The refs are gonna get things wrong and with games being so close they are going to affect the results- that’s just a fact and we have to deal with it.
It’s when the same teams keep benefiting and the same teams keep being on the wrong side of it like that month from hell we had last year that people are gonna start questioning it.
The refs are gonna get things wrong and with games being so close they are going to affect the results- that’s just a fact and we have to deal with it.
It’s when the same teams keep benefiting and the same teams keep being on the wrong side of it like that month from hell we had last year that people are gonna start questioning it.
My issue is not necessarily with the refs, it’s with the involvement of the touchies as it is them that advise the refs on the invisible 6agains I.e. the not 10 metre calls.
10m mark - touch judges job.

To ease the burden on the ref having to police the 10m mark and watch the PTB I think the 10m should be policed by the touch judge. The touchie should also be able to measure the 10m mark using some sort of electronic gadget that measures distance.? This way it’s no longer subjective. It’s a win win and can’t see any issue with this idea. Thoughts?
10m mark - touch judges job.

To ease the burden on the ref having to police the 10m mark and watch the PTB I think the 10m should be policed by the touch judge. The touchie should also be able to measure the 10m mark using some sort of electronic gadget that measures distance.? This way it’s no longer subjective. It’s a win win and can’t see any issue with this idea. Thoughts?
I think the mess that is the 10M is the result of the NRL going back to 1 Referee so you're right. Referee judges PTB issues, Touch Judges control the 10m. As to your "electronic gadget" point, bang on. In this day and age, there's no excuse why a line can't be drawn between the foot of the attacking player at the PTB and the line on the foot of the most forward defensive player...Maybe some connection between Bunker and Touch Judge?

But, of course, then, the excuse will be that if you implement all that, you risk breaks in play, which are baaad, lack of excitement is baaad etc etc. The NRL is in the Entertainment Business, dontcha know?!
10m mark - touch judges job.

To ease the burden on the ref having to police the 10m mark and watch the PTB I think the 10m should be policed by the touch judge. The touchie should also be able to measure the 10m mark using some sort of electronic gadget that measures distance.? This way it’s no longer subjective. It’s a win win and can’t see any issue with this idea. Thoughts?
It is the touchie who calls the not back 10 or going early pens
It is the touchie who calls the not back 10 or going early pens

They might help but the ref usually marks the 10m and players are expected to stand on his line or risk getting penalised
It would be better if the ref is closer to the PTB so he can watch closely for errors rather than missing shit and getting it wrong on challenges which slows the game down
10m mark - touch judges job.

To ease the burden on the ref having to police the 10m mark and watch the PTB I think the 10m should be policed by the touch judge. The touchie should also be able to measure the 10m mark using some sort of electronic gadget that measures distance.? This way it’s no longer subjective. It’s a win win and can’t see any issue with this idea. Thoughts?
I totally agree.
You need to be closer to the ruck
A lot of shit happens there and inevitably you are not a god position to make the right call.
. The touchie should also be able to measure the 10m mark using some sort of electronic gadget that measures distance.? This way it’s no longer subjective. It’s a win win and can’t see any issue with this idea. Thoughts?
Don't the players wear some kind of tracker on them? I remember I think it was Jordan riki giving his shirt to a fan and removing what looked like a tracking device. Surely that could be used to help judge the 10m mark.
Not really relating to rules
But I saw a post of the top 10 fastest nrl players in the comp
It made me think of an iron man series or preseason “athletes” competition where the guys compete on track and field and other events to determine who is the strongest, fastest, smartest and most endurable. Also team work competition.
I will be interested to see them all competing for a cash prize.
It would be great entertainment viewing.
They should say "it is hoped" or "it is likely" Kickers will either attempt short or high kicks.

It isn't mandatory. Some teams may decide the 7 tackle set isn't an issue. Like in big games when teams get down quickly and hit the ball carrier within 10 metres of the goal line. Then try and keep them down there. It could just be for the intial kick off in each half or some teams may continue it through the game. Some may feel the 7 tackle set is fine to give up while getting the field position. If you can get the tackle close to or before the 20-metre line it is probably better than when 6th tackle kicks go dead.

If it works out another area to contest posession would be good. Like the goal line drop outs.

However, too many short kicks could also end up like 1997 Super League when the try scoring team kicked off. The team with momentum ended up with field position.

It could also means less teams kicking it out on the full. Unless they move from the dead ball to the sidelines.
I understand they are trying to steer away from blokes running full tit at each other with a 20m runway, but surely the in-air clashes between players contesting a short kickoff will be just as bad in the long run, It's just that the sample size of short restarts is so much smaller that they seem safer?

Just change tackles to below the armpit ffs; we can all already see it coming, and that would actually help.. If somehow it didn't, then start looking into making these kind of changes.

Serious question: how bad would the lawsuits be from former players, if we just had any new playing contracts signed include a waiver that you may turn your brain to mush??

Thats not to say we don't make changes in the name of safety, I don't mind the Super Leagues rules on players only being allowed to clock a certain amount of minutes during the season, or the idea that a failed HIA would result in a 3/4+ week stand-down (It's pretty obvious that the 11 days atm does SFA)

But the little tutu's to the sport itself pisses me off to no end
Looks similar to the NFL's rule adjustment this season having a 'landing zone' in which the ball must be returned - taken from the XFL - it hasn't worked as most of the time the restarting team decides it's fine to give up a third of the field with a touch-back

Personally I think the seven tackle set should not be the answer to anything ... why not go extreme and bring power play periods in which there are unlimited tackles, like the old olden days ? - you know, like when they call 6 again for no reason ....
This is the sort of stupidity you get when the muppets running the game only care about the finances. All this change will do is cause the game to get quicker Even a mug like me can see this will actually cause more injuries.
Also, the NRL, the Commission, or whoever the dipsticks are who conjure these rules out of thin air need to test them in lower leagues first.

This is real basic shit, that most sports leagues have figured out. At no point should new, untested rules be thrown into top flight without running that shit through NSW/QLD Cup, SG Ball/Mal Meniga Cup for at least a season first.

Disruptor penalties are a prime example. They threw it straight into FG, then after two months of fucked calls, they just put it in the bottom drawer and hoped no one noticed.
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