Social 🍎 A Weighty Issue

Honestly the food i miss the most is the fruit.
Mate, I am allowed one piece of fruit a day. :(
I cheat by having a two large grapefruit, because they have a lot less sugar and a low gi.
I haven't started doing blood tests but check my weight regularly. I pick up spikes that way.
Sugar is just a no no.

The cost of healthy food is an issue in Nz compared to Aus .
Heyzeuss yes, especially for Polynesian people.
They are genetically programmed for diabetes.
KFC is a combination of fat and carbohydrates over the chicken. That is just dynamite, especially with a coke extra.
I had some with the family last night to be social, my weight spiked overnight.
Junk food is so cheap
I have limited option when driving
Chicken Royale burger at hungry jacks $3.50 junk but a lesser type of bad
Fish and chips in Auck is much cheaper than Aus

Yeah my Polynesian kiwi s coming out of that broncos game fark the two Māori ladies sitting in the bus out had legs bigger than an all black prop
Are you in Aus or Aotearoa?
In Aus that national diabetes body organises exercise classes
My grandkids gran on the other side has d2 and reckons the classes really help

The cost of healthy food is an issue in Nz compared to Aus .
yea in Melb. Your right the cost of food is through the roof, but at least i can get it. I would hate to be in a small town where the selection is non-existent.

I hadnt heard about the exercise classes, i will have to look into it.
Junk food is so cheap
I have limited option when driving
Chicken Royale burger at hungry jacks $3.50 junk but a lesser type of bad
Fish and chips in Auck is much cheaper than Aus

Yeah my Polynesian kiwi s coming out of that broncos game fark the two Māori ladies sitting in the bus out had legs bigger than an all black prop
many years ago when i still watched reality TV, i remember one of the coaches on a reality modelling show where they all got sent to some asian country who wouldnt eat the food telling the girls. Go to Maccas, get two burgers. Throw away the bread. Do not get a coke and chips. If thats all you can get thats what u eat.
Now thats me. A supermodel diet without the supermodel looks.

But seriously Junk food is so addictive, not because of taste but because of price.
Junk food is so cheap
I have limited option when driving
Chicken Royale burger at hungry jacks $3.50 junk but a lesser type of bad
Fish and chips in Auck is much cheaper than Aus

Yeah my Polynesian kiwi s coming out of that broncos game fark the two Māori ladies sitting in the bus out had legs bigger than an all black prop
The Merkin fast food outfits put sugar in everything...especially buns.
I had a Big Mac this morning. The Titans won so the local maccas franchise offers up a free Big Mac to titans members on presentation of game ticket
Tasted ok
But I was still hungry after I had it
They must put an additive in it to make you eat more
Was my first Macca s for a year bar couple of McMuffins all these sins committed while driving a community transport min bus
where they all got sent to some asian country who wouldnt eat the food
I have mates like that...crazy...nothing wrong with Asian street food...and there is an obvious reason for that....pad thai from a street vendor after a night on th piss in Bangkok...priceless!!!
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But I was still hungry after I had it
Over 1000 calories of your daily 2000. You still feel hungry because there is no fibre, heaps of sugar, and the meat is so full of preservtive your body cannot process it.

I had a mate once eat three big Macs in a sitting, and was still hungry...he is now obese as
is 6 inch sunway tuna whole meal bread ok to have for a close to diabetic im 160 blood sugar my dr told me im pre diabetic so change fast food and lose weight back to the question re subway I'm 76 age
Really I think that if you are pre diabetic, research what will dial back your levels slowly and in moderation. Knowing what's in your food is important to inform your choices.
I had a Big Mac this morning. The Titans won so the local maccas franchise offers up a free Big Mac to titans members on presentation of game ticket
Tasted ok
But I was still hungry after I had it
They must put an additive in it to make you eat more
Was my first Macca s for a year bar couple of McMuffins all these sins committed while driving a community transport min bus
McDonald's makes their money selling units of cheap nutrient free addictive "imitation" food.

My children have not missed Macca's as we subsidise it by making burgers from actual meat that was a cow not too many steps ago. We also deep fry par boiled then dried potato chips. Not everything has to be fat free. Just don't "deep fry roll it in sugar dip it in chocolate stuff it in a chicken and put it on a pizza smothered in 8 different cheeses" everything you eat.

Food has digressed and lots of what's on offer is rubbish. All the best
The other thing I eat oat cereal for breakfast with a handful of mixed raw nuts.
Keeps me going for hours
And if I m not working main meal is lunch dinner smaller
Oats / Porridge is great for breakfast. It is my main go to.

You will see occasionally low carb people pushing bacon and eggs for breakfast over traditional things like porridge. Porridge is full of fibre which is great for you.

Another thing I've been hearing recently is starting your day with protein as the first thing you eat (whatever it is) really makes a difference to all the glucose spikes and whatever throughout the day, so may help reduce the lulls.

Haven't really tested this myself much, but something to consider.
Protein is the best thing to base your diet around. It fills you up. A big piece of meat etc.

I try and eat a lot of protein and a lot of vegetables. Try and eliminate as much processed foods as possible.
is 6 inch sunway tuna whole meal bread ok to have for a close to diabetic im 160 blood sugar my dr told me im pre diabetic so change fast food and lose weight back to the question re subway I'm 76 age
I personally think their bread is no good, better to have real sourdough, or real wholegrain/seeded bread, stuff with real guts to it
I haven't had McDonalds since about 2009. That was just due to it being the only option and I was hungry after going to the gym and having to drive with my wife to drop her mother off out of town. Before that the last time I had it was 1999.

I haven't had KFC since 1999. I used to love their works burgers I thing it was with the pineapple.

Those two were easy to eliminate. Burger King and Wendy's (keep the sponsors happy) have been a bit harder. Found since I move to a big city and burgers from various franchises (Burger Fuel etc) are easy to get that I've developed a love of burgers. Become more regular compared to living in a small town where you'd need to drive to another town to get it.

My biggest weakness is still lollies.

After a health issue a few years ago I cleaned up my diet, eliminated all processed food. I was pretty much living off.

Breakfast - porridge
Lunch - Sandwich or chicken salad
Dinner - egg white omelette and vegetables

I was pretty much eating separately from my family. The same thing everyday isn't ideal as it is imbalanced and hard to stick to. But the rigidness helps with the first part getting the weight down.

I can ease off a bit now.

My lunch is still similar. Mainly as I like the structure of meal prepping. Sunday I prep my lunch for Monday, Tuesday. Tuesday night I prep for Wednesday, Thursday. Thursday night I prep for Friday.
My main go to for take out is Nando's.

I don't go for anything fancy just the burgers or pita's. End up taking out the tomato and mayonaise. The tomato is due to not liking them the mayonnaise is more a preference. So it ends up as just the meant and lettuce.

I might treat myself with a combo as I like they chips. The last few years most fizzy drinks are typically been sugar free so if I get a drink I might have a few sips before taking home for the kids.

I get teased at work as if I go away for work my invoices are typically just Pita Pit and Nando's. I might treat myself to Lone Star at the end of the trip.

One colleague occasionally brings up how I made them all walk across Wellington to get to Nando's.

Going away in a few days and my boss has already mentioned "I'm guessing lunch on Wednesday and Thursday is decided".
I haven't had McDonalds since about 2009. That was just due to it being the only option and I was hungry after going to the gym and having to drive with my wife to drop her mother off out of town. Before that the last time I had it was 1999.

I haven't had KFC since 1999. I used to love their works burgers I thing it was with the pineapple.

Those two were easy to eliminate. Burger King and Wendy's (keep the sponsors happy) have been a bit harder. Found since I move to a big city and burgers from various franchises (Burger Fuel etc) are easy to get that I've developed a love of burgers. Become more regular compared to living in a small town where you'd need to drive to another town to get it.

My biggest weakness is still lollies.

After a health issue a few years ago I cleaned up my diet, eliminated all processed food. I was pretty much living off.

Breakfast - porridge
Lunch - Sandwich or chicken salad
Dinner - egg white omelette and vegetables

I was pretty much eating separately from my family. The same thing everyday isn't ideal as it is imbalanced and hard to stick to. But the rigidness helps with the first part getting the weight down.

I can ease off a bit now.

My lunch is still similar. Mainly as I like the structure of meal prepping. Sunday I prep my lunch for Monday, Tuesday. Tuesday night I prep for Wednesday, Thursday. Thursday night I prep for Friday.
That's some great prep right there. Being organised and prepped is half the battle.

Oats for breakfast, usually porridge when it's cold, or natural muesli when it's warm, both served with greek yogurt and fruit.
Lunch quite often leftovers
Dinner, mix it up but healthy, don't eat much rice or pasta but if I do it's brown rice and wholemeal pasta, lean protein and vege

But also have treats now and again. Love hot chips, devil's food 😂
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