Hey could I suggest we limit the silent auction to 3 players max, possibly even less, otherwise doesn’t it take away the sheep rule? If it’s open slather then way less likely to pick someone a bit more obscure that others haven’t thought of or prioritised.
If a person bids on 5 players or 4 players in the silent auction they run the risk of winning all 4 or 5 players and they have a maximum squad of 22 so I think it will self regulate and incent contestants to be measured in how many players they bid for.
I also don’t want a black sheep pick up be too common maybe just one or two per round.
In short I think the free market will monitor itself. I predict the instances of people bidding on more than three will be limited.
There are some other reasons I have at the back of my mind that someone’s strategy could be to play negative and stop other people getting sheep picks and I want this game to allow for people to pursue creative strategies even if some of those are negative on the surface
This will be the hardest game I have run so far and require great thought from the contestants. The good news is that you have 6 weeks to think about it and ask questions.
Finally an area I would like input on very much, I want input on all areas, but a focused question for me indirectly replayed to your question is how big should the final voting team be?
Your squad will be 22 but honestly you will be doing well to get 22 and some contestants will only get 19 or 20.
Should it be a 17 or 13 you name to be voted on? Or something funky like 13 plus two reserves
This indirectly impacts your question as if it is only a 13 this takes the pressure off somewhat to nail each round
Thoughts how does that land