Politics 🤡 Donald Trump

As much as I hate Trump for being a grifting criminal. He’ll get back in.

Biden is so incompetent, he’s being kept around so his advisors can run the show being the scenes. They are major pro Israel Jewish war hawks.

Here’s the thing, Trump is such an egotistical moron, he just might put the US interests first.
If Trump gets in, I see him pulling support for NATO and not offering any more help to Ukraine but Trump loves Israel too much..... he won't just support them in their conflict with HAMAS, he'll send them arms. Remember, this is the President who loves Israel so much, despite international outrage, moved the US embassy inside an occupied territory, to Jerusalem.


I don't reckon Trump cares about the court cases, he just needs to keep them going by appealing and deleting until he is president, there is a civil war or he dies which can't be that far away given his age.
I don't reckon Trump cares about the court cases, he just needs to keep them going by appealing and deleting until he is president, there is a civil war or he dies which can't be that far away given his age.
The $450 million judgement is a state case as far as I know. Even if he becomes president it won't go away, from a few comments I've read.
If becommes president they're a bigger joke than they already are.
He'll pardon himself and play out his fantasy of being a king, dictator, or whatever he imagines himself to be, milk everyone for as much money by selling as much as anyone's IP he can, still not pay any of his debts, and build himself the biggest monolith to his greatness he can
Oh, wait...
As an Ardent Trump hater, it is hard not to wish him on America and the far right across the globe.

Would love to see those dummkopfs taught the same lesson British Elites and Royalty learned when they allied themselves with herr Hitler, or the Italian Nationlists who helped Mussolini into power.

It always ends the same when you take a stupid man and put him in charge, stupidity is a powerful attractant.

In a Maga world, after they are done with sidelining the intelligentsia, the next step is to cull the poor dumb ignorant Maga hicks because fascism has no use for them.

Putins Russia would rapidly fill the international power vacuum that a withdrawing insular fascist America would leave.

That would be interesting, to see Russia complete their global plans, which start by helping the US elect Trump. Russia really need this, they need Trump to look the other way while they consolidate their take over of Ukraine and the neighboring former Soviet block countries.

An Emboldened Russia, free to invade whomever they choose without US interference would change the world map and the power balance of West East relations.

Not saying that is what will happen before anyone has an aneurysm, perhaps Russia will take power in Europe through proxy's, whatever, the thing is they know a Trump future means they can rely on their American friends to help by abstention.

Trump is an idiot who attracts idiots. But a very useful idiot if you are the Kremlin.
Heard how the world would turn to custard if Trump was elected first time around.

Seemed pretty mild. Was there less wars under Trump than before and after?

Can anyone take the emotion out of it (we all hate the man) but did his policies work:

- economy
- debt
- war
- immigration

Are there any facts and figure or objective analysis for Trumps presidency compared with before and after? Genuinely interested in data without the politics and emotion. Because we may be looking at round 2.
Are there any facts and figure or objective analysis for Trumps presidency compared with before and after? Genuinely interested in data without the politics and emotion. Because we may be looking at round 2.
I think it's inevitable, going to cause some waves especially in Australia. Not sure he wants to keep up their military alliances that the current government has installed.
Heard how the world would turn to custard if Trump was elected first time around.

Seemed pretty mild. Was there less wars under Trump than before and after?

Can anyone take the emotion out of it (we all hate the man) but did his policies work:

- economy
- debt
- war
- immigration

Are there any facts and figure or objective analysis for Trumps presidency compared with before and after? Genuinely interested in data without the politics and emotion. Because we may be looking at round 2.
I think American politics prove the adage that internationally the population are better than their Government. My view is that few if any western Governments are supporting and defending democracy. One conclusion reached is that these Governments are advocating for unelected one world Government. Standing in the way of that are powerful countries that are strongly nationalistic like China, Iran and Russia. The glue that holds the concept together are WEF and WHO. How true, I do not know but I would not be surprised.
I don't care how bad you think the Democrat party is but how any man or especially woman could vote for Republicans is beyond me.

Edit: couple more examples. Click on the Twitter link and there's plenty more.

View: https://twitter.com/CalltoActivism/status/1588334461963247616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1588343002849632256%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=
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