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Social ☀️ Religion, Spirituality, Universe Energy...

Medical science has done a great job explaining the how

Even to the point of explaining our emotions and how that comes about seretonine etc

But it’s yet to explain the why

Why do we exist

The why is god
Bertrand Russell said it's the domain of science to explain How, and for Philosophy to explain Why, but we'd need a whole new language to do it so ultimately its a problem of linguistics.
Why do we exist

The why is god
Or accident then evolution?

I’ve said this before - the universe is to perfect for a 1 shot random chance. The physics and chemistry is to exact with to many opportunities where minor tweaks and the universe never developed. It’s impossible to happen in 1 shot/ 1 universe.

It can only be:

- multiverses - infinite number of independent universes with slightly different physics
- our observable universe is a tiny part of an infinitely bigger universe where physics changes in regions
- the universe cycles through big bangs with slightly different physics each time
- intelligent design (God or Alien)
- we are in a simulation

I’m open to all of them but I personally favour the first one
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Or accident then evolution?

I’ve said this before - the universe is to perfect for a 1 shot random chance. The physics and chemistry is to exact with to many opportunities where minor tweaks and the universe never developed. It’s impossible to happen in 1 shot/ 1 universe.

It can only be:

- multiverses - infinite number of independent universes with slightly different physics
- our observable universe is a tiny part of an infinitely bigger universe where physics changes in regions
- the universe cycles through big bangs with slightly different physics each time
- intelligent design (God or Alien)
- we are in a simulation

I’m open to all of them but I personally favour the first one
So you believe in aliens then?
Or accident then evolution?

I’ve said this before - the universe is to perfect for a 1 shot random chance. The physics and chemistry is to exact with to many opportunities where minor tweaks and the universe never developed. It’s impossible to happen in 1 shot/ 1 universe.

It can only be:

- multiverses - infinite number of independent universes with slightly different physics
- our observable universe is a tiny part of an infinitely bigger universe where physics changes in regions
- the universe cycles through big bangs with slightly different physics each time
- intelligent design (God or Alien)
- we are in a simulation

I’m open to all of them but I personally favour the first one
What about pure chance and chemical circumstance, hence why we're here to ask the question. It's interesting to wonder what we'll evolve into and if we have any significance to the universe outside of the natural process of carbon based combos of molecules.
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I 100% believe there is other life in the universe. I believe it will be everywhere.

Not sure if it is intelligent enough to visit us though due to travel issues.

But that’s for another thread.
I believe everything lives and dies

Including planets

How old is earth and how much more time we got before humans will need a new host?
What about pure chance and chemical circumstance, hence why we're here to ask the question. It's interesting to wonder what we'll evolve into and if we have any significance to the universe outside of the natural process of carbon based combos of molecules.
It's an interesting one. If you look at something like a corn plant. It's leaves are designed/developed to allow water to spiral down to it's base and effectively make any rain effeciently get to it's roots. It looks perfect. Evolved from some small algae (which came from where?) Or designed by some creator?
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It's an interesting one. If you look at something like a corn plant. It's leaves are designed/developed to allow water to spiral down to it's base and effectively make any rain effeciently get to it's roots. It looks perfect. Evolved from some small algae (which came from where?) Or designed by some creator?
Bit of a leap for me to say designed, suggesting a designer. Why does water turn to steam, from a physical agent of molecular change, namely heat. The corn could be the same thing on a grander scale. So could we.
What about pure chance and chemical circumstance, hence why we're here to ask the question.
The finely tuned galaxy theory.

eg - nuclear efficiency of fusion from hydrogen to helium, is 0.007: If ε were 0.006, only hydrogen could exist, and complex chemistry would be impossible. If it were above 0.008, no hydrogen would exist and no universe. A miracle.

The strength of gravity can’t change by 2%; strong nuclear force must be tuned to a precision of at least 0.5%; electromagnetic force to a precision of at least 4%. Repeated near impossibilities across 100’s of other delicately balanced physics.

Impossible to fluke it by chance in a single shot universe.
The finely tuned galaxy theory.

eg - nuclear efficiency of fusion from hydrogen to helium, is 0.007: If ε were 0.006, only hydrogen could exist, and complex chemistry would be impossible. If it were above 0.008, no hydrogen would exist and no universe. A miracle.

The strength of gravity can’t change by 2%; strong nuclear force must be tuned to a precision of at least 0.5%; electromagnetic force to a precision of at least 4%. Repeated near impossibilities across 100’s of other delicately balanced physics.

Impossible to fluke it by chance in a single shot universe.
But there are vast areas of the universe where those rules don't happen and there's no life, how is one a miracle and the rest aren't?
Bit of a leap for me to say designed, suggesting a designer. Why does water turn to steam, from a physical agent of molecular change, namely heat. The corn could be the same thing on a grander scale. So could we.
Why CAN water turn to steam?

Why does the physics even allow it when Occam’s razor would say the easiest galaxy is to have no atoms or electrons?
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What gets on my tits is how space is a thing, it can bend and expand and shit.

Even before you throw in time and a continuum, who ever thunk space is a thing, not a lot of nothing.

Fabric is how I understand it.
True we're back to linguistics, Time doesn't even appear to be linear so no such thing as beginnings and ends, hence no need for a creation point even.
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