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  1. Player Shaun Johnson

    The result was a nasty hip drop, but I see a lot of mitigating factors. SJ burns past him leaving him grappling, he gets tangled with Mateo whose hip contact takes out and shunts his legs (which is not obvious from front on). A lot of the hip drops that are punished these days are ones where...
  2. Player Shaun Johnson

    Yeah, you'd think by today's standards he'd have had a decent stint on the sidelines due to the severity of the injury. For me it was just a desperate melee to try and stop a hot-stepping SJ rather than anything malicious or even clumsy. So it would have been unfortunate. I don't miss the Mateo...
  3. State of Origin State of Origin

    Capewell will feel at home when he returns to the squad
  4. State of Origin State of Origin

    CNK at 6 showed the benefit of hard and straight.
  5. State of Origin State of Origin

    And eyes that get crazier looking every time you see them. I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley.
  6. State of Origin State of Origin

    Great try!
  7. State of Origin State of Origin

    Moses clinic
  8. NRL NRL General Recruitment Thread

    He doesn't want to cease his employment with us, but he does want to look at employment possibilities at other clubs. Umm....
  9. Player Shaun Johnson

    That's funny, I was comparing him to Crowe in my head earlier. Crowe was playing on one leg at the end, a shadow of his former self. It didn't change the fact that he was a NZ legend and deserved to go out on his terms. Lauiti'iti is my favourite ever Warriors player, Jones 2nd. SJ's highlights...
  10. TeamList Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    You and I were singing from the same song sheet about RTS in his last stint on the pre-Turk version of the site. His effort, metreage, and shimmy made people blind to his limitations, and blind to the fact that all his exploits weren't actually moving the needle for the team in a way that...
  11. Staff Andrew Webster

    I do feel for coaches a little in this age. Player agents and reporters go on a rampage when a senior player is dropped. The age of outrage. Players that ordinarily might not feel entitled to a spot are told by all and sundry that they have been grievously wronged, and it is everyone else's...
  12. Player Shaun Johnson

    His 2023 off season was something else. SJ was in peak condition, like he had put everything into it as one last hurrah. His lack of soft tissue injuries were probably a result of that work. I think everyone felt he was bulletproof again, and assumed that he could go on forever. This year those...
  13. NRL NRL Naughty chair

    Nah, good. Boot stealing is hilarious, but it also dirty cheating that gives a team a massive advantage. I can remember some Warriors players having their boots hurled into the crowd a few years back that should have resulted in penalties to us rather than disadvantage - I think one caused a...
  14. NRL NRL Round 16, 2024 Discussion

    I genuinely think the general skill level of the whole competition is down. It makes the Warrior's form even more hard to take, because this competition is there to be taken by the balls right now.
  15. Sports 🏏 Black Caps

    Afghanistan have beaten Australia. Both teams that NZ lost to, now in with a fair shot of being in the last 4. The start of this comp was a real ambush for the Kiwis.
  16. Pick Your Team Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    All players charged are facing fines. We were stuffed if TMM was out. Hip drops are/used to be a lottery
  17. Sports 🏏 Black Caps

    The Afghani openers are doing to Aussie the same as what they did to us on a difficult pitch. Their batsman might stand up though.
  18. Pick Your Team Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    I think a few people are going to be pretty angry come Tuesday. Webster does not strike me as a person who is going to change much week to week. He is a micro-changer, and the bottom line is he backs experience above all.
  19. Player Shaun Johnson

    I'm a huge SJ fan but: Last year's tackle efficiency 91%. This year 83%. He is two missed tackles away from his season's worst since 2018. He has played 11 games this year. Add to that a body that is troubling him. I think he goes at the end of the season; on his terms.
  20. Post Match Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    I know, I am highlighting these stats for those inferring a hiding like this doesn't fall on a half because they need a platform. SJs defence was a contributing factor in this lack of a platform. 8 runs for 1 post contact metre is a crazy stat too. TMM 21 tackles for 1 miss. SJ is usually a...