Current Affairs ⚔️ Ukraine - Russia War

Russia might claim Ukraine in some way facilitated IS getting in to Russia/getting weapons etc...?
They already have. They’ve cocked up massively here in not heading the intelligence warning the Americans gave them.

No doubt the resident Dick Barton’s will be along shortly to claim it’s all an American/UK plot
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The Ukrainian military has been degraded to a shadow of itself. So if they cannot confront the Russians militarily they will attack civilians and infrastructure. The Germans were caught discussing missile attacks in Crimea. French and UK military personnel are in UkrIne. Start negotiating, the Minsk accords kept the contested regions in Ukraine. Just give eth ic Russian Ukrainian citizens equal rights. Those talks were sabotaged by that buffoon Boris Johnston. Since then other votes in the regions affected, .mainly the Don ass and Crimea have been hugely pro Russian.

My idea, stop hostilities, negotiate an entity to oversee fresh elections that are binding. This whole mess was created by the Svit Unions border creation. Millions of Russians were suddenly in a different country after communism collapsed.
They already have. They’ve cocked up massively here in not heading the intelligence warning the Americans gave them.

No doubt the resident Dick Barton’s will be along shortly to claim it’s all an American/UK plot
John Kirby has already made an official statement that the US had no prior knowledge of this terrorist attack, despite the US embassy in Moscow warning 2 weeks ago for US citizens to stay away from large public gathering or spaces.
Without doubt the US had prior knowledge, they are so clever..
John Kirby has already made an official statement that the US had no prior knowledge of this terrorist attack, despite the US embassy in Moscow warning 2 weeks ago for US citizens to stay away from large public gathering or spaces.
Without doubt the US had prior knowledge, they are so clever..
Did the West rally warn Russia? I mean they told the media they did…
Did the West rally warn Russia? I mean they told the media they did…
I find this whole thing really bizarre. Why would the US tell a country one of their allies is fighting, and who they are providing a huge amount of weapons and arms to, that there would be an attack coming? If, and that’s a big IF, the Americans knew about it, and if, and again that’s a big IF, they shared the intelligence with the Russians, why?

The only reason I can think of that they would was to make sure their ally, the Ukraine, wasn’t going to get the blame for it.

Like I said, bizarre.
I find this whole thing really bizarre. Why would the US tell a country one of their allies is fighting, and who they are providing a huge amount of weapons and arms to, that there would be an attack coming? If, and that’s a big IF, the Americans knew about it, and if, and again that’s a big IF, they shared the intelligence with the Russians, why?

The only reason I can think of that they would was to make sure their ally, the Ukraine, wasn’t going to get the blame for it.

Like I said, bizarre.
In the throes of military defeat, commanders generally take bigger and bigger risks on actions that don’t make sense from outside observers.

My guess is Ukraine / US / Mossad has taken unilateral action to distract and or delay. With ISIS claiming responsibility, my guess is CIA / Mossad.
Interesting video circulating of an Israeli politician on RT, back in October 19, threatening Russia with retaliation for backing proxy groups against Israel.
Getting the strong feeling Putin isnt a fan of zionist zealots. Which reframes Chechnya, Ukraine, and Syria.
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Hmm. As my intel buddy reminded me, Russia in Syria in support of Assad. The CIA / Mossad backed rebels are working with ISIS to overthrow him.

Shits more complex than Afghan / Iran / Pakistan relations.
There are reports that the four men arrested are from Tajikistan. Would you or your intel buddy know if they be from the area Islamic State in Khorasan usually recruit from?
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Al Queda tried to recruit zcircassians who are from that general are and although zislamic are usually blue eyed with fair hair. AL Queda and ISIS are equal opportunity employers. They will take what they can get.

Would the Yanks or poms be behind such an attack. Probably not but they wouldn't stand in the way either.
If you think the terrorist arm of the west suddenly decided to target Russia independently, I have a bridge to sell you.

If there was any doubt ISIS was a CIA / MOSSAD asset, there’s isn’t now.
I know intelligences agencies work on subterfuge and deception, and there's credible evidence the CIA played a part in the formation of ISIS, but how would it benefit Mossad to encourage and arm Islamic jihadis in their own backyard, IS almost took the entire Levant at their peak. What are they nuts?
I would say they will have lots of bits missing.

A common Russian Technique was filing your teeth with a wood file till they worked out it makes you too hard to understand.
I remember a story of the arms designer Kalashnikov visiting the US and meeting the designer of the M16 rifle. The American explained that to show its robustness the rifle would be dropped 20 feet onto concrete to make sure it could take punishment and still work.

Kalashnikov explained that in Russia if the weapon did not work the designer would be dropped 20 feet onto concrete.
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