NRL NRL Naughty chair

My neighbour locked themselves out yesterday and being elderly I helped out by climbing a ladder through an upstairs window.

They asked if I was ok climbing so high and I said don’t worry I’m half monkey, True story,

I realised later I had racially abused myself and have banned myself from ladders for 8 weeks.

My neighbour locked themselves out yesterday and being elderly I helped out by climbing a ladder through an upstairs window.

They asked if I was ok climbing so high and I said don’t worry I’m half monkey, True story,

I realised later I had racially abused myself and have banned myself from ladders for 8 weeks.
Should have said you were a FAG & only gotten 4 weeks ;) ;)
Listening to the journalist muppets on NRL 360 they sounded all over the place on the hearing yesterday.

Leniu submitted a 12-paragraph statement. Then one of them mentioned a 12-page statement.

The report from Hooper said Mam had asked for part of the statement not to be released. This bit may be me getting confused but they then made it sound like the Broncos didn't want their statement released. They did the typical nosey journalist thing that this is weird and we need to know.
Listening to the journalist muppets on NRL 360 they sounded all over the place on the hearing yesterday.

Leniu submitted a 12-paragraph statement. Then one of them mentioned a 12-page statement.

The report from Hooper said Mam had asked for part of the statement not to be released. This bit may be me getting confused but they then made it sound like the Broncos didn't want their statement released. They did the typical nosey journalist thing that this is weird and we need to know.
When thinking about the NRL 360 "Journalists" they all would remove a rib to do their own business. I just cannot take any of them seriously.
Listening to the journalist muppets on NRL 360 they sounded all over the place on the hearing yesterday.

Leniu submitted a 12-paragraph statement. Then one of them mentioned a 12-page statement.

The report from Hooper said Mam had asked for part of the statement not to be released. This bit may be me getting confused but they then made it sound like the Broncos didn't want their statement released. They did the typical nosey journalist thing that this is weird and we need to know.
I thought they said Mam submitted the 12 paragraph statement and asked that some of it would be redacted.

The 360 hosts and journos all talk over each other in the first segment. It's a mess. I notice that the journos watch what they say to Tallis, there's still an element of fear and respect with him and he generally talks sense.

Cronks segments are always good and whenever they get to a legends segment, I turn it off.
My neighbour locked themselves out yesterday and being elderly I helped out by climbing a ladder through an upstairs window.

They asked if I was ok climbing so high and I said don’t worry I’m half monkey, True story,

I realised later I had racially abused myself and have banned myself from ladders for 8 weeks.
And you've sent yourself to the culture and race seminar that you run so you can have a good talk to yourself about how words hurt just like knives and bullets...
On top of organising a picket outside your house against that racist prick who called you a half monkey.
My neighbour locked themselves out yesterday and being elderly I helped out by climbing a ladder through an upstairs window.

They asked if I was ok climbing so high and I said don’t worry I’m half monkey, True story,

I realised later I had racially abused myself and have banned myself from ladders for 8 weeks.
The real question is did you sniff their undies when you were inside their house?
Have to say I agreed with the journos about the redaction.
If you don't want anyone knowing a certain something that happened or the reason why that something happened (or whatever), why would you include it in a public submission to a hearing?
My question is.

Should you be banned for longer for calling someone an inappropriate name.
Or for injuring someone carelessly or recklessly and putting them out for a several weeks or even ending their season.
Banning Player A on the basis of how long Player B is out of the game is a slippery slope. If Player B is naturally more injury-prone/takes longer to heal than your average player, you're punishing Player A for Player B's physical frailty.

You can realistically only judge on Player A's intent. In this instance, Spencer claims he didn't mean "Monkey" in a racist manner ie he said Monkey when he could have said Dickhead, Arsehole etc. I don't go for that argument myself, the kids these days, when they want to give you shit for being a dickhead, call it that way. Not "I can't use rude words or Mum and Dad won't let me watch 'Scooby Doo'" terms like Monkey.
I thought they said Mam submitted the 12 paragraph statement and asked that some of it would be redacted.

The 360 hosts and journos all talk over each other in the first segment. It's a mess. I notice that the journos watch what they say to Tallis, there's still an element of fear and respect with him and he generally talks sense.

Cronks segments are always good and whenever they get to a legends segment, I turn it off.
Looks like you are right. Looking at this article. Also rewatched it just now, thanks to YouTube.

Mam was not required to attend League HQ, but did provide a 12-paragraph statement, and wanted eight of those paragraphs to remain confidential.
My neighbour locked themselves out yesterday and being elderly I helped out by climbing a ladder through an upstairs window.

They asked if I was ok climbing so high and I said don’t worry I’m half monkey, True story,

I realised later I had racially abused myself and have banned myself from ladders for 8 weeks.
Didn’t know you were elderly Wiz!!!
My question is.

Should you be banned for longer for calling someone an inappropriate name.
Or for injuring someone carelessly or recklessly and putting them out for a several weeks or even ending their season.
Leniu's racial slur was intentional and the intention was to offend Mam to the point that it would put him off his game. Which it probably did. And if Leniu said it then it's what he thinks of Mam as a person, he considers Mam to be sub-human.

Careless and reckless actions that result in injury are (in theory) unintentional. Heavier fines on reckless tackles would see them decline though IMO.
Looks like you are right. Looking at this article. Also rewatched it just now, thanks to YouTube.

Mam was not required to attend League HQ, but did provide a 12-paragraph statement, and wanted eight of those paragraphs to remain confidential.

That's just what the NRL opened by allowing those 8 paragraphs to be confidential.
Did Mam get worse abuse?
Did Mam get abused by one of his team-mates as well?
Did Mam give as good as or worse than he got?
Etc etc.
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That's just what the NRL opened by allowing those 8 paragraphs to be confidential.
Did Mam get worse abuse?
Did Mam get abused by one of his team-mates as well?
Did Mam give as good as or worse than he got?
Etc etc.

Or maybe Latrell Mitchell wrote some for him...
Where they'll sue the NRL if he's not made an example of
How they'll make it the biggest issue in sporting history and rally all the indigenous to boycott playing NRL and start their own comp,
Or how all the Pasifika players don't deserve a crack when the NRL can't get it right for their mobs?
Or, it had family/ mental health implications around Mam that should rightfully be private and kept that way?
Or, Something else

If he asked for it to be not made public what was the point in anyone mentioning it? Did that part need to be said?
Or is it to stir up speculation and lead to wild theories like all of the above examples?

Talk about a kangaroo court...
oops 🫢
Of course, you don't mean Kangaroo as in Australian, no you didn't at all but gee, your sorry if people took your use of the word Kangaroo as meaning Australian. Like how Leniu didn't mean Monkey in a racist way.
Of course, you don't mean Kangaroo as in Australian, no you didn't at all but gee, your sorry if people took your use of the word Kangaroo as meaning Australian. Like how Leniu didn't mean Monkey in a racist way.
Of course, you don't mean Kangaroo as in Australian, no you didn't at all but gee, your sorry if people took your use of the word Kangaroo as meaning Australian. Like how Leniu didn't mean Monkey in a racist way.
Was actually talking about the meaning of a kangaroo court then realised the in the context of it all it might be racist too - except how the original term wasn't used racially & left it there a yway.
As for Leniu or anyone else spitting out racist remarks they deserve whatevers coming.
My bit about the 5 paragraphs was to ask what was the point? I assume the panel got to read them and we'll never know if they added to Lenius ban or not, if they did, should they have? The kangaroo court bit was about the panel are not judges, it is not a court of law (although lawyers are present) so how do they presume to judge any 'punishment' for something like racism? How do they judge bans (this is a persons livelihood, reputation etc etc)?
Precedence for some issues in the past, severity of outcome etc is known. Racism not so much. Public outrage and opinion? Loss of face? What?
Thats why the reference to 'kangaroo court' in its historical meaning.
Something that I haven’t seen mentioned is that there is a lot of friction between young aboriginals and Polynesians in australia.
My nephews came over from Aranui high which always carried a rep in chch but reckoned it was nothing compared to Ipswich high- them and their mates(all polys) were blueing on the daily and always with the indigenous boys.
I wonder how all this has gone across in the schoolyard….
From what I’ve been told from indigenous team mates the way some Maori act in Aus can rub them the wrong way at times.
Plenty of NZers can be a bit ‘over patriotic’ (particularly when they first arrive)which sometimes can come across as complaining about Aus or upping NZ.
This can be perceived as being an ungrateful guest and being a bit entitled/boastful particularly given the vast differences in how the indigenous populations of both countries fared with colonialism. Any complaint is perceived to take away focus and or minimise their own plight.
A large number of Australians won’t differentiate between Maori/Samoan/Tongan etc the same way you do in NZ, they pretty much come under the NZ banner even if say they’re Samoan that’s never been to NZ
Not wanting to open up a can of worms or a lengthy debate as to whether it’s fact or fiction but it was how it was explained to me.
From what I’ve been told from indigenous team mates the way some Maori act in Aus can rub them the wrong way at times.
Plenty of NZers can be a bit ‘over patriotic’ (particularly when they first arrive)which sometimes can come across as complaining about Aus or upping NZ.
This can be perceived as being an ungrateful guest and being a bit entitled/boastful particularly given the vast differences in how the indigenous populations of both countries fared with colonialism. Any complaint is perceived to take away focus and or minimise their own plight.
A large number of Australians won’t differentiate between Maori/Samoan/Tongan etc the same way you do in NZ, they pretty much come under the NZ banner even if say they’re Samoan that’s never been to NZ
Not wanting to open up a can of worms or a lengthy debate as to whether it’s fact or fiction but it was how it was explained to me.
I can see that annoyance not from just indigenous but also European Aussies.
A lot of Kiwis I know/see at work come to Australia and bag the shit out of it, saying how much better NZ is etc.
Totally get the patriotism but it can get bloody cringey.
Banter is one thing but it wears thin even with me and other Kiwis that see this behaviour.
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