Current Affairs đźŚˇď¸Ź Weather / climate change

There are conspiracy antiscience forums aplenty out there. This shouldn't be one of them.
Still can't answer the question? I have denied that the climate changes, I have questioned the agenda behind it.
There are conspiracy antiscience forums aplenty out there. This shouldn't be one of them.
Also stop gas lighting me with the conspiracy bullish, even your boy Bill Gates talks about weather manipulation to combat climate change. People have been able to manipulate weather since the 50s.
If you don't like my opinions don't read them and stay in your echo chamber.
There is some dumb shit in here eh.

Same people, same anti science conspiracy shit that ruined the other science threads.

Shame we cannot talk sanely about the continuum that natural global warming cycles vs man made climate change.

Pretty much kills any opportunities to speak to the real issues because of blackrock U.N. new world order paranoid delusions.

Hey free speech is one thing, but if you're endlessly dropping that shit in every thread page after page, while convincing no one....what's that called? It ain't free speech, it's something else.
Not conspiracy theory but the latest IPCC Assessment report (AR6) has stated that expressing CH4 emissions as the CO2 equivalent of GWP28 overstates the effect (of methane) on global surface temperature by a factor of 3-4. It has been 28 as far back as I can remember but I guess the science is changing and so are the goal posts.

Livestock Methane makes up around 40% of NZ's projected warming so getting the GWP right is critical to calculations and modeling for the future in this country.

With the new figure from the IPCC, which by the way was issued with AR6 in March this year, there should be an in depth look at what the ramifications are here for our primary industry.

Not a lot of action so far and very little in the MSM
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Also stop gas lighting me with the conspiracy bullish, even your boy Bill Gates talks about weather manipulation to combat climate change. People have been able to manipulate weather since the 50s.
If you don't like my opinions don't read them and stay in your echo chamber.
Blah blah. It's conspiracy bullshit. Man made climate change is real. It's happening, going to happen regardless of personal beliefs that have no basis in fact. Like I said, plenty of other forums other than this out there that will entertain fiction.
Wrong. See ya.
Still can't answer the question? I have denied that the climate changes, I have questioned the agenda behind it.
Maybe question the agenda that wants to disrupt actual science and spread lies. Likewise covid and all it's deniers. And the anti vaxxers. All from the same flavour of darwinism and the far right. How about questioning that?

What's your agenda? Actually, not interested tbh. Just cut out the bullshit
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Think it is always important to not take what is being said without a healthy dose of scepticism and definitely look closer if it doesn’t pass the smell test. However people tend to selectively back what suits their own narrative and throw out what doesn’t.
Now I can concede I’m not smart enough to fully understand all of the science but there are a few points that I do question;
Yes I can concede Humans have a negative impact on the environment and we have likely accelerated what occurs naturally, I am unsure wether it is at the scale some say. We should be looking at ways we can reduce our impact but we need to maturely and realistically look at how we can achieve this.
Throwing money in penalties and taxes without that money going directly to solving the problem is pointless, as is a country such as NZ or Aus going all in and severely damaging their economies when they are a drop in the ocean compared to the biggest culprits such as China etc do nothing and maintain a competitive advantage.
Think the planet is more resilient than we realise, we saw periods over covid where the areas bounced back quicker than anticipated, the planet is equipped to deal with natural events eg Volcanic eruptions that do far more damage than man does.
In summary let’s move towards environmentally better sustainable solutions that don’t or have minimal adverse effects to our way of life and instead of financially punishing the average person offer financial incentives to move in that direction.
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The amount of space humans are taking up on the planet will no doubt have an impact on the environment. Less natural habitat as we build our living areas filled with concrete and open spaces,

Then all of our travel we do wouldn't be great. Both the large-scale and the daily commute. I recall there was some articles during covid on the difference the halt in air travel made. In my opinion travel and communication being easier has probably helped in other areas. You get to experience other cultures and communicate with people around the world. Imagine if communication and travel was like it was around WW2 or even after. Now everyone is likely communicating with people from various parts of the world and realise they may see things the same as you or if they do see things differently it can lead to healthy debate and learning.

No doubt humans have impacted the planet. What I don't like is the current trend of every weather event being attributed to climate change. It gets like the boy that cried wolf sometimes.

A year or two back a journalist in the States asked a meteorologist about the impact of climate change on with these hurricanes.
The meteorologist responded he'll get to climate change in a minute but these hurricanes is caused by ...............
Again he gets asked about climate change on these hurricanes.
The response was nothing. It is hurricane season in Florida.
The amount of space humans are taking up on the planet will no doubt have an impact on the environment. Less natural habitat as we build our living areas filled with concrete and open spaces,

Then all of our travel we do wouldn't be great. Both the large-scale and the daily commute. I recall there was some articles during covid on the difference the halt in air travel made. In my opinion travel and communication being easier has probably helped in other areas. You get to experience other cultures and communicate with people around the world. Imagine if communication and travel was like it was around WW2 or even after. Now everyone is likely communicating with people from various parts of the world and realise they may see things the same as you or if they do see things differently it can lead to healthy debate and learning.

No doubt humans have impacted the planet. What I don't like is the current trend of every weather event being attributed to climate change. It gets like the boy that cried wolf sometimes.

A year or two back a journalist in the States asked a meteorologist about the impact of climateAll I know is that the climate has changed in my life time and that the facts are, we are seeing constant records being broken since records began. change on with these hurricanes.
The meteorologist responded he'll get to climate change in a minute but these hurricanes is caused by ...............
Again he gets asked about climate change on these hurricanes.
The response was nothing. It is hurricane season in Florida.

I tend to leave the serious debate to the experts, and rather than cherry pick or try to make sense of complex science, I place trust in what I know for fact, the kinds of things I can see.

Man made climate change based off my own observations is real. I see my house flooding time and again when for decades it was not an issue, I read that the flood event is the worst ever, and I compare that to a long....very long....list of scientific data which proves that in my life time, extreme weather events are frequent, they are breaking records, from a century of record taking, and they are global. Not only that they are speeding up.

These are not just trends towards warming, these are by definition extremes, that is, they are unpredictable and not something that is trending in one arc as far as day to day weather measurement goes.

Is that enough to create a separation between climate trends from natural causes? well, each event in isolation is not enough, one smashed record on its own is an outlier....but the pattern that is emerging begs the question 'when are we going to act? what is the worst thing that could happen if we are wrong and there is nothing to worry about?

What is the worst thing that could happen if we are right about man made climate change? the answer to this one is simple, catastrophic extinction level events (because the earth has gone through multiple natural cycles that would end the human race were we around at that time, and some of these events were weather, and lasted ten million years) ergo the earths temperature is a delicate mechanism and is capable of unlivable extremes, with or without our interference..

So it makes me laugh when I read idiots saying they believe mankind can solve the problem with a technological solution.

Hey by all means try, no harm in trying, but yeah if man made climate change goes beyond the tipping point, this planet is too large and too complex for some NZWARRIORS posters ideals about a science fix to have any basis in reality.

I mean the other reason a techno fix to a run away greenhouse disaster is laughable, is that with all our science and technology, we cannot even reliably predict with any precision where it is going to rain and at what feckn hour, rather we forecast a best guess.

One hundred thousand years ago there were five human species, it may be that Sapiens killed them off, it may be that Sapiens bred them out of existence.

Whatever, if only one of five survives today, then people should think long and hard about what the says about our own vulnerabilities.

Our Weapons stockpiles cannot prevent our extinction from extreme weather despite what Trump said about Nuking a hurricane.
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I tend to leave the serious debate to the experts, and rather than cherry pick or try to make sense of complex science, I place trust in what I know for fact, the kinds of things I can see.

Man made climate change based off my own observations is real. I see my house flooding time and again when for decades it was not an issue, I read that the flood event is the worst ever, and I compare that to a long....very long....list of scientific data which proves that in my life time, extreme weather events are frequent, they are breaking records, from a century of record taking, and they are global. Not only that they are speeding up.

These are not just trends towards warming, these are by definition extremes, that is, they are unpredictable and not something that is trending in one arc as far as day to day weather measurement goes.

Is that enough to create a separation between climate trends from natural causes? well, each event in isolation is not enough, one smashed record on its own is an outlier....but the pattern that is emerging begs the question 'when are we going to act? what is the worst thing that could happen if we are wrong and there is nothing to worry about?

What is the worst thing that could happen if we are right about man made climate change? the answer to this one is simple, catastrophic extinction level events (because the earth has gone through multiple natural cycles that would end the human race were we around at that time, and some of these events were weather, and lasted ten million years) ergo the earths temperature is a delicate mechanism and is capable of unlivable extremes, with or without our interference..

So it makes me laugh when I read idiots saying they believe mankind can solve the problem with a technological solution.

Hey by all means try, no harm in trying, but yeah if man made climate change goes beyond the tipping point, this planet is too large and too complex for some NZWARRIORS posters ideals about a science fix to have any basis in reality.

I mean the other reason a techno fix to a run away greenhouse disaster is laughable, is that with all our science and technology, we cannot even reliably predict with any precision where it is going to rain and at what feckn hour, rather we forecast a best guess.

One hundred thousand years ago there were five human species, it may be that Sapiens killed them off, it may be that Sapiens bred them out of existence.

Whatever, if only one of five survives today, then people should think long and hard about what the says about our own vulnerabilities.

Our Weapons stockpiles cannot prevent our extinction from extreme weather despite what Trump said about Nuking a hurricane.
While I agree with most of what you've written, a number of the flooding events have been compounded by infill housing where we've increased the amount of impermeable surface catchment areas (roofs, paving, roading etc) without sufficient increase in the drainage systems to cope with the additional water. I saw a few months ago that the 100-year rain event calculations show the volume of rain hasn't increased to the same extent as the amount of flooding (with last January being the exception in isolated areas. Part of it as well is WaterCare reducing it's maintenance budget meaning that the same volume of water as what a system could previously cope with not can't.

Part of it is also due to just some absolute dumb design. Take Auckland Airport for example. Surface runoff from the carparks should have been designed to rain through manmade course/flowpaths to the Harbour.... as nature intended. Instead, terminals and other buildings were placed where the flowpaths should have been.
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A good indication of the amount of rainfall we had in 2023 is the lakes around Rotorua. They all really high.

Lake Rotoma the one I am most familiar with they had to close off part of it as the water had gone over the beach into the toilets. The part of the lake by the road use to be road, dirt, shrubbery, sand, lake. Now it is just road the lake. Early in 2023 we would drive back to Auckland and notice trees or picnic tables or various parts that weren't typically under water were poking out from the water. Later in the year they were not visible. Also noticed people with houses close to the water were flooded. One on the other side of the road had to pump water out from their property.

I was trying to show a workmate a few weeks ago and found articles from 2011 that the levels were the highest in history. Back in 2011 it was barely noticeable.

Where I cycle around my home town I found a spot to hide if I need a pit stop. I noticed some signs about a walk to a lake. I scoffed as I could never remember a lake around there. Closer to town I noticed some people camping there the last few years. This year said there is a huge puddle there now. That has grown now to the cars/campervans needing to move and it now looks like a lake. There is a fence that has been there forever which is now underwater and about 10-20 metres in the lake.
I've been joking at work the last year when people ask if it might rain as they may ride home as not to get wet and work from home.

My response was always. It is 2023 so yes.

We kept hearing how the weather pattern would change for summer and we'd get a dry windy summer. December still felt like 2023. January 1st I wake up and can hear the wind. Open up the curtains and it was blue skies and a heavy wind.

It was like a switch was flicked.
I've been joking at work the last year when people ask if it might rain as they may ride home as not to get wet and work from home.

My response was always. It is 2023 so yes.

We kept hearing how the weather pattern would change for summer and we'd get a dry windy summer. December still felt like 2023. January 1st I wake up and can hear the wind. Open up the curtains and it was blue skies and a heavy wind.

It was like a switch was flicked.
Summer 2023 was atrocious. Winter wasn’t to mild but the lakes around Rotorua just haven’t dropped! So much retained moisture in the surrounding areas still flowing into them even without as much rain.

We have a property near Lake Rotorua with open drains around the exterior. The lake level is so high the drains haven’t lowered enough to be empty with water still sitting in them mid summer at lake level.
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Summer 2023 was atrocious. Winter wasn’t to mild but the lakes around Rotorua just haven’t dropped! So much retained moisture in the surrounding areas still flowing into them even without as much rain.

We have a property near Lake Rotorua with open drains around the exterior. The lake level is so high the drains haven’t lowered enough to be empty with water still sitting in them mid summer at lake level.
Rotama and Rotoehu don't have river outlets. I was reminded recently when I was young there was an island in the middle.

I think there is a link between those two lakes. That was mentioned at my uncles funeral years ago as you could get between them in boats. It is also mentioned kinds of in this video in that if they take the water out of Rotoma. Rotoehu would then rise.

This video has the impact on the camp ground which is now gone. The fish getting disorientated is bit out there.

This video from 2012 discusses the lake level being the highest.

The parts where they say few weeks ago these plants weren't under water. Now where she is standing would be underwater.

At the end where the lady is in the water by the beach. That beach is gone.

The level now is insane compared to that. During the year we were speculating when we come down in a few weeks to get the kids would the area be closed as the water has gone over the road.

Does anyone have solar panels on their roof? Was thinking about getting some for our house seeing as the banks have interest free or 1% loans for it and the north facing part of the roof is pretty big and gets all day sun. Wasn't going to go for batteries, just solar panels and any extra electricity gets fed back in to the system.

Anyone have any advice, pitfalls, reccomendations?
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Does anyone have solar panels on their roof? Was thinking about getting some for our house seeing as the banks have interest free or 1% loans for it and the north facing part of the roof is pretty big and gets all day sun. Wasn't going to go for batteries, just solar panels and any extra electricity gets fed back in to the system.

Anyone have any advice, pitfalls, reccomendations?
I have one .No pitfalls .Only positives.Get the largest/most you can afford
Does anyone have solar panels on their roof? Was thinking about getting some for our house seeing as the banks have interest free or 1% loans for it and the north facing part of the roof is pretty big and gets all day sun. Wasn't going to go for batteries, just solar panels and any extra electricity gets fed back in to the system.

Anyone have any advice, pitfalls, reccomendations?
Buy - don't rent.
