The Final Solution.
Israel has been allowed to steal Palestine land since 67, the start of the special relationship with USA.
The Israeli Defence Force is allowed to police the disputed lands, and they consistently assist the settlers instead of stopping them.
Instead, they help them in their apartheid.
Thats like getting the fox to guard the chickens.
The final solution would be to return to the 1967 borders and allow NATO military members to police the borders., including US. Military Peace Keepers. Any criminal activity would be for all the world to see, if Israel tried to do their traditional division of Palestinian states into Cantons, and pursue their divide and conquer routines, all the world. Ould see and it wouldn’t be allowed.
Drop the weaponisation of Israel.
Return the Golan Heights to Syria because its illegal to take land by force.
This would help reestablish trust between Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Iran.
The. Ould establish a new trading bloc.
This would be a good start.
All options are on the table.