NRL Round Discussion NRL Round 5, 2024 Discussion

I don't think it makes much sense for us to focus too much on ladder position at this stage anyway. It's heavily distorted by ease of early draw and byes. We'll get a much clearer period closer to origin I where everyone stands. I suspect we will be in the four by then.

I always take an interest in the ladder.

It feels good to see ourselves at the top and likewise it didn't matter what time of year, you never want to see yourself at the bottom 🤣
Raiders really fucked up by giving us CNK. For a team lacking shape, he would be really handy for them right now. But we ain't giving him back!

I think they had no option on compassionate grounds. They thought they had a ready made replacement.

I can see us letting Taine go at the end of the year when the likes of Souths and Bulldogs go looking for a new FB.
Hi Eric Watson here,from England please can you guys win this year it will really make me feel much better from my humble abode here in yorkshire....Can I get a reference from you guys please?
Isn't there still the small matter of the missing 5 million Eric? Tell us where it is and we'll talk. Anyway Bruce said you got whacked, why aren't you at the bottom of the ocean
I love seeing Kiwis killing it for other teams.

Timoko is the man.

Canberra are limited but I'm on them as a second team this year playing hard respectable League
So am I, they were my pre-Wah team, Lomax, Pongia, Brent Todd, Wiki, Hoppe, and a few aussie battlers helping out where they could. I like how Ricky really loves that club and the players usually buy in and want to become "one of us now".
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