General Tips for staying mentally steady and being a Warriors fan


Being a Warriors fan is a mind of a mind freak (insert stronger four letter F-word here)

Nearly every game the Warriors take the lead and look like winning only to be pipped at the post. It is a roller coaster of dashed emotions.
Yesterday we were tied 14-14 with ten minutes left with all the momentum and conspired to lose.
This isn't a thread about what happened yesterday because losing at the last minute or late in the game happens all the time to the Warriors.
The Warriors leading at half time is no guarantee of victory or in fact any indicator the Warriors are going to win.

Here are my tips for how to maintain your temperament while watching and recovering from a Warriors game. Please join in with your tips so we can all learn from each other.

1) Look away and don't watch the replays when they send it up to the bunker. The Bunker sure as hell isn't paying any attention to the replays and footage based on the bizarre takes they have so why should you bother watching and forming an opinion. If you do form an opinion, no matter how captain obvious the footage is there is no guarantee the bunker will agree with you or the commentators so my first tip is don't let yourself have an opinion. Don't look at the screen until they announce the result. Sounds like I am taking the piss but that is what I do and I never get wound up.

2) Realise that the NRL has dynamics that allow the losing team to catch up. If we are winning at half time not only don't count your chickens but don't even go into the chicken hutch or even think about chickens.

3) Watch the game without hoping the Warriors will win as much as you can and just watch to enjoy the game of rugby league and to enjoy having a NZ side in the NRL.

What about you what are your techniques....Again not a thread to blame the refs or come up with serious strategies for how the Warriors can win more as this Warriors journey I have learned has been ongoing since 1995. But somewhat more acute this year.

What are your tips for not letting losses get to you both through the game as it happening and after the game. What advice do you have for everyone so we can all learn to be resilient.




Being a Warriors fan is a mind of a mind freak (insert stronger four letter F-word here)

Nearly every game the Warriors take the lead and look like winning only to be pipped at the post. It is a roller coaster of dashed emotions.
Yesterday we were tied 14-14 with ten minutes left with all the momentum and conspired to lose.
This isn't a thread about what happened yesterday because losing at the last minute or late in the game happens all the time to the Warriors.
The Warriors leading at half time is no guarantee of victory or in fact any indicator the Warriors are going to win.

Here are my tips for how to maintain your temperament while watching and recovering from a Warriors game. Please join in with your tips so we can all learn from each other.

1) Look away and don't watch the replays when they send it up to the bunker. The Bunker sure as hell isn't paying any attention to the replays and footage based on the bizarre takes they have so why should you bother watching and forming an opinion. If you do form an opinion, no matter how captain obvious the footage is there is no guarantee the bunker will agree with you or the commentators so my first tip is don't let yourself have an opinion. Don't look at the screen until they announce the result. Sounds like I am taking the piss but that is what I do and I never get wound up.

2) Realise that the NRL has dynamics that allow the losing team to catch up. If we are winning at half time not only don't count your chickens but don't even go into the chicken hutch or even think about chickens.

3) Watch the game without hoping the Warriors will win as much as you can and just watch to enjoy the game of rugby league and to enjoy having a NZ side in the NRL.

What about you what are your techniques....Again not a thread to blame the refs or come up with serious strategies for how the Warriors can win more as this Warriors journey I have learned has been ongoing since 1995. But somewhat more acute this year.

What are your tips for not letting losses get to you both through the game as it happening and after the game. What advice do you have for everyone so we can all learn to be resilient.


Enjoy the journey not the destination.

Embrace the lows as well as the highs. It’s all like a soap opera for guys!
Naturally I start by blaming the Bunker then I blame myself for not wearing my lucky undies and being stupid enough to lavish my hard earned on them at the TAB when sanity tells me I'll lose more betting on them when they're favourites instead of waiting until they're paying $2.53 plus.
If you're not mentally steady before you get here, being here is not going to change that.

Technically one might not be able to be mentally steady at the same time as being a Warriors fan.

Anyways if you love the Warriors, it's going to be a long and frustrating journey.
Every rage inducing loss is just adding to the absolute euphoria we will all feel when we finally win it all (that's how I look at it anyway).

Following a successful team in another sport helps as well 😄.
What Dan said basically
1. Go deeper, tie your entire life to the team; hence:
2. Wager entire weekly wage on a ridiculous same game mutli which includes the wahs by 20
3. Legally change name to Freddy Lussick so you get to travel with team but are unlikely to get any boo boos, (unless half the team goes down again and you find yourself filling in at middle forward ...)
4. End every sentence with 'up the wahs'.... try it it's great, especially in intimate situations ...
1. I try and keep calm as I have heart problems so remaining calm is paramount for me.
2. if commentators are the kiwi one's I mute the sound as one of them always seems to talking up of the opposite team i.e. what an awesome run/tackle (just want them talking about the wahz players only. the same too for ozzie commentators too especially blocker roache.
3. don't celebrate any tries, no yelling, hi fiving, wait until we have confirmed the win and raise one or both my arms up in joy.
1. Go deeper, tie your entire life to the team; hence:
2. Wager entire weekly wage on a ridiculous same game mutli which includes the wahs by 20
3. Legally change name to Freddy Lussick so you get to travel with team but are unlikely to get any boo boos, (unless half the team goes down again and you find yourself filling in at middle forward ...)
4. End every sentence with 'up the wahs'.... try it it's great, especially in intimate situations ...
5. Throw a Freddy Lussick mana wave every ten steps when walking down the street
It's hard to type wearing this white suit thing and my hands tied behind my back but I'll give it a go for those who like myself have suffered continual PTSD since '95.

0. Have the game recording, wait 5min and start watching the recorded version
1. Sit back and relax with usual alcohol related bravado
2. Once the opposition score, (usually first 5 min) swear and reach for the remote (don't throw it yet, loss of face this early)
3. If the opposition score again without a reply from us, go into full PTSD mode. (Throw the remote but only at inanimate objects.)
4. Pause the game and go away and do some gardening or pulling legs off flies or something
5. Check League Live every 5 mins. This is crucial as it opens up options
6. If we score, fast forward to the event and tell everyone the comeback is on. Then pause and repeat until we get 30 points clear.
7. Keep this up until the end of the game and you will only see the good bits (if there are any)
8. If we don't score and the opposition keeps doing it al la Titans, switch to the CI channel and delete the game recording. You'll feel better catching serial killers.

Just a further note regarding Golden Point, don't even bother going there unless SJ is playing and the penalty magnets in our side aren't.
If you've been a fan since 95 you'll just understand that we appreciate every win, and years like last year only come around every 10 year's so it's important to embrace that entire season.
End of the day it's just a game so win lose or draw try not to invest too much emotion in.
Being from manawatu im used to losing anyway following Jets and the Turbos who at times are far worse than the Warriors.
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