Current Affairs đźŚˇď¸Ź Weather / climate change

The world cools and warms in cycles. There is no way we can stop it.
I believe in climate change because the climate does change. Look at the Earths history. I also believe that humans are warming the planet. But I don't believe politicians, taxes or EVs will fix it. It's all rhetoric. Cow farts cause global warming but 8.5 billion humans farting don't?
8 1/2 billion people are not a sustainable population for the Earth. One day we will be like a rodent plague and die off from lack of resources and the Earth will slowly reset. Or kill each other. We will end but the world will carry on.
It's a bleak outlook
The world cools and warms in cycles. There is no way we can stop it.
I believe in climate change because the climate does change. Look at the Earths history. I also believe that humans are warming the planet. But I don't believe politicians, taxes or EVs will fix it. It's all rhetoric. Cow farts cause global warming but 8.5 billion humans farting don't?
8 1/2 billion people are not a sustainable population for the Earth. One day we will be like a rodent plague and die off from lack of resources and the Earth will slowly reset. Or kill each other. We will end but the world will carry on.
It's a bleak outlook
The answer e hoa, is blowing in the wind.
If renewables (especially solar generation) are really the answer, there's a few questions which should be answered....
Why can't KiwiSaver funds be accessed in NZ to put in solar systems for owner/occupiers?
Why isn't a government agency buying "bulk" solar panels at a reduced rate per unit?
Why is installing a solar system in NZ for a rental property counted as a capital expense (i.e. non-tax deductible) and not a revenue expense (i.e. tax deductible) if the property is kept for more than 5 years after the system has been installed?
Why hasn't the law been changed to make power retailers pay a household supplying it with power the same as the spot rates they pay all other power generators.... instead of the minuscule amount they do pay per unit produced/suppied?
Why is NZ encouraging commercial solar farms without BESS units to insure consistent supply?
Why do the Greens actively oppose hydro generation?
Why, when it's better for the environment to burning clean coal to produce electricity to power EV's than running ICE vehicles, do the Green oppose the burning of coal until we become less reliant on it?
Why do we export our clean burning coal and leave it in the ground, to import less environmentally friendly gas and coal to produce power?

Simple answer to all off these questions... ideology is winning out over what is actually "best" for the planet.
If renewables (especially solar generation) are really the answer, there's a few questions which should be answered....
Why can't KiwiSaver funds be accessed in NZ to put in solar systems for owner/occupiers?
Why isn't a government agency buying "bulk" solar panels at a reduced rate per unit?
Why is installing a solar system in NZ for a rental property counted as a capital expense (i.e. non-tax deductible) and not a revenue expense (i.e. tax deductible) if the property is kept for more than 5 years after the system has been installed?
Why hasn't the law been changed to make power retailers pay a household supplying it with power the same as the spot rates they pay all other power generators.... instead of the minuscule amount they do pay per unit produced/suppied?
Why is NZ encouraging commercial solar farms without BESS units to insure consistent supply?
Why do the Greens actively oppose hydro generation?
Why, when it's better for the environment to burning clean coal to produce electricity to power EV's than running ICE vehicles, do the Green oppose the burning of coal until we become less reliant on it?
Why do we export our clean burning coal and leave it in the ground, to import less environmentally friendly gas and coal to produce power?

Simple answer to all off these questions... ideology is winning out over what is actually "best" for the planet.
Answer to the solar question is cannibalisation.

The more solar you add, the more of a glut you get, meaning for every MW of solar added, the value of all existing MW in the system goes down.

If you do build commercial solar then you have to either curtail the wasted power or hand off to industry. Problem is industry doesn’t like intermittent power, so you need to build gas to firm. Problem with that is if you use gas intermittently, it becomes very, very expensive.
Answer to the solar question is cannibalisation.

The more solar you add, the more of a glut you get, meaning for every MW of solar added, the value of all existing MW in the system goes down.

If you do build commercial solar then you have to either curtail the wasted power or hand off to industry. Problem is industry doesn’t like intermittent power, so you need to build gas to firm. Problem with that is if you use gas intermittently, it becomes very, very expensive.
And the power companies want power at peak demand when the systems under strain (6pm-10pm and 6-9am) whereas when solar produces power, nobodies at home and the power companies don’t need it.
And the power companies want power at peak demand when the systems under strain (6pm-10pm and 6-9am) whereas when solar produces power, nobodies at home and the power companies don’t need it.
Bingo which leads to convos around demand-shifting (forcing to cook at 9pm) or load-shedding (remotely switching your appliances off).

It’s just communism disguised as environmentalism
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