NRL Round Discussion NRL Round 1, 2024 Discussion

The width of a regulation NFL field is 48.8 m. They are managing to get it to 63 m for tomorrows games which is 5m narrower than a regulation league field, but with zero extra space meaning the wingers are going to have to be careful the whole way down the sidelines. The games are probably going to end up dominated up the middle.
Surprised the players union haven't said anything about potential player safety concerns if it's actually that tight and very little over for players diving and sliding
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No diving for the corner post I guess ouch 🤕

V’landys reckons 40,000 tickets sold. I’m telling you, they would have got the word out and some brown paper bags would have been exchanged. The hotels control a lot of the entertainment flow with comped tickets, but as I said, it’s the doormen (and valets) that really drive traffic.

Hotel staff in Vegas know fucking everything. They know the scams, the mobsters, the cool parts, the underground stuff. I got put on to this Indian Reservation dispensary in Vegas off the strip. Got tix to actual good shows not trash. Upgrade to a better hotel tower with an adults only pool etc. If they say the NRL is the hottest sport in town, people will go.

As some said it looks like an ad for Vegas to Australians. Now why do you think that is? Because it is. I bet you the Vegas tourist industry is subsidising this in multiple ways.
Was just about to come on here and say this. Have seen at the end of some tv shows where they fly overseas for an episode, a credit of "sponsored by so and so tourism board".
15000 Aussie visitors and 3000 England visitors if the numbers are correct would be worth a shit load of money for the local economy.
tbh personally I hope this is a massive flop. I love Vegas -it's great for a no holds barred holiday but if NRL takes off over there we have seen the last of NRL as we know it. imo the 360 shows seem to have been recorded on a shoe string budget & have been quite poor. Fun seeing all the $2 Hooker advertising trucks though & going "remember this casino" & "remember watching the filming of
Con Air " etc Do I hope to go back -you bet I do BUT not to see them buy our Rugby League
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