Current Affairs 🌡️ Weather / climate change

On a very small scale, one thing I have noticed in my everyday existence is the introduction of pests. We maintain a small domestic orchard, have done for 11 years. When we started, we just pruned, the trees fruited and we had plenty. Then we got codling moth, which we fought until we decided to remove the apple and pear trees because it was beating us and the effort wasn't worth it.
Then we got guava moth, which has attacked the plums and citrus and feigoas. That parasite was not here, nor was myrtle rust.
At the same time we have seen climatic conditions change, not the winterless north anymore. Huge variance in sea temperatures from year to year ( I'm a fisherman so I note water temps ). Very hard to predict what is happening based on previous years.
For commercial growers, they must use ever increasing pesticides and herbicides to keep above the new problems and we will ingest some of those.

Pests and pandemics are a big problem with climate change.

You wonder what would have happened had New Zealand experienced the big flood during the height of the Covid outbreak, piling those two issues on top of one another would be catastrophic.

When these weather events are more frequent and the next pandemic hits....I wonder how people like Wiz think services will cope with two big problems at once, well I guess they would just have to get on and get stuck in, but the real problem is how to do this long term when the balance is out of kilter and perennial crop failure is thrown into the mix.

Our one advantage is our isolation, it is harder for boat people to get here, yet on the flip side, because we are small and far away, should a desperate nation decide to invade this country - in the context of global melt down - there is no way our allies would be able to come to the rescue, given they will need to use their might to defend their own coastlines and deal with their own internal strife.

That is dramatic. So lets just talk practicalities and extremely likely scenarios.

Extremely likely we have a lot of flooding in New Zealand for the next decades, and extremely likely we see our agricultural industry heavily impacted by climate change.

And it is fact that climate change walks along side things like pandemics. When you upset natural systems you get disease outbreak, we know this for certain.

As for temperature fluctuations in the Ocean, that is a big problem if the food chain gets upset and our usual marine creatures change their behavior radically or just piss off elsewhere and or die.

Pests and pandemics are a big problem with climate change.

You wonder what would have happened had New Zealand experienced the big flood during the height of the Covid outbreak, piling those two issues on top of one another would be catastrophic.

When these weather events are more frequent and the next pandemic hits....I wonder how people like Wiz think services will cope with two big problems at once, well I guess they would just have to get on and get stuck in, but the real problem is how to do this long term when the balance is out of kilter and perennial crop failure is thrown into the mix.

Our one advantage is our isolation, it is harder for boat people to get here, yet on the flip side, because we are small and far away, should a desperate nation decide to invade this country - in the context of global melt down - there is no way our allies would be able to come to the rescue, given they will need to use their might to defend their own coastlines and deal with their own internal strife.

That is dramatic. So lets just talk practicalities and extremely likely scenarios.

Extremely likely we have a lot of flooding in New Zealand for the next decades, and extremely likely we see our agricultural industry heavily impacted by climate change.

And it is fact that climate change walks along side things like pandemics. When you upset natural systems you get disease outbreak, we know this for certain.

As for temperature fluctuations in the Ocean, that is a big problem if the food chain gets upset and our usual marine creatures change their behavior radically or just piss off elsewhere and or die.
Excellent post. I hadn't thought about a pandemic and climatic disaster hitting at once but it is very likely at some point soon. We wouldn't cope as a country, some individuals would. I think I'll prepare for it now, without being paranoid, just take a few precautions like making sure I can feed myself and a few others for at least a few weeks and have a method of scavenging food, fishing, even if it is against the regulations.
Yes we’ve been impacted. I don’t think they are game changers yet.

This will play out slowly where our economic muscle will keep ahead of it for a long time. Capitalism will direct resources where it’s most effectively needed.

I do think there will be a tipping point in 20-50 years in the future where the entire planet decided it’s a real threat to democracy and only then in almost a war type effort the world will unite and react.

Will it be too late? Only to the effect that our normal won’t be the future normal.
Did you watch that Sabine Hossenfelder vid Wiz? She says if the projection is correct we won't go extinct but billions will starve, do we pull up the ladder and say fuck off and die, or take them in, provided NZ is still a viable country? You don't seem very worried, don't you believe her?
Did you watch that Sabine Hossenfelder vid Wiz? She says if the projection is correct we won't go extinct but billions will starve, do we pull up the ladder and say fuck off and die, or take them in, provided NZ is still a viable country? You don't seem very worried, don't you believe her?
Did I imagine seeing it, but didn’t the leader of Kiribati try to buy Stewart island and a small part in Queensland but was rejected 5-10 years ago?
Did I imagine seeing it, but didn’t the leader of Kiribati try to buy Stewart island and a small part in Queensland but was rejected 5-10 years ago?
Never heard that, I think they bought land somewhere in Fiji. I do remember climate change deniers saying the sea level wasn't rising, Kiribati was just sinking. Think it was Leighton Smith before he got cancelled.
Did you watch that Sabine Hossenfelder vid Wiz? She says if the projection is correct we won't go extinct but billions will starve, do we pull up the ladder and say fuck off and die, or take them in, provided NZ is still a viable country? You don't seem very worried, don't you believe her?
Don’t have time to watch videos.

We’re all irrelevant though to the cause though. It’s only when China and the US take it seriously that we will combat climate change.

Billions will starve? Aren’t billions in Africa already starving and have been since forever? There’s always been a ladder which we’re lucky to be at the top of.
Don’t have time to watch videos.

We’re all irrelevant though to the cause though. It’s only when China and the US take it seriously that we will combat climate change.

Billions will starve? Aren’t billions in Africa already starving and have been since forever? There’s always been a ladder which we’re lucky to be at the top of.
Not on the scale she's talking about. Yeah NZ can't do much about it, but we'll be profoundly affected if it's true.

It's like you never even listened to We Are The World
Blind guy leading the blind and a child molester telling us how we should live?

I’m more inspired by the matrix and terminator movies and the AI threat!

As long as we stay at the top of the ladder we can let the US and China be responsible for how much they pull it up.
Tbf he saved a lot of starving children when he wasn't molesting them. I dread to think of the horrors Bubbles had to witness.
I believe climate change is real but we will adapt (probably at great cost) and roll with the changes. I definitely don’t fear it, dealing with change is what separates humans from the chimps.
Some might find your opinion unpalatable but I don't think it's far off. We are already seeing scientists trying to find ways to adapt

Some might find your opinion unpalatable but I don't think it's far off. We are already seeing scientists trying to find ways to adapt

If we based our mindset on resilience the country (and us personally) would find that our outlook is a lot more positive.

The media made an actively decision to eased off the focus of a few years ago around climate change because it was depressing people (particularly kids).

It’s something as individuals we can’t do much about. If we focus on a problem where we can’t control a solution it can overawe us. Focus on resilience and mentally we have that control, confidence and positivity.

The world is full of negativity (world wars, AI killing us, nuclear weapons, climate change, covid, Y2K, starving Africans, etc). There’s a reason mental health, depression and suicide is so prevalent in our youth despite none of that really affecting us in our day to day lives.

Resilience over worry (for all things works) for me.
Some might find your opinion unpalatable but I don't think it's far off. We are already seeing scientists trying to find ways to adapt

Maybe the new apples trees won't need water. Or they can grow underwater.

Apples looking good to outlive our kids.

Moths will be happy.
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Bit surreal seeing an American News caster acting exactly like the Character in don't look up while talking with a New Zealand Climate Scientists.

The yank Auto Cue reader did a good job to avoid discussing climate, thank gawd for the average American I.Q. she knew to ask if the Ice looks pretty and why a scientist wanted to become a scientist 'Was it your childhood dream to be an archaeologist then you thought one day this is it!

Cue the Kiwi tried his best to ignore the question and continue to talk about climate.

No right wing Capitalists pigs egos were harmed by the mention of global warming in the filming of this interview.

Some might find your opinion unpalatable but I don't think it's far off. We are already seeing scientists trying to find ways to adapt

As an avid indoor grower, plants thrive at CO2 levels up to 1250ppm.

Also if you look, global food production is at record numbers..
Bit surreal seeing an American News caster acting exactly like the Character in don't look up while talking with a New Zealand Climate Scientists.

The yank Auto Cue reader did a good job to avoid discussing climate, thank gawd for the average American I.Q. she knew to ask if the Ice looks pretty and why a scientist wanted to become a scientist 'Was it your childhood dream to be an archaeologist then you thought one day this is it!

Cue the Kiwi tried his best to ignore the question and continue to talk about climate.

No right wing Capitalists pigs egos were harmed by the mention of global warming in the filming of this interview.


What the danger?

Climate scientists were completely wrong about the "rising sea level" in the Pacific, because they look at things insolation. The sea ice is expanding in the rest of Antartica, is that not a counter balance?
What the danger?

Climate scientists were completely wrong about the "rising sea level" in the Pacific, because they look at things insolation. The sea ice is expanding in the rest of Antartica, is that not a counter balance?

My post was about the way the American media treat existential threat issues. As for sea level rise, that is not what concerns me personally, hottest month on record or hottest year on record I can understand that when I walk outside.
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