NRL NRL Naughty chair

9 weeks is the reported ban the NRL want.
8 week ban for Leniu for what he done.
I believe Mam did a lot more damage in comparison to only cop 1 extra week.
Weak as piss if it’s true.

Just another example of woke gone mad. Relative to Leniu’s name calling, Mam should get suspended for the whole season.
‪Marcelo got 6 for a homophobic slur, leniu 8 weeks for racist slur. Mam gets 9 weeks for unlicensed drug driving almost killing 2 members of the public, make it make sense.‬ beyond the judges abysmal decision of a license suspension (ah hello? He’s been suspended 3x?!), and an $800 fine (what the actual fuck), the nrl compounds these issues by issuing a 9 week suspension.. it’s actually ridiculous.

The reality is, the pushback on social media is strong. By the nrl doing this, they’ve put mam in a position of further scrutiny. If they’d applied a realistic suspension (6-12 months), the public might accept this & move on. Now, he’s in the public eye again, and is being vilified. The week he returns, he’ll be boo’d to oblivion & every media question will be around his ‘rehab’. Or, he could spend time away completely and come back, and by that time most of this would have been forgotten
Lost a lot of respect for the NRL and wonder why we keep supporting this shonky outfit.
Yeah I know - it's coz we love the game & that's what they rely on. Nasty enough to hope Mam gets hurt first game back & is out for the year.
Bad me - guess that's no pressies from Santa tonight

Seems like nrl sites are trying to paint a picture in the wording that Mam is in some way getting punished justly. Decent monetary fine, but fuck all else under the circumstances
What has he ended up with? NRL suspension, court fine, Broncos fine, loss of sponsorship?

$90,000 fine for Mam too. Broncos sound delusional making the statement the penalties adequately reflect what transpired
I can understand the Broncos agreeing with the ban, they probably thought it would be longer.
Does the monetary fine just goes back into their back pocket?
They are laughing all the way if that’s the case.
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