Who cares.
The reality is our worldwide economy and domestic economies are highly balanced, complex interlinked entities. Every action has a reaction.
Our capitalist systems are honed by decades of trial and error and are optimised through a survival of the fittest type system. That is the hallmarks of capitalism.
He can’t change things without consequences that are worse. And he will get a backlash through lower stock market valuations (already happening), and high cost of living (already happening) which just punish his supporters.
A leader in a democracy can’t change stuff easily, fast or for the better on a whim. The pain is smashing his backers hard.
We saw this with Labour economic changes last term that didn’t work and have been reversed (wellness budgets, changing Reserve banks goals, high taxes, high minimum wage increases, etc). Whatever some of you think, the reality has been our deepest longest recession for 30 years. You can’t just change capitalisms settings on a whim.
Trump will end up Arderned, and she started from a higher popularity space. End of the day, the economy is irrelevant when it’s going good and EVERYTHING when politicians tinker with it.
"Who cares" - the entire world apart from those on the right, far right, disinformation rabbit holes and fascism. Oh and Putin. You keep saying Trump won't do anything he says, he actually IS. Right now. In front of your eyes.
"Our capitalist systems are honed by decades of trial and error and are optimised through a survival of the fittest type system. That is the hallmarks of capitalism." - no, they're honed by the wealthy to extract more and more wealth. The rest of us get to eat shit in various formats. It's rigged. And now neoliberalism was on the way out the rules have miraculously been upgraded to feed the oligarchs.
"He can’t change things without consequences that are worse" - Correct
"And he will get a backlash through lower stock market valuations (already happening), and high cost of living (already happening) which just punish his supporters." - He doesn't care. Watch him dismantle democracy even further. He's already attacking the judicial systems openly. He's an authoritarian dictator.
"A leader in a democracy can’t change stuff easily, fast or for the better on a whim. The pain is smashing his backers hard." Trump can and does change things fast. He doesn't care. Also doesn't care much about his backers, only those that are giving him money now.
"We saw this with Labour economic changes last term that didn’t work and have been reversed (wellness budgets, changing Reserve banks goals, high taxes, high minimum wage increases, etc). Whatever some of you think, the reality has been our deepest longest recession for 30 years. You can’t just change capitalisms settings on a whim." -
So many things wrong in these few sentences. The things you list have nothing to do with Trump or his style of governance at all. The recession was manufactured by the Reserve Bank, have a read of all of Rizzah's posts to get an understanding of how things actually work, vs the neolib dominant economic system. The recession was unnecessarily extended by National's cuts and austerity.
National just have changed capitalisms settings on a whim. So has Trump.