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Social 🧛 PSA - Social Media - Impact on mental health


Whilst the aim of this forum is to provide a platform for all warriors fans to cry, whinge, celebrate and share in all the different emotions attached to supporting the Warriors, its worthwhile for everyone to remember to sometimes take a step back and reassess how it can impact mental health.

We are all Warriors fans, but we are all wired differently. What you may read or post may impact you differently to someone else. Prolonged browsing, constantly hitting refresh button, or waiting for someone to agree with you or like your posts etc can have an impact on your mental health. Reading negative replies to your own or sentiments can change your mood.

So with that said, please do not spend more time than you need on here - as with any social media there are pros as well as cons. There is also responsibility in what you post and tone you may infer with the language used. Everyone is different - be mindful of that.

This doesnt just apply on here but social media as a whole. This is simply a PSA. If you need assistance reach out. There are members who will only visit after a win, as negativity impacts them. There are members who have requested to be blocked from posting on the site for their own mental health.

It can be a rabbit hole so please take care of yourself and do your bit for the rest of the Warriors family too and be mindful of the above. If you need assistance, please reach out.

Not just us forum members but in your prime rugby age too.

Men are less likely to talk about their struggles. It's not weak to speak. John Kirwan, Mike King, Dai Henwood, Greg Inglis are some examples of this.

The Greg Inglis article is a good one too because sometimes you might be struggling with something but something else masks it. Being on here venting could be a symptom of something and it maybe take a look at what might be causing you to blow up at a computer screen.

Not just us forum members but in your prime rugby age too.

Men are less likely to talk about their struggles. It's not weak to speak. John Kirwan, Mike King, Dai Henwood, Greg Inglis are some examples of this.

The Greg Inglis article is a good one too because sometimes you might be struggling with something but something else masks it. Being on here venting could be a symptom of something and it maybe take a look at what might be causing you to blow up at a computer screen.
Are you implying something ?
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This is also why as fans and contributors to this site we need to choose our words carefully, show more respect for others, not just for posters but for players and others of this great club. If you think they don't read what is said about them you're mistaken. Criticize if you must, yes, but be more respectful and generous of spirit. They are not commodities, they are people.
we don't own them no matter how much some people think we do.
We are fans & yes we contribute, but on here we are armchair critics, keyboard warriors, nothing more & that's too easy. We should not say anything in a way we would not say one on one, face to face, or be prepared to get on the field and do ourselves.
Like the original post says, if you are on here constantly and struggle to be critical without degradation of someone, or you are consumed 24/7 on and offline and struggle to take a step back, or ask for help, going offline and speaking to someone is a great help.
Kia kaha, kia manawanui!
Usually, if they do they publish a list of helpline numbers
Which, as I've always said, makes a nonsense out of the rule that says media cannot say "(Name) took his/her own life..."
As to the forum, sometime it is simply better to agree to disagree than keeping going back and forth arguing over whether SJ's past it and shouldn't be resigned for 2024/whatever grinds certain forummer's gears..
And, yep, arguments can get way too ugly on social media. If the two combatants were in a bar somewhere, there usually comes a point where one of the combatants sighs, sips his drink and says "Jeez, how about this darkness? Crazy, eh? 7PM and it's dark. Happens every night. I think it's chem trails, y''know. That or those International Jewry bloody transgender people!" Stuff much less likely to start an argument...
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Hey fellas, I just wanted to say I think it's fucking awesome that we've got a thread about this kinda stuff.

I'm well aware of mental health and what it looks like etc due to my employment, however in the last few months I've had to take some time off mahi because of my mental health. I've never experienced that kind of thing before and to be honest, it was really terrifying and at times felt like I was dying. It took this personal experience for me to realise that actually, I didn't know shit about mental health or how to get myself out of the hole that I found myself in.

Things are much, much better now though but yeah, just wanted to say Kia Kaha to anyone going through something tough and am happy for anyone to reach out if they're having a shit time.

He waka eke noa
We're all in this together
Hey fellas, I just wanted to say I think it's fucking awesome that we've got a thread about this kinda stuff.

I'm well aware of mental health and what it looks like etc due to my employment, however in the last few months I've had to take some time off mahi because of my mental health. I've never experienced that kind of thing before and to be honest, it was really terrifying and at times felt like I was dying. It took this personal experience for me to realise that actually, I didn't know shit about mental health or how to get myself out of the hole that I found myself in.

Things are much, much better now though but yeah, just wanted to say Kia Kaha to anyone going through something tough and am happy for anyone to reach out if they're having a shit time.

He waka eke noa
We're all in this together
Don't want to make light of your circumstances Tookey 2.0 Tookey 2.0 but being a Wahs supporter does that to you.

Trust that you are well recovered
Hey fellas, I just wanted to say I think it's fucking awesome that we've got a thread about this kinda stuff.

I'm well aware of mental health and what it looks like etc due to my employment, however in the last few months I've had to take some time off mahi because of my mental health. I've never experienced that kind of thing before and to be honest, it was really terrifying and at times felt like I was dying. It took this personal experience for me to realise that actually, I didn't know shit about mental health or how to get myself out of the hole that I found myself in.

Things are much, much better now though but yeah, just wanted to say Kia Kaha to anyone going through something tough and am happy for anyone to reach out if they're having a shit time.

He waka eke noa
We're all in this together
Glad to hear that you are doing better brother Warrior.
All the best for the future.
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Haha hard out bro, I'm 38 and have a shit tonne of grey hair that I blame them for too haha.

Yeah man I actually took a week or so off of here as I know I can be a passionate dick head at times 😝
But yeah, thanks mate I appreciate it!
It must be nearly a year since you went on your overseas trip so you should be planning another one but stay away from Israel this time!

We have our next booked in - India for a month. Thought it would be a good idea at our age to give the colon a good workout!!
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It must be nearly a year since you went on your overseas trip so you should be planning another one but stay away from Israel this time!

We have our next booked in - India for a month. Thought it would be a good idea at our age to give the colon a good workout!!
Go up north
They're like Maori up there 🙂
Hey fellas, I just wanted to say I think it's fucking awesome that we've got a thread about this kinda stuff.

I'm well aware of mental health and what it looks like etc due to my employment, however in the last few months I've had to take some time off mahi because of my mental health. I've never experienced that kind of thing before and to be honest, it was really terrifying and at times felt like I was dying. It took this personal experience for me to realise that actually, I didn't know shit about mental health or how to get myself out of the hole that I found myself in.

Things are much, much better now though but yeah, just wanted to say Kia Kaha to anyone going through something tough and am happy for anyone to reach out if they're having a shit time.

He waka eke noa
We're all in this together
How did you get out the dark hole bro if you don't mind me asking, time off to de-stress and reflect or professional help of some sort?
It must be nearly a year since you went on your overseas trip so you should be planning another one but stay away from Israel this time!

We have our next booked in - India for a month. Thought it would be a good idea at our age to give the colon a good workout!!

You must be keeping tabs on me bro, I'm off to the US for a week next Wednesday 🤣

Wow India will be cool man, tossing up heading there myself by the end of the year so would love to hear your thoughts and where you go etc.

Cheers for the kind words bro :)
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