You are attaching your own emotive opinions about money and power and the result is a wishy washy 'I don't think' barrel of contradictions.
Megalomaniacs like Elon Musk (have you ever listened to the guy? or watched his ego grow bigger than the galaxy when someone like Joe Rogan blows smoke up his arse?).....megalomaniacs as I was saying have no limit to their thirst for power.
Elon as you say makes high risk investments, but are they high risk when you are the richest man in the world? no.
And what was the truth of the 'risk' of buying Twitter? the platform had become profitable before Musk bought it.
Musk can afford to lose the money, he did not buy Twitter for pure profit, he bought it for power and control of the masses. Musk would not have imagined that Twitter was going to take a dive after he bought it, he projected himself that he expected it would thrive under his ownership.
I don't follow Elon btw. I couldn't give a shit about his story. It is no coincidence since Musk came along that Trump started parroting his weird "they got great rare earths, great rare earths'.....
To put is simply, so called rare earths are the new oil. Everyone knows this, China and the rest of the world are re enacting the fossil fuel wars over control of the technology equivalent....the raw ingredients for weapons systems, the raw ingredients for defence networks....the raw ingredients for the Artificial intelligence arms race.
So....yes Elon wants rare earths, everyone does, Putin didn't invade Ukraine to fight Nazis.....