that going for a walk outside (combined with weight training) with an audiobook or podcast that accelerated my progress as it was low stress to my body and mind.

This right here!

At my heaviest I was 115kg and lost weight down to 74kg for a bodybuilding show - something I never thought I could do. My biggest lesson is that I often got caught up in what was ‘best’ for weight loss that it prevented me from starting in earnest. Ultimately it ended up being that going for a walk outside (combined with weight training) with an audiobook or podcast that accelerated my progress as it was low stress to my body and mind.
Same with food. All these articles about what's best to eat and what's the best diet.

If you aren't willing to eat the food for a sustained long period of time then it's no good.

For me, I learnt a lot from calorie counting. I learnt a lot about the nutrition of foods and not just how many calories it has.
The new life style is about to be put to the ultimate test.
Its easy following all the rules at home. Dont drink, avoid sugar, no carbs etc.
But now to see how hard it will be staying at someone elses house, eating out nightly and watching the warriors smash the broncos .

I may not make it, best pray for me. And pass me the water bottle , with rum???? no not that, its better with ice
Fuck. I get you. Its sad as fuck waiting for a phone call to say X has died. (im getting a few of those lately but all suicide, another topiuc)

Alcohol is obvious a major issue. but its also the 3 things combined;

Poor diet + alcohol + sedentary lifestyle = obesity + d2
Sedentary lifestyle the biggest.
Technology and all that. But to exercise when it's not necessity takes some willpower... now if your forced to walk or chop wood w/e it's much less an issue imo..
The new life style is about to be put to the ultimate test.
Its easy following all the rules at home. Dont drink, avoid sugar, no carbs etc.
But now to see how hard it will be staying at someone elses house, eating out nightly and watching the warriors smash the broncos .

I may not make it, best pray for me. And pass me the water bottle , with rum???? no not that, its better with ice
Progress is not linear. And enjoying yourself is also healthy. Its the strength to balance both. *Havent been to the gym in a month
The new life style is about to be put to the ultimate test.
Its easy following all the rules at home. Dont drink, avoid sugar, no carbs etc.
But now to see how hard it will be staying at someone elses house, eating out nightly and watching the warriors smash the broncos .

I may not make it, best pray for me. And pass me the water bottle , with rum???? no not that, its better with ice
We found the best thing to do was always look for whatever the healthiest opinions are. Treat as a few cheat days and then back into the clean as soon as you can.
We found the best thing to do was always look for whatever the healthiest opinions are. Treat as a few cheat days and then back into the clean as soon as you can.
yea have been out for a couple of meals, and normally find something on the menu. The worst place to go so far was to the V8s at sandown over the weekend. The food was crap and that was only eating a chicken-salad wrap the whole time. Honestly after seeing my sugars i think i shoulda had chips and a dagwood dog.
This sounds really backwards but in terms of what others think or say to you, you’re able to fall back on your sugar levels. When S and I lost our weight, I’d hear from people that it’s okay to eat whatever with them then while they wouldn’t with Shayleen when they knew it was the last part of her recovery from her pervious round with cancer.
This sounds really backwards but in terms of what others think or say to you, you’re able to fall back on your sugar levels. When S and I lost our weight, I’d hear from people that it’s okay to eat whatever with them then while they wouldn’t with Shayleen when they knew it was the last part of her recovery from her pervious round with cancer.
ive made it a habit to test 3 times a day. The numbers going up always gives me a scare and a reason to focus on getting them down again. My results after going to sandown were the worst i have had since my initial diagnosis, but this morning were back to normal.
I figure they stuffed the garlic sauce with sugar or something.
So i'll just keep doing it in QLd for the week were there and try and behave myself.
Plus im quite ok with telling people im a diabetic now and asking for special treatment when paying for food. Like u say using that health, not just diet excuse to encourage good behaviour.
ive made it a habit to test 3 times a day. The numbers going up always gives me a scare and a reason to focus on getting them down again. My results after going to sandown were the worst i have had since my initial diagnosis, but this morning were back to normal.
I figure they stuffed the garlic sauce with sugar or something.
So i'll just keep doing it in QLd for the week were there and try and behave myself.
Plus im quite ok with telling people im a diabetic now and asking for special treatment when paying for food. Like u say using that health, not just diet excuse to encourage good behaviour.
Can you ‘feel’ when you have high sugar levels? Do high levels affect you physically or mentally?
ive made it a habit to test 3 times a day. The numbers going up always gives me a scare and a reason to focus on getting them down again. My results after going to sandown were the worst i have had since my initial diagnosis, but this morning were back to normal.
I figure they stuffed the garlic sauce with sugar or something.
So i'll just keep doing it in QLd for the week were there and try and behave myself.
Plus im quite ok with telling people im a diabetic now and asking for special treatment when paying for food. Like u say using that health, not just diet excuse to encourage good behaviour.
Do you have the tag on your arm? My friend is type 1 and he said it changed his life. Always monitoring and no more pricking.
Can you ‘feel’ when you have high sugar levels? Do high levels affect you physically or mentally?
not high levels, probably hasnt happened enough yet, but i can tell you when they drop to 5 or below. i can get sleepy and grumpy I can even get the shakes, however that is becoming way less common when i hit those levels, so its probably as my body adjusts to having so much less sugar in it.

For the first month around 2-3 in the afternoon i would crash - like i had just run a marathon. Thats not happening anymore and i have never dropped below 4 so im not in danger of needing insulin.
Do you have the tag on your arm? My friend is type 1 and he said it changed his life. Always monitoring and no more pricking.
No, ive been told its not necessary. I dont even have to test as often as i do, but i find its been invaluable in teaching me what works, when and how often to eat.
Its also a security blanket to show im doing good and following the program. Its only been months for me so this sort of aid is really useful.
hope i never get bad enough to have to have constant monitoring, however my poor fingers would disagree.
always remember they did a study of the most unhealthy takeaways and the winner really surprised me.
I thought for sure it would be KFC
Nope it was ---- Pizza

Can't touch pizza now, due to the bread component. Am not supposed to eat KFC, but its not as bad as many other fast foods for me. Though god know how much sugar is in the secret herbs and spices, the amount of bread they put over it is no different to alot of the fish i like.
They put sugar in everything to make it addictive...and in Indian curry as well...and in Subway :eek:
yea have been out for a couple of meals, and normally find something on the menu. The worst place to go so far was to the V8s at sandown over the weekend. The food was crap and that was only eating a chicken-salad wrap the whole time. Honestly after seeing my sugars i think i shoulda had chips and a dagwood dog.
You mean worse than MSS? :eek:
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