Social Wrighty presents Forum Sheep game for 2024 - Round 12 Underway

Another priceless memory while I am taking a trip down memory lane was Wizards Drafting T-Rex and paying a huge sum of money for him even though no one else was remotely interested in T-Rex and Wizards spent all his remaining $1M in T-Rex in a game where budgets were tight and he actually bankrupted himself. The only person I can remember bankrupting themselves early in a forum game. Before this game started I message Wizards (who is a good friend of mine) and said so you gunning for T-Rex this time and he replied by saying I would have to wait and see !!

Looking at the teams they all have various strengths and weaknesses. I do think MrB has a little bit of competition too. I'm doing my best but missed a couple of opportunities second guessing myself. I think @Cces is looking pretty good and has a monster bench. And my dark horse is @Billyspleen75 who has money and spots left to come home with a wet sail if he can get the right options available to him.
Looking at the teams they all have various strengths and weaknesses. I do think MrB has a little bit of competition too. I'm doing my best but missed a couple of opportunities second guessing myself. I think @Cces is looking pretty good and has a monster bench. And my dark horse is @Billyspleen75 who has money and spots left to come home with a wet sail if he can get the right options available to him.
Watch out for BillySpleen if I recall correctly he is a former champion and has taken home the blue ribbon before. He quietly goes about his work and reads all he needs to in the thread and shrewdly assesses his next move. He is a gun.
I feel like you guys have played a few times before, there is like a social clique about which players you guys think are better than others.
I've only played the one game previously. Judging players is always subjective with personal biases. I think there are some elite players that clearly stand out and then the next level becomes a lot more murky, particularly when you are looking at players from different eras
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I feel like you guys have played a few times before, there is like a social clique about which players you guys think are better than others.
We’ve done similar so it does give u a bit of an idea who’s seen as the blue chip guys- it’s probably not too far off what the general public would come up with though tbh.
Everyone has their favs though and normally by the end of the game everyone thinks they have the best team :ROFLMAO: .
Your teams looking good- still a bit of cash to splash too- I’d be starting Martin though- he’s a monster.
Actually looking at the line ups now everyone has them in formation they’re all so farkin good- might’ve crowned brownstone a bit early…
Wouldn’t mind being meninga or Menzies agent right about now.
Yup I think a single player could put a team in to a winning position at the moment
***ANNOUNCEMENT**** @tyrael

After considering all feedback shared during our recent consultation, I have made an executive decision as the moderator. While I value the input provided by everyone, it became clear that reaching full consensus was unlikely. My priority is to maintain the integrity of the game and ensure we continue smoothly.

The core structure of the game will remain unchanged after Wizard's round tomorrow. This will allow everyone to follow their strategies and plans effectively that they might have made some time ago and keeps rules in place that people were counting on/expecting. After reviewing the feedback, I believe this approach best supports the flow and balance of the game. Specifically:

  • The game will proceed to the close with one round master per round as per the round master order posted. Keeping to a single round master allows players to focus their research and strategizing on one set of criteria, avoiding the time requirements, and potential complexity of navigating multiple criteria or questions in the same round.
  • The round master will retain the freedom to choose their event topic, While some structured approaches were discussed, maintaining this flexibility keeps with the game concept and game premise.
  • Although there was concern about the game potentially ending early, most players agreed that those who go twice in the second row have earned it, as they went last in Round One.
That said, I am introducing three adjustments to address some concerns I foresee:

  1. Round Master Timeout Rule: If the next day's round master fails to connect with me in time, I will run a “Wrighty Round.” This has been an informal practice, but it is now an official rule.
  2. Leniency on the 17 Eligible Player Restriction for the round master criteria: As the game progresses, I will become more flexible with this rule. If you as round master have specific questions, message me the night before so we can discuss.
  3. Black Sheep Rule Adjustment: Once only 6 active contestants remain, and 4 have declared their innings closed, the Black Sheep rule will be suspended. With fewer players, it becomes too easy to trigger this rule.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have concerns feel free to let me know in a constructive manner. Finally on a separate note please be aware as the game draws to a close you have the option to declare your team complete even if you don't have 22 players and have more than 100K.

Thank you.
I don't know if I agree with the 17 rule. I think you have to have 17-22 players.

Everything else is chill.
I hear you and agree.

The particular 17 rule I refer to above is the roundmaster criteria guideline that your question should allow for their to be at least 17 eligible players for the contestants to pick from. As the game progresses I will get more lenient with this rule since the player pool will dry up. Makes more sense? I knew that would cause confusion at some stage by using the number 17 for two different rules !!!
Black Sheep Rule Adjustment: Once only 6 active contestants remain, and 4 have declared their innings closed, the Black Sheep rule will be suspended. With fewer players, it becomes too easy to trigger this rule.
Damn. Was hoping to get Meninga as a $100k black sheep once everyone else was out!

Also we may have the situation where people have finalised squads but are still picking the criteria with a tactic to actively ensure there’s no decent players which will result in dud/ boring/ negative rounds but where you still have to bid. Is this what we want?
Damn. Was hoping to get Meninga as a $100k black sheep once everyone else was out!

Also we may have the situation where people have finalised squads but are still picking the criteria with a tactic to actively ensure there’s no decent players which will result in dud/ boring/ negative rounds but where you still have to bid. Is this what we want?
I need to approve each question the night before which will mitigate that to some degree now you have alerted me to the use case.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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