General 2023 Home Semi Tickets - Member Presale

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Not fair lol. I'm a non ticketed member, live in Christchurch, not a bandwagonner but have to wait to 3pm
SoryCity Girl, I should have thought I could have got you one. I tried to log in just now. I have only bought two but it seems I cannot add to it.
This is all too much. Remember If 500 people buy 6 each - that's 3000 tickets!

Shocking that less than 4900 people could theoretically buy all the tickets
I was thinking like that t somebody posted that the club may have reserved some prime seats for sponsors. That sounds about right, they are way more important than the fans :rolleyes:
I remember way back when I was a billy lid, 1965 was the year of the Springbok tour.

Those things were massive deals back then. Anyway the only way for a moron like me to get a seat was to get in a queue at 1am in Cricket Ave behind Eden Park.

The gates opened about 9am I think.

The queue was massive. Nobody went to take a piss or buy food. Nobody moved. Then the gates opened and there was a mad scramble to get to the gate. All that queueing just got me a start in the scramble.

Once inside there were no seats, just an east embankment on scoria. You had to stay there cos if you moved some bastard took your place. So if you were in a group you took turns at going for a piss or food.

There was no entertainment, no music, nothing. There was a kids curtain raiser about 1.30 pm

The game started at 2.30 pm. Here comes the sad bit ladies and jellybeans.

Just before the game starts, I look up into the flash seats in the stand, and there is my bloody mother taking a seat!!!!!

My mother was a league fan and hated yawnion!!!

So when I get home I ask mum WTF?????!!!!!

It turns out my uncle, who didn't know shite about rugby or league, but who was a well off retailer, got offered seats from a supplier. He phoned around and offered my mum a seat.

That will be happening on Saturday. If there are any near me who start a mexican wave just watch out :mad:
I've gone for three tickets in the rowdy South stand. Got some mates in Auckland that may be keen, but will holler here if either of them can't make it :)

Now to figure out how to get to Auckland from Welly, hopefully my rental car coupon code still works for cheaper rental (flights around couple hundy each way so faaaaaark that haha)
I've gone for three tickets in the rowdy South stand. Got some mates in Auckland that may be keen, but will holler here if either of them can't make it :)

Now to figure out how to get to Auckland from Welly, hopefully my rental car coupon code still works for cheaper rental (flights around couple hundy each way so faaaaaark that haha)
TradeMe for sure, nothing there...yet.
Snuck into Bay 10, was really hoping for 16 for some prime DWZ corner real estate, there were heaps there when the map was viewable

Tried searching for new tickets a couple of times and it just kept spitting out Bay 10.

Right next to the Knights support bay though, so that could be fun lol
Not so stressful in the end.. Logged in a read I had 1000 people ahead of me.. Almost threw the phone at that point!! 2 mins later I was in.. Didn't bother farting around looking for good seats.. Allocated seat south stand.. Its more about the atmosphere!!
At least you get a fair view of the seats at Eden Park mean you may as well go an watch it on TV at the food hall.
I got my ticks through the fan pass thing but I still can't believe they didn't give unique codes for each email address linked to a fan pass. Surely it couldn't have been that hard to do? Such a shambles haha.
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