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As someone new to league I occasionally think of left field ideas and want to run one past everyone.
it regards 6th tackle bombs in the red zone for the attacking winger to try to outleap a defending winger or fullback for the pill and score a try.
Every half I have ever seen in rugby league tries to measure their bomb with pin point accuracy. Not to high, not to low. In fact precisely the right height so the arriving attacking winger and can run up and leap for it just as it comes down.
I can see some reasons why you want to not over cook the kick as the harder you kick the less accuracy you get in terms of it coming down exactly by the goal line or right into the corner. Small kicks are easier to be accurate with.
However that advantage aside Kicks which are perfectly weighted are not optimal in my opinion. i would like to see the halves for all teams give it some real welly and get these attacking red zone bombs nice and high in the air. Don't worry about your attacking winger arriving at precisely the right mlli-second. Instead boot it nice and high and allow for your attackers to get there In advance of the ball coming down. Then it can turn into straight lottery with everyone standing in the same spot waiting for the ball and just doing a straight vertical leap for it with no running start.
There are strategy options here as well where the attacking team can send three mean to compete for the jumpathon and out number the defending full back.
By my wild estimate maybe at present 20% of attacking red zone bombs pay off and 80% get diffused. I think you could get a demonstrable improvement in try's resulting from red zone bombs with my tactic of smashing it really high in the air.