Current Affairs šŸŒ”ļø Weather / climate change

Mediocre academics strikes again. Ideologue with an excel spreadsheet. These people arenā€™t scientists, they are statisticians.

DƔithƭ Stone
Climate Scientist
My research interests focus around the detection and attribution of climate change and of its effects on human and natural systems. Essentially this means trying to figure out whether and by how much human activities are causing various aspects of the climate system to change
I agree MFW, no one should be surprised when a person that has a job because of the CC fairy tale says "oooh climate change" in response a storm. Them, the media, the dick head pollies all have the view that everything about climate change is bad and that everything bad that happens is due to clmate change. Nothing could be less scientific.
you also can not fail to notice it is always us that needs to change not them.
Climate change isn't bad for the Earth, it's bad for humans.

Climate change is a real thing but too many people are up in arms saying we have to change this change that, and we have to change now! What some of you may not know is that average temperature changes of 1-2 degrees have big impacts on weather, plants and animals.

We're always going to be producing/consuming stuff. We can't change stuff that will ultimately sacrifice our economy. We can't just half dairy for example or immediately move straight to renewable energy.
Mediocre academics strikes again. Ideologue with an excel spreadsheet. These people arenā€™t scientists, they are statisticians.

DƔithƭ Stone
Climate Scientist
My research interests focus around the detection and attribution of climate change and of its effects on human and natural systems. Essentially this means trying to figure out whether and by how much human activities are causing various aspects of the climate system to change
Ah yes a scientist with a doctorate who specializes in climate change effects working for a government agency can't compete with your random internet dude for relevance and credibility in this day and age.
Ah yes a scientist with a doctorate who specializes in climate change effects working for a government agency can't compete with your random internet dude for relevance and credibility in this day and age.
The ā€œrandom internet dudeā€ I posted is an MIT physicist who used to be the IPCC lead.
And a doctorate? This lady has one too since you want to appeal to authorityā€¦


Dunno about that guy but his feed has some pretty interesting people with similar thoughts to him.
Has just made me more confused now.
Dunno what's real, there should be facts that everyone can agree on but even things like how strong hurricanes are and attributing storms is hard to wrap your hands around because people state different "facts" fit the same thing. Maybe it has always been this way but we were too naive to question the so called experts
question the so called experts
I personally believe modern science has been polluted by money and a lack of integrity. I read a great summation talking about the death of meritocracy in the education system and how it poisoned everything downstream. I have respect for real science but even you have to admit that getting lost in the noise.

I personally believe modern science has been polluted by money and a lack of integrity. I read a great summation talking about the death of meritocracy in the education system and how it poisoned everything downstream. I have respect for real science but even you have to admit that getting lost in the noise.

That's capitalisms fault too. You have money, you can make any results at all. This is a good listen

I'm glad I live in NZ where doctors don't get paid when they prescribe me medicine. They want to help rather than push an agenda.
That's capitalisms fault too. You have money, you can make any results at all. This is a good listen

I'm glad I live in NZ where doctors don't get paid when they prescribe me medicine. They want to help rather than push an agenda.

NZ GP's are average to useless mostly.
On the rare occasions when I do go they want to prescribe unnecessary drugs simply as a precaution based on my age and or dubious reading of a blood test result. I know their interpretation is badly flawed and based solely on thresholds that recommend prescribing drugs.
So I'm not sure there is not a kickback or loyalty reward system between doctors and drug companies. Many practices have a pharmacy as part of the enterprise which I believe is not there for patients convenience.
I had my busted shoulder fixed a year ago and had to answer the same questions many times over before surgery as I moved through the pre op stages. After answering all the questions, each time I had a senior nurse , doctor or anaethetist come see me and confirm I was on no meds.
They explained it was very rare to see anyone my age( mid 60's)not taking any form of medication and never having done so. As a side note, I am astounded at the number of folk my age on anti depressants, especially women.
NZ GP's are average to useless mostly.
On the rare occasions when I do go they want to prescribe unnecessary drugs simply as a precaution based on my age and or dubious reading of a blood test result. I know their interpretation is badly flawed and based solely on thresholds that recommend prescribing drugs.
So I'm not sure there is not a kickback or loyalty reward system between doctors and drug companies. Many practices have a pharmacy as part of the enterprise which I believe is not there for patients convenience.
I had my busted shoulder fixed a year ago and had to answer the same questions many times over before surgery as I moved through the pre op stages. After answering all the questions, each time I had a senior nurse , doctor or anaethetist come see me and confirm I was on no meds.
They explained it was very rare to see anyone my age( mid 60's)not taking any form of medication and never having done so. As a side note, I am astounded at the number of folk my age on anti depressants, especially women.
I do not doubt that your experience is true but it's anecdotal.

I can counter by saying I've been to the same doctor for years. They know me and I would say under prescribe.

If you're not on any meds then great! My dad has to take blood thinners due to high blood pressure sometimes. But that's his own fault for wanting to eat like a pig all the time.
I do not doubt that your experience is true but it's anecdotal.

I can counter by saying I've been to the same doctor for years. They know me and I would say under prescribe.

If you're not on any meds then great! My dad has to take blood thinners due to high blood pressure sometimes. But that's his own fault for wanting to eat like a pig all the time.
Of course, it is my experience.
You hit the nail on the head saying you have been to the same doctor for years and he knows you. I have had the same experience on three occasions but the doctors were all older than me and retired. They had a much different approach from the young doctors now who I have found to only want to prescribe and worse, have either no knowledge or consideration for side effects.
Regarding blood thinners, I think those are handed out like lollies at a fair. Most men I know my age are on them and it's for the same conditions, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I've been prescribed them because I fit the demographic but told the GP not to bother offering them again.
Of course, it is my experience.
You hit the nail on the head saying you have been to the same doctor for years and he knows you. I have had the same experience on three occasions but the doctors were all older than me and retired. They had a much different approach from the young doctors now who I have found to only want to prescribe and worse, have either no knowledge or consideration for side effects.
Regarding blood thinners, I think those are handed out like lollies at a fair. Most men I know my age are on them and it's for the same conditions, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I've been prescribed them because I fit the demographic but told the GP not to bother offering them again.
Yeah, Medication is a funny one as it effects people differently and there is no one size fits all. Everyone needs to be comfortable and know the risks of all medication.

I don't know if they are handed out like lollies as none of my uncles and aunties are on them and my grandparents weren't on them until they had a mild stroke.

edit: anyways, I think we've derailed this thread lmao
Yeah, Medication is a funny one as it effects people differently and there is no one size fits all. Everyone needs to be comfortable and know the risks of all medication.

I don't know if they are handed out like lollies as none of my uncles and aunties are on them and my grandparents weren't on them until they had a mild stroke.

edit: anyways, I think we've derailed this thread lmao
This should be renamed ā€˜working out the worlds problemsā€™ thread!

Pity no one outside the forum listens when we come up with all the solutions šŸ¤£
ā€˜Aucklandā€™s central city can get up to 3C hotterat night than other parts of the region because of an urban heat island effect, new data shows.

Research commissioned by Auckland Council also found big differences in temperature between locations just a few blocks from each other, with areas with lots of hard surfaces tending to record the highest average temperatures.ā€™

How much of the increased temperatures world wide can be attributed to hard surfaces, roads, roofing and removal of forests and wetlands which lower heat?
ā€˜Aucklandā€™s central city can get up to 3C hotterat night than other parts of the region because of an urban heat island effect, new data shows.

Research commissioned by Auckland Council also found big differences in temperature between locations just a few blocks from each other, with areas with lots of hard surfaces tending to record the highest average temperatures.ā€™

How much of the increased temperatures world wide can be attributed to hard surfaces, roads, roofing and removal of forests and wetlands which lower heat?
Man made climate change takes a twist. Concrete tax incoming.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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