I don't mind aggression. I don't like it when a player is placed in a head injury and spinal risk position where there is premeditated malice and the perpetrator consciously decides to try harm the player. Leka was very lucky he did not break the guys back or knock him out cold on the ground with his deliberate decision to back slam a player who was being held by others with his full weight and force on a trapped player.
That would be enough of a concern on its own, however he was putting on illegal shots left right and center in that game because he was indulging his temper and not trying to win a game.
He is young. The Warriors will need to discipline him internally if they want a player that does not waste his talent by becoming the next
Jack Hetherington.
Victor Radley doesn't back slam held blokes like that. He hits them high sure, but the difference is he also places himself in harms way to do it because he has balls and is a real tough guy.