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It does well to engage new fans with nods to the tone of the original while still understanding that the bulk of its audience is the adult nostalgia crowd.
I watched the first episode (they are being released weekly, which I don't like very much), it has the same feel as the old series - I think they have the same voice characters which great!
Cyclops is still annoying and a massive wet blanket.
I watched the first episode (they are being released weekly, which I don't like very much), it has the same feel as the old series - I think they have the same voice characters which great!
Cyclops is still annoying and a massive wet blanket.
Surprisingly enough I think there’s only 4 returning voice actors in Wolverine,Storm,Beast and Rogue the rest have been recast. A few have gotten different roles in the series for eg Gambits VA I think is now playing Cable and Jubilee’s VA is playing another character as they recast Jubilee to be an Asian VA.
The Cyclops VA does a great job at channeling the previous one who died however ironically out of the Originals I only found Storms one to be the most unchanged, it’s funny how the voice acting changes after time and returning to a character 25 odd years later can seem quite different. It’s the same if you watch a recent episode of long running animated series such as the simpsons and family guy then watch an earlier episode and the voices changed dramatically over time.
Surprisingly enough I think there’s only 4 returning voice actors in Wolverine,Storm,Beast and Rogue the rest have been recast. A few have gotten different roles in the series for eg Gambits VA I think is now playing Cable and Jubilee’s VA is playing another character as they recast Jubilee to be an Asian VA.
The Cyclops VA does a great job at channeling the previous one who died however ironically out of the Originals I only found Storms one to be the most unchanged, it’s funny how the voice acting changes after time and returning to a character 25 odd years later can seem quite different. It’s the same if you watch a recent episode of long running animated series such as the simpsons and family guy then watch an earlier episode and the voices changed dramatically over time.
I didn't pick those up at all! You've done your homework!
I think I will watch the old X-Men seasons before picking up the new series again, I was completely out of the loop with the story continuation with the new ep.
I watched the first episode (they are being released weekly, which I don't like very much), it has the same feel as the old series - I think they have the same voice characters which great!
Cyclops is still annoying and a massive wet blanket.
I used to really dislike Cyclops as a kid because of the way he was generally portrayed as the boy-scout/wet blanket - but over the years of reading the comics and learning more about his character, he has actually become my favourite X-man (besides from Nightcrawler) due to his complexity and typical 'unlikability' per se. Hopefully the new show explores his character some more and we get to see another side to him.
After the slow build for the first 5-6 season of Game of Thrones and then when they caught up with the books, the show runners were looking for other jobs. They rushed it.

I wasn't too keen on House of the Dragon. Decided to give it a go. Man glad I did.

The next season is built up well for the War of the Drgaons.

Some cool characters on it with the two brothers (Viserys and Damon). They had that awesome scene where the family is all at logger heads and Viserys comes down the hall of his deathbed like a boss to lay down the law. Near the end of the season Damon had a kill line where he outlines how he has been scoping how many dragons they have and how they had the advantage. We place them here and trap them and we will have their head on a steak in a week.
It's a really interesting/distressing story that's well told, it was a lived experience from the main actor so it was all really well done. But yeah I struggle to say that I 'enjoyed' it due to the grim nature of it all. But it stayed with me for a while after finishing it
See what you mean, lot of blurred lines in there, his breakdown was literally his big break. The actor playing Martha was brilliant in that role. At the end I even felt some empathy for her too. Yeah, intense.

Anyway see you in the morning at the bus stop Tooks, and when you get home.

sent from my iphon
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Has anyone watched the new Star Wars series The Acolyte yet? Its getting savaged online at the moment. I watched the first 3 episodes and while its not awful it fits the usual mold of the most recent efforts. Not sure how many more series where they slap the Star Wars branding onto it will survive as they seem to be getting even more mediocre each time. Since the original trilogy the only series which remotely feels like a fitting companion to it is the Mandalorian, although that started to lose its way by season 3. Seeing a jawa sandcrawler or a glimpse of an x-wing always brings excitement, but space kung-fu matrix style not so much. After so many years of disappointments starting from the prequel trilogy I'm still hanging in there with anything labelled Star Wars, but only just.
I haven't watched it (The Acolyte).

It is in a part of the timeline I am not interested in. The stuff they have announced or done for the High Republic era haven't been very interesting. The Marvel and Star Wars shows on Disney+ it has been a case of getting worn down.

For Marvel Moonknight I ended up having on as background noise. Secret Invasion I was looking forward to but never got around to watching it.

Obi-Wan wasn't great. Having him met Leia makes episode 4 not work too well. Also him having a rematch with Darth Vader was more for marketing than story. It also had the epic scene where Obi-Wan goes down to a planet. Vader follows him and say "Finally you have come to me". Err due you went to him. Then the story wasn't the best.

Ahsoka I was looking forward to after the last episodes of the Clone Wars and her first appearance in the Mandalorian. I was also looking forward to seeing Thrawn in live-action. Ahoska being alive also provides more questions for the original trilogy as now there is another Jedi running around when no one had seen one for 20 years until Luke Skywalker turned up. Ahsoka was part of the Rebellion being formed in Rebels so like Obi-Wan it creates more problems. The entire show seemed bland and safe, which pretty much describes most of the Disney+ content.

Andor I didn't like the first 3 episodes but enjoyed it after that. It showed a lot more of the galaxy or things we don't usually see with the Empire's Federal Security Beraeu (FSB). There is room for different types of stories within the galaxy.

When the Acolyte was first announced it I thought it had a cool name. The main problem was there were never any details on the story. It is an expensive show. Disney are burning a lot of money at the moment.
It looks like House of the Dragon will be my main watch for the next month or so.

A lot of details in the first episode preparing for war.
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