This is the biggest thing that pissed me off about him, is the fact our politicians are getting influenced by his tactics as are some otherwise previously reasonable right wing people.
Btw I don't think he can win unless something major happens. He can't win the undecided voters. It's all about voter turn out and that's exactly what the republican party is trying to do. Trying to convince traditionally democratic voters to sit it out and hold the democrats to a much higher standard then them without specifically saying it. I've mentioned before, I'm on a US hip hop music forum and even that site has been infiltrated with under cover posters pretending to be black trying to convince other posters not to vote democrat, and just not vote at all. There was documented proof with screenshots from some other site mentioning this site by name.
When biden wins, things could get ugly but if Biden learnt anything he better have the national guard prepared and on stand by. Just to be extra cautious he could even have a timely leak before the election about how he's planning on increasing budget for defense to give a pay rise to all frontline service people. They need to know there loyalty lays with the person willing to help your family financially versus a conman that's asking for donations to pay off a court ordered judgement and selling ugly Jordan knock offs which are most likely made in china.
Edit: Forgot to add and I could be wrong as I'm going of second hand information but I'm hearing campaign donations are drying up for republicans vs the democrats who are actually beating them in that department for once. Will have to look into that statement and verify the truthfulness off it.