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  1. Boats n Hoes

    Player Addin Fonua-Blake

    Would be interested in your take on what this body language is saying? While im not usually into trying read people based on what we see on the screen or pictures must admit this one was a bit of a red flag for me, probably cause ive been in this situation and its never been a good sign...
  2. Boats n Hoes

    General NSW Cup 2024

    Hope that ref gets a few weeks stand down as well..
  3. Boats n Hoes

    Post Match Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    So you can see how one player can cause a bad attitude throughout the team (which personally i dont think was the case) yet 2 players cant improve that? Ok fair enough, so tell me how exactly does SJ steering the ship correlate to Pompey on the other side of the field putting a weak shoulder on...
  4. Boats n Hoes

    Post Match Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    No ones saying your not entitled bro but as far as his onfield form goes yeah possibly, add to that injury and age as well. How that corresponds to Pompey getting burned on the outside for a try, Jazz falling off tackles letting in tries, Addin not sliding causing overlaps for tries.......i mean...
  5. Boats n Hoes

    Post Match Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    The lack of variation in attack hasnt been a secret and has been something obvious for a wee while now and it does seem the CHT/TMM combo is a better fit in this regard atm. but I do tho think its a stretch to blame your halfback for a defensive effort that lets in 60 points t....even moreso in...
  6. Boats n Hoes

    Post Match Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Kikau says hi ;) Sort of get what u mean tho. On paper looks like a fair bit of average in that squad. They are tho working as a team greater than the sum of their parts atm......makes them dangerous.
  7. Boats n Hoes

    Post Match Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Did u see their defence? 2nd best defence in the comp this year. Ciraldo was the architect of Penriths defence and its taken a little while to imbed itself but the Bulldogs newfound steel has been based on the back of it. Not saying their unbeatable at all but if we think their right edge is...
  8. Boats n Hoes

    Post Match Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Job done. Big improvement in attitude and effort (but tbf that was probably always going to be the case....couldnt get any worse) plus when u have the ambassador of effort in the team (Barnett) u know their going to be switched on in this regard Not 100% convinced, took us a while to put them...
  9. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Nice kick and heads up play No coincidence tho on the back of a Niukore charge and Walker involvement that created space
  10. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Fuck that was a lot closer than i originally thought
  11. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    The longer we dont put this game to bed the more confidence this young Broncos will get......need to score again...soon
  12. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Im really confused. How does Niukore get sent for an HIA and not Ezra as well?
  13. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Didnt think anyone else noticed that. If he had gone out the back the play before either Chanel or Montoya wouldve been in......worked out in the end tho
  14. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Attitude and effort. No guarentee your going to win even with it, but you only have to be off by a bit and it can snowball intot what we had last week
  15. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Nice, Back to getting our decoy runners and players moving off the ball again. Signs are good
  16. Boats n Hoes

    Gameday Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    With the late changes that starting pack should be the same starting pack for the rest of the season. Looks way more balanced
  17. Boats n Hoes

    Social Where's Sup42

    Your one N S W gloat away from it buddy ;)
  18. Boats n Hoes

    Social Where's Sup42

    But who's going to call us all dumb khunts in the game day thread now? I nominate Commonsense ;) Thought he mustve been sent to the naughty corner. Didnt agree on some things with him but when his emotion didnt get the better of him (lol could literally feel the rage dripping off his posts...
  19. Boats n Hoes

    General NSW Cup 2024

    Where did they dig this ref up from? He'd fit right in with the Union ranks