International Pacific Championship

I think Vlandy and a lot of NRL officials want to change the rules regarding Tier 1 nations. They could really enhance the Origin brand by allowing Tier 1 eligible players in. Wonder if Madge getting the Blues gig could speed it along, provided he didn't have to relinquish his Kiwis position.
Does this make Howarth and Mooney ineligible for origin selection down the track? Feels like it could end up another Kalyn Ponga/Val Holmes situation.
Pretty sure it doesn’t count.
I wonder if ponga has any regrets there- could’ve played 20 tests and been a kiwi great by now.
Must’ve been a hard decision for him- I remember he was picked for junior kiwis and kangaroos but declined them both because he couldn’t make his mind up.
No doubt origin got him over the line.
The big thing with the Cooks is that unlike Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, RL is the #1 game.
I think you will find that the Rugby League teams of Tonga and Samoa now mean more to the people than the imposed sport they play from a colonial history.

All they need to do is win and the world will change.
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