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If I do read them I'll aim to start from the first book unless that is the one the first season is based off than I might start from the second.

That is a good point on the change of author. One of the appeals I have with the Star Wars books I'm reading is the character Thrawn who is intelligent. The author Timothy Zahn writes him well. They have him in live action now.

The quote I've seen about the show is it's like a dumb person tried to write for a smart character.
First book is pretty much the first season
The 2 movies are book 9 (one shot) and book 18 (never go back).
The tv series is more faithful than the movies but I still enjoyed them for what they are, I’ve read them in order and eagerly pick up the next one when they come out but they’re pretty stand alone with the exception of the odd reference or reoccurring character with the odd prequel book thrown in there
After watching the Amazon Reacher show I was thinking they would be an interesting read.

I checked out the TV series yesterday.

I find it hard to adapt from the minds eye of the written word to the Screen.

Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher is obviously ridiculous given he is meant to be towering over people.

I found the TV show a bit hard going with the lead actor being a bit one dimensional, physically obviously is a lot closer to Childs Reacher, but he is a bit too Gym bunny for my liking and not a strong actor.

It would be very difficult to find the right specimen for that role, I always pictured Reacher as more tall wiry hard kinda Norse like no gym weights type.

More of a Sean Bean than an Arnold.

The books are really easy to get into. That is always a sign of good writing imo rather than being easy because they are simplistic.
Great call, Chrichton is one my favourite author also. Sphere, Timeline and Prey I really enjoyed from him.
Yeah he hits the spot on a lot of favorite real science to science fiction cross over, I mean who doesn't like Dinosaurs?

I felt Stephen Spielberg took the grit from the writing of Jurassic Park and turned it into a typical Spielberg Disney effects bubble gum movie.

Timeline was my favorite book for a long time, I have an interest in Acheology anyway, and the hundred year war between England and France, throw in a bit of Science fiction (plausible Sci Fi) and you have a great read about how brutal those men were and the power and fitness it took to wear that Armour and wield swords that heavy.
Yeah he hits the spot on a lot of favorite real science to science fiction cross over, I mean who doesn't like Dinosaurs?

I felt Stephen Spielberg took the grit from the writing of Jurassic Park and turned it into a typical Spielberg Disney effects bubble gum movie.

Timeline was my favorite book for a long time, I have an interest in Acheology anyway, and the hundred year war between England and France, throw in a bit of Science fiction (plausible Sci Fi) and you have a great read about how brutal those men were and the power and fitness it took to wear that Armour and wield swords that heavy.
If you like plausible sci fi Andy Weirs novels are pretty good. Obviously ‘the Martian’ is his most Famous but I really enjoyed ‘Project Hail Mary’ and ‘Artemis’ from him
I am more of a sci fi/fantasy reader. Currently reading Evan Winter The Burning series. Really enjoying it. I am also re-reading the Dune series. Currently stuck on God Emperor of Dune though, just way to many speeches and quotes from Leto. Thinking about re-reading Robert Jordans wheel of time series but the over 4 million words is putting me off atm.
I am more of a sci fi/fantasy reader. Currently reading Evan Winter The Burning series. Really enjoying it. I am also re-reading the Dune series. Currently stuck on God Emperor of Dune though, just way to many speeches and quotes from Leto. Thinking about re-reading Robert Jordans wheel of time series but the over 4 million words is putting me off atm.
my guilty pleasure is David Gemell books. Something I should've grown out of 50 years ago. Lone warrior gathers a few trusty comrades and overcomes evil empires etc. Love it.
Love David Gemmell especially Druss. Was devastated when Gemmell died. If you are fan of Druss then read The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter. There are some parallels between Druss and Tau.
thanks, I'll look it up. I think gemmell taught Joe Abercrombie just about everything he knows about writing
I am more of a sci fi/fantasy reader. Currently reading Evan Winter The Burning series. Really enjoying it. I am also re-reading the Dune series. Currently stuck on God Emperor of Dune though, just way to many speeches and quotes from Leto.
Done better than me, I struggled to get past Children of Dune.....felt like i was reading an Ecology lesson.

Any Robin Hobb readers? The Farseer Series is one i tend to gravitate back to. Fitz the bastard is such a tragic character,
If you are into nostalgic reads after seeing a movie that once was a book, and you like fishing, I recommend Peter Benchley's JAWS.

Easy reading to be sure, a mixture of Hemingway's the old man and the sea (a sea salt gnarled old man hunts the great fish, in search of finding meaning for his existence) and a Stephen King style dark ancient menace swirling in the black ocean at night. In the novel Jaws really is a monster from the deep.

Maybe I do the Novel more credit than it deserves because it was formative at aged 12 reading it to the back drop of the Southern motorway over my backyard fence and the Power Pylons of a South Auckland upbringing.

Facing west out my bedroom window I could see the Southern motorway and every car charging towards or away from the Bombays, the National grid too...the massive Pylons were there....but I could also see farmland, and the blood red sky of the West as the sun sunk beyond all of the Ghetto ugliness. Somewhere out there, on that Western darkening sky, lay the black sand beaches, where White Sharks hunt at sunset in my local waters, the Manukau, called the sea of men by the ancients the Eastern Polynesians who first sailed here.
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Atm a Dan Brown novel my Dad gave me when he’d finished with it. The Lost Symbol. Not bad as a fast paced thriller.

Read a few Bill Bryson ones recently, the best being One Summer. My favourite of his is A Short History of Nearly Everything
I like Dan Brown.
He gets poo pooed by critics.
But for mine he deals in subject matter that interests me.
Who cares about Critics anyway, Stephen King has been ignored by the critics and snobs of American literature, despite giving us connection and insights into American culture through the like of Stand by me and the Shawshank redemption...or the Green Mile.

Three hundred million in sales for King and still not mentioned by the snobs as a serious American writer.
Just read dave grohls book- the storyteller.
Picked it up at the airport and read it over the course of a return flight to chch- good yarn- he’s had an amazing life.
One cool cat.
After the Foo Fighters played here I went on a little Foo Fighter / Nirvana kick for a few weeks. Either the music or seeing some recent interviews.

Saw a few with Grohl talking about after Nirvana ended and he ended up in Ireland and picking up a hitch hiker with a Nirvana top. The other good one was his daughter getting interested in music and Nirvana comes on the radio so he gets asked about Kurt Cobain. Everyone else he was a huge rockstar to a few he's a guy they knew. Also the fact Grohl has had two music careers one as a drummer the other as a front main.

I've read the Mick Wall book on Dave Grohl. I think (currently 350 kms from my bookshelf) I have another from a different author.

I don't read much but one genre I like is autobiographies. The music ones are interesting due to weird events from too much drugs or alcohol.
Anyone here ever read an Austin novel? or any English period novel?
Read some JA and George Elliot. Middlemarch was a long slog, Silas Marner is the one of hers I remember liking the most, recommend that to anyone.
Never thought I'd see chick lit on a league forum Sup, we're growing and evolving since Webby got here.
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