Politics 🤡 Donald Trump

If it’s integral research, why isn’t it funded properly? If it’s not integral, why are we doing it?

If it’s new paediatric leukaemia treatments, then it would be good if that wasn’t subject to cuts. If it’s intersectionality of marginalised groups with a focus on climate justice….
It seems like America used soft power to make the world reliant on it.

It’s good this ‘Buying’ friends is being addressed but does it push countries into the hands of the likes of China longer term?

What I find ironic is some of the institutes funded are very anti America, American ideals and the American way of life, yet were happy to take their money.


Did some more digging and this seems to be the gist. If you want to get American funding, you have to align with the “new” US values.

Hardly unreasonable
Classic Fascist playbook.

Science is A political, and then along come people who politicize it. In of itself it is A political.

We saw this time and again with the Pandemic. Pandemic science has zero to do with peoples opinions and or their political leanings.

One can almost guarantee that a number of these cancelled grants will be in the vaccine development sphere, Australia and New Zealand were at the forefront of some cutting edge research in the field of Vaccines.

Oh well we can look forward to the research into injecting bleach and sticking sunlight up your bunghole.
But they weren’t actual plans though was it? Military plans for actual operations contain maps, OPORDS, DEPORDS, and a whole bunch of stuff.

Saying we are going to bomb these guys isn’t a military plan.
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