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Those string theory pricks carry on like happy clappy Christians.

Vibrating strings, multiple higher dimensions, a multiverse, and oh shit the maths does not work but hey it sounded good after a few blunts and the War of the Worlds soundtrack at 3am.
True we're back to linguistics, Time doesn't even appear to be linear so no such thing as beginnings and ends, hence no need for a creation point even.

It interests me how theorists ignore things they cannot put forward a theory for. The infinite Universe a lot of theorists struggle with that idea.

The same dudes tell us the Universe was infinitely dense in a ball that was always there....

I do not mind they do not know, I just find our certainty about theory laughable when the fundamentals are missing.
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I don't believe the new testament is anything but a bunch of fairytales written by folks with an agenda. I also don't think Jesus lived or there would be records of it especially if he did all the things they say.
There is probably a God if you want to call a creator that but I doubt he is watching us and controlling our lives while judging us on how we live them.
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I don't believe the new testament is anything but a bunch of fairytales written by folks with an agenda. I also don't think Jesus lived or there would be records of it especially if he did ask the things they say.
There is probably a God if you want to call acreator that but I doubt he is watching us and controlling our lives while judging us on his we live them.
Roman historian Tacitus mentions a rabbi Yeshu, albeit 100 yrs after he died.
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I don't believe the new testament is anything but a bunch of fairytales written by folks with an agenda. I also don't think Jesus lived or there would be records of it especially if he did ask the things they say.
There is probably a God if you want to call acreator that but I doubt he is watching us and controlling our lives while judging us on his we live them.
I had an interesting chat with a lovely, old, Sikh Indian man a few years back. Used to be a customer of mine in a previous job. Overtime we got to know each other and eventually started talking about God and religion. I asked, respectfully, about things like fanatics, wars based on religion, was God always watching, what about bad things that happen in the world etc.

His view was that fanatics and wars based on religion are people misusing and/or misappropriating gods word and should not be considered representative. The way he described the god he believed in was of a creator with the best intentions. Much like your father is the creator of you, wanting the best for you and guiding you, but ultimately can't see everything you do or control everything you do. When he created you there was no thought about what choices you would make in your life and the consequences of those.

Thought that was the best analogy I had heard and something to think about.

From my brief google search: Sikhs believe that people of all faiths worship one Divine Being who created this world and lives within it. The notion of divine presence leads to the belief that the Divine is equally present in all people, and that, therefore, every human being is equal in the eyes of God. They advocates equality, social justice, service to humanity, and tolerance for other religions. The essential message of Sikhism is spiritual devotion and reverence of God at all times while practicing the ideals of honesty, compassion, humility and generosity in everyday life.
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I don't believe the new testament is anything but a bunch of fairytales written by folks with an agenda. I also don't think Jesus lived or there would be records of it especially if he did ask the things they say.
There is probably a God if you want to call acreator that but I doubt he is watching us and controlling our lives while judging us on his we live them.

Shots fired!!!

Where my Christian fanatics at???!!!!!

You could be right though

Life feels like one big lie right now
There is a scientific theory that we are actually more likely to be living a simulation in either a lab or some advanced software or something like that. So in that scenario some nerd somewhere is our god.

Yer there is.

The speed of light is used as an example of coding.

I like the theory. It makes sense that there would be a speed limit in a simulation, processing power maxing out as per program at the speed of light.

Quantum entanglement of most particles in the universe also makes it seem as though there is some coding. Put simply if you manipulate one particle it manipulates another that is spookily connected to it (this is what entanglement means, literally tangled together in some unseen unknown connection, this effect exists no matter how great the distance between the entangled particles).
When you imagine that the stuff the James Web Telescope is seeing now billions of light years away, it is theoretically possible there are particles in that matter that you can manipulate if they have a paired connection with a particle here on earth, perhaps even in your own body eh.....

Lastly, the observer effect, until we interact with particles (e.g. seeing them etc) then they act as though they do not exists, they can be in simultaneous states (the cat in the box) again that sounds like reality is not really real.
Like putting on a virtual reality headset, that virtual world does not exist until you connect.

Stretching it a bit further, since the theories about dark matter and dark energy do not quite stack up to the could argue that the creator or owner of the simulation is still working out the glitches and that particles are in essence like pixels....not real as we understand them.

Excuse the rant, I do like quantum mechanics and cosmology, theoretical physics etc, I just do not understand it in the fashion I would like to.

If I am reincarnated I hope to come back as a theoretical physicist at the juncture that humanity crosses the event horizon in a craft capable of surviving a black hole, they sound like computer glitches in an ordered universe where the laws of standard physics (call it the rules of the simulation) break down.
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If I am reincarnated I hope to come back as a theoretical physicist at the juncture that humanity crosses the event horizon in a craft capable of surviving a black hole, they sound like computer viruses in an ordered universe where the laws of standard physics break down.
It’s actually an interesting question

If you were reincarnated what would you want to come back as? Hmmmmm….
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So not long after the first gospel was written. So no written evidence from the time he was living and performing miracles. The Roman's were complicit in the use of the myth for their own political benefit.
The Babylonian Talmud, written by Jewish scholars before the Christian Gospels were written says that Jesus (Yeshu the Nazirite) was condemned by a Jewish court to be stoned but was instead handed over to the gentiles (Romans) for them to kill him. Got to wonder why they would write about a "myth" in a country which wasn't part of the Roman Empire for another 45-50 years after the Bablyonian Talmud was written so it wasn't written under Roman influence.
basic definition of religion is a set idea's or values or beliefs you want to live by, so my belief is that there is a source of positive energy call it what you will, Yahweh, the creator God etc. which created the universe the cosmos and all things contained therein, and this particular source has part of its essence within all things in the known universe, thus we are continually connected to the source due to this source is indwelling within us all, and we will all eventually go back to the source at the end of our physical life cycle in this reality - just what I believe, however not a fanatic about, could be right or could be wrong.
This allows me to still have my fundamentalist's Christian religious views but also be open to certain idea's. Yes I believed that if I didn't tell everyone out there (non-Christian people) about Jesus Christ you would not go to heaven and instead go to hell, I had to save everyone I could, however sadly, I no longer believe in that way that Jesus is the only way to the Father and eternal life (I miss the certainty of my faith or belief system - I was so sure, no one could break that, eventually I had to break that myself, now I believe the above, just changed a few titles around, still have some of the tenents in my life, now Bobs your uncle - lol, apologies for the heavy rant - God loves the Wahz!!!