General 2023 Home Semi Tickets - Member Presale

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Can you choose specific seats or just keep searching again until you’re happy?
You've gotta keep selecting "Search Again" and re-entering your seat preferences. Cheekily it defaulted to GA for me after my first search and had me concerned I had missed out on the West/East stands 😂
Yeah I felt pressured to re select the tickets - I didnt want to be up the back.

I think we need to lobby the club and nrl about this
Yes 3 of us normally sit together, So we have left it the one living in Hamilton to purchase at the Hamilton Ticketmastet
Didn't realise I needed an AAN code... Bought season tickets off someone who won them so don't get the emails.. Called last week but must have been lost in translation.

Emailed but worried I'm going to miss out! Tried calling again but no joy.
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Got my tickets. Nomally bay 29 3 rows from front, got bay 31 7 rows from front.

Pretty much the same seats, just the other side of the tunnel.
I got bay 31 too, row H. I’m usually in bay 33 with my membership so stoaked to be more in the middle of the field
Got tickets but way back from where we usually sit as members. My other mate who I sit next to had to move to the West stand.

Really think it is poor that as members we cant have our usual seats. We are normally middle of bay 29 and now we are way at the back of the east stand. Pleased to be going, but pretty disappointed in that.
You had to change the options of where it looked at. I was given nosebleed seats in bay 7 upper west stand but managed to change to lower east very similar to where I sit
Remember to select the stand you are after in the bottom right corner. Helps to find the area you are looking for

You had to change the options of where it looked at. I was given nosebleed seats in bay 7 upper west stand but managed to change to lower east very similar to where I sit
Gutted but thanks for the heads up. With the clock ticking down it was a quick call to 'panic' buy what we were given. Ticketmaster are shithouse, im still really disappointed in that, but appreciate you giving others the heads up for if they are to purchase tickets.
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