The young boys are all giants in Kosi, Laban, and MGT. They all have similar boring normal old fashioned hair cuts, at a distance they look a bit alike yeah.
Moala looked even bigger in the black Uniform that he does in cup.
He has a funny frame, he carries a bit of weight for an outside back, but it works for him because he has natural speed for a big unit just quick enough to make him a genuine center and or at the pinch a short range power winger.
If Kosi survives his current existential crisis, then between those three, you could imagine one or two or all three ending up decent Prop forwards, they are just big boned kids man.
Laban and Moala both have good hands, which is what is letting Ed down, and they read the defence better than Ed.
Gone are the days it would seem when being big and fast on its own is enough, now you have to have a little talent as well as a defensive read to be considered a genuine prospect for the Warriors NRL side.
I am hoping that if anyone gets a instant rise to the rank of first officer it is Moala, I think he shows enough talent and physical presence, enough football brains to clean knock Berry off that incumbent spot.