Sports đźŹŹ Black Caps

I would have to be injected with Heroin and also paid at least $250 000 to sit through and watch the cricket vs rugby game either live or on TV.
There is panic about finding replacements for Southee and Boult and rightly so. However guys like Henry, Milne, Ferguson, O'Rourke and Sears are bowling fast and accurate. All teams seem to having 'nasty fasties' available. To me there seems a lack of quality incisive spinners
In ODIs and tests we are missing Boult IMO. The sting isn't there any more. Although I think Boult lost his hunger anyway. Milne, Ferguson and Henry are getting on too. Hopefully Sears works out along with Henry . Spinners: Ashok is promising and Ravindra is a short-form spinning allrounder.
Off topic but we seem to be going through the worlds main religions as tenants in the rental…. the first were Christians (part of Brain Tamaki’s mob), the next Hindus and the ones shifting in this week are Muslims. When they go, we’ll probably then get Jews and then Buddhists. Or all we need is atheists and we’ll have had all the bases covered.
Mennonites and Jehova's Witnesses. Mormon missionaries are ideal tenants too, they're all good boys.
That's close, what if you get accidentally sucked up into the sky in the rapture
I guess then I’ll get sent to some distant planet as a demi-god to populate it with a few million eternally pregnant wives….. might not be so bad after all ;) As long as I don’t have to speak to any of the wives.
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