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Social ☀️ Religion, Spirituality, Universe Energy...

basic definition of religion is a set idea's or values or beliefs you want to live by, so my belief is that there is a source of positive energy call it what you will, Yahweh, the creator God etc. which created the universe the cosmos and all things contained therein, and this particular source has part of its essence within all things in the known universe, thus we are continually connected to the source due to this source is indwelling within us all, and we will all eventually go back to the source at the end of our physical life cycle in this reality - just what I believe, however not a fanatic about, could be right or could be wrong.
This allows me to still have my fundamentalist's Christian religious views but also be open to certain idea's. Yes I believed that if I didn't tell everyone out there (non-Christian people) about Jesus Christ you would not go to heaven and instead go to hell, I had to save everyone I could, however sadly, I no longer believe in that way that Jesus is the only way to the Father and eternal life (I miss the certainty of my faith or belief system - I was so sure, no one could break that, eventually I had to break that myself, now I believe the above, just changed a few titles around, still have some of the tenents in my life, now Bobs your uncle - lol, apologies for the heavy rant - God loves the Wahz!!!

The first paragraph aligns with my own beliefs.

Mauri us Maori call it.

The mauri is the power that allows these living things to exist within their domain. It is also known as a spark of life, the active component that gives life.

It can be described as a ‘life force’ that activates different parts of a system to work together, for example, the human body or a natural ecosystem such as waterways or forests. When a system begins to shut down, the mauri slowly ceases until it is finally extinguished forever.

Energy that Pakeha understand is a similar principle, it is a thing you cannot see but you know it exists, you can see its effects.

Maori do believe that this force comes from the Gods (latterly with the conversion to Christianity - from the God of Abraham).

This is what I believe.

I believe that spiritual energy is a form of energy that is as real as the stuff in your phone battery.

Some people believe Crystals and such like can store spiritual energy, well I dunno about any of that. I do not really need to understand that kind of thing since I know for a fact that If I go by the ocean for a time, I absorb a form of spiritual energy that is VERY real to me.

Where it differs from the energy in a V drink, is that the effect of the sea is calming and recharging in one, rather than just being activating.

Other people connect to this energy through other natural landscapes, like mountains, lakes and streams, or the wind in the leaves, the smell of the bush, the crisp clean lung full of air on a spring day in the Deep South....I swear there is no breathable air like a South land Spring day....

And some people get a connection from the sound of the rain.....

The most effecting things on my cells, things I can actually feel, coming straight from the energy of the Universe are a starlit sky, damp sand in my toes, or a sunset.

I believe these things are spiritual energy, and I believe that if you need to understand in a way that removes the spiritual, then think of how we evolved, from the elements themselves, how life took form, perhaps in a soup of elements, when lightening struck possibly....well at least some scientists thought so for a time.


We came from one cell like structure, all of us, and over almost four billion years we became tuned to the cycles of the natural world.

We are born with instincts, not many compared to other creatures, but enough to communicate to our mothers with different pitched cries....a language of sounds, without words....and more compellingly a language without instruction.

My Religion is science, my spirituality is the natural world, the heavens and so forth.
The first paragraph aligns with my own beliefs.

Mauri us Maori call it.

The mauri is the power that allows these living things to exist within their domain. It is also known as a spark of life, the active component that gives life.

It can be described as a ‘life force’ that activates different parts of a system to work together, for example, the human body or a natural ecosystem such as waterways or forests. When a system begins to shut down, the mauri slowly ceases until it is finally extinguished forever.

Energy that Pakeha understand is a similar principle, it is a thing you cannot see but you know it exists, you can see its effects.

Maori do believe that this force comes from the Gods (latterly with the conversion to Christianity - from the God of Abraham).

This is what I believe.

I believe that spiritual energy is a form of energy that is as real as the stuff in your phone battery.

Some people believe Crystals and such like can store spiritual energy, well I dunno about any of that. I do not really need to understand that kind of thing since I know for a fact that If I go by the ocean for a time, I absorb a form of spiritual energy that is VERY real to me.

Where it differs from the energy in a V drink, is that the effect of the sea is calming and recharging in one, rather than just being activating.

Other people connect to this energy through other natural landscapes, like mountains, lakes and streams, or the wind in the leaves, the smell of the bush, the crisp clean lung full of air on a spring day in the Deep South....I swear there is no breathable air like a South land Spring day....

And some people get a connection from the sound of the rain.....

The most effecting things on my cells, things I can actually feel, coming straight from the energy of the Universe are a starlit sky, damp sand in my toes, or a sunset.

I believe these things are spiritual energy, and I believe that if you need to understand in a way that removes the spiritual, then think of how we evolved, from the elements themselves, how life took form, perhaps in a soup of elements, when lightening struck possibly....well at least some scientists thought so for a time.


We came from one cell like structure, all of us, and over almost four billion years we became tuned to the cycles of the natural world.

We are born with instincts, not many compared to other creatures, but enough to communicate to our mothers with different pitched cries....a language of sounds, without words....and more compellingly a language without instruction.

My Religion is science, my spirituality is the natural world, the heavens and so forth.
Beautifully expressed Sup.
The Babylonian Talmud, written by Jewish scholars before the Christian Gospels were written says that Jesus (Yeshu the Nazirite) was condemned by a Jewish court to be stoned but was instead handed over to the gentiles (Romans) for them to kill him.
That's speculation and possibly wishful thinking, it mentions that name and some ( mostly Jewish) scholars have said Yeshu is Jesus but just as many seem to say they're is no link. And the talmud is like the gospels and written across many centuries. So again it's all intangible evidence.
I don't know shit about it, just what I read and watch on TV. Where is watcher - we need a policeman to look at the evidence.
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That's speculation and possibly wishful thinking, it mentions that name and some ( mostly Jewish) scholars have said Yeshu is Jesus but just as many seem to say they're is no link. And the talmud is like the gospels and written across many centuries. So again it's all intangible evidence.
I don't know shit about it, just what I read and watch on TV. Where is watcher - we need a policeman to look at the evidence.
Very little evidence for Moishe/Moses existence either, or for an Exodus as described in Hebrew texts.

That's speculation and possibly wishful thinking, it mentions that name and some ( mostly Jewish) scholars have said Yeshu is Jesus but just as many seem to say they're is no link. And the talmud is like the gospels and written across many centuries. So again it's all intangible evidence.
I don't know shit about it, just what I read and watch on TV. Where is watcher - we need a policeman to look at the evidence.
Wrong…. the Babylonian Talmud was compiled in the 400-500 AD, but it contained the book of the Sanhedrin which was written after the start of the first Jewish Roman war and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem meaning it was written between 66 and 70 AD. How do we know that? Because it records the start of the conflict in the past tense and the destruction of the Temple in the present tense.
It's a very interesting topic, the history of it, the politicizing, the rewriting of history, the organized religion, the wars in God's name, the corruption to gain power, the righteousness of those true believers, the money. At the end of the day more bad has been done in the name of religion than good.
Although I don't begrudge anyone who wants to believe if it helps them make some sense of the world, or to get through life. Just don't give all your money to the church or leave your kids with a priest/preacher/monk etc.
It's a very interesting topic, the history of it, the politicizing, the rewriting of history, the organized religion, the wars in God's name, the corruption to gain power, the righteousness of those true believers, the money. At the end of the day more bad has been done in the name of religion than good.
Although I don't begrudge anyone who wants to believe if it helps them make some sense of the world, or to get through life. Just don't give all your money to the church or leave your kids with a priest/preacher/monk etc.
What is amazing is how two religions can have such diverse views on the one person. The Talmud treats this person Jesus as a criminal born from a relationship between Mary Magdalene and a Roman soldier who, as a child, cursed other children who then died and made clay statues of sparrows come alive, never healed anyone and was condemned to death by stoning and hanging. While the Bible treats him as born from a virgin, did miracles and who was killed by the Romans.

Two very opposed views of the same person.

Then there's Islam which teaches Jesus is another prophet but that Mohammad is the greatest prophet.

Then there's a group that believe that, after he rose from the dead, Jesus then went on to marry Mary Magdalene and they had children.
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Then there's a group that believe that, after he rose from the dead, Jesus then went on to marry Mary Magdalene and they had children.
And is buried in Kashmir. Talked to one of those guys, bloke from Tibet, he said three lamas went looking for a new Dalai born under a star (the 3 Kings from the east), they annointed the baby and took him to Kashmir when he was 12 to educate him in eastern spirituality and philosophy, loving your enemy, turning the other cheek, we're all sons of God etc, then he went home to preach age 30, they tried to kill him but he escaped with his wife. Interesting theory, apart from being total blasphemy to Christians.
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Wrong…. the Babylonian Talmud was compiled in the 400-500 AD, but it contained the book of the Sanhedrin which was written after the start of the first Jewish Roman war and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem meaning it was written between 66 and 70 AD. How do we know that? Because it records the start of the conflict in the past tense and the destruction of the Temple in the present tense.
I agree with that timing and so Titus crushes Jerusalem and then this book is written which mentions a person that some claim is Jesus but he has another name that is similar in another language and it is a common name at the time. On top of that he is a sorceror who is on trial for rejecting God.
All written 70 years after the fact probably by the Victors of war to achieve a political outcome. The victor's of war always write their history.
I agree there is possibly a tenuous link but it's flimsy and could be anything. Although I respect your right to believe it.
Jupiter is prominent in the night Sky atm, took a look with my sons telescope, got a good view of the color bands.
We are waiting for the moon phase to try his new toy checking out the moon.

We are pretty lucky living in a country where the air is clean enough to allow for light pollution in Auckland and still get a look at heavenly bodies through hobbyists telescopes.
Jupiter is prominent in the night Sky atm, took a look with my sons telescope, got a good view of the color bands.
We are waiting for the moon phase to try his new toy checking out the moon.

We are pretty lucky living in a country where the air is clean enough to allow for light pollution in Auckland and still get a look at heavenly bodies through hobbyists telescopes.
Jupiter with naked eye through a good telescope is a sight to behold alright, Saturn blew my mind when I first saw it too. Gave me that feeling of we're so small on a tiny insignificant speck of dust in the universe.
Jupiter with naked eye through a good telescope is a sight to behold alright, Saturn blew my mind when I first saw it too. Gave me that feeling of we're so small on a tiny insignificant speck of dust in the universe.
Saturn is probably the best planet visually hey, definitely gives a sense of awe.
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