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What’s with all these chick flicks, I was watching Ashoka? yesterday with the kids… another all women flick… yawn
There was a lot of criticism about 10 years ago on films having too many men or white men as heroes and not enough women.

Kevin Feige who runs the Marvel movies said more was coming. Now pretty much all of their movies have a female led.

Star Wars is similar with the sequel trilogy and Rogue One. Then the TV series.

It is like Hollywood took the criticism and thought the pendulum is off centre but corrected too much now it is a bigger problem the other way.

If you listen to the writers or actresses took about their characters. They all talk about coming into power, which in traditional story telling would often be the bad guy. All they can talk about their characters or movies is "She's a leader", "She comes into power". It's getting to the point when it's becoming too stale.

If you see them talk about an upcoming movie as soon as they say brother and sister or a boy and a girl you can pick straight away the brother or the boy will be killed off or become the villain.

Ashoka is a cool character from the animated series. That live action series didn't hit the mark as modern story telling seems too safe. They also have had too many Jedi that survived order 66.

Sorcerer is worth a watch.

William Friedkin is most famous for The French Connection and The Excorcist, but Sorcerer is as good but mostly forgotten.

The setup to get all four guys in the same place is a little slow, but once they're all in the trucks with the nitroglycerine in the back, holy fuck it get's tense as hell real quick.

To Live and Die in LA another great Friedkin flick.
Sorcerer is worth a watch.

William Friedkin is most famous for The French Connection and The Excorcist, but Sorcerer is as good but mostly forgotten.

The setup to get all four guys in the same place is a little slow, but once they're all in the trucks with the nitroglycerine in the back, holy fuck it get's tense as hell real quick.

To Live and Die in LA another great Friedkin flick.
I enjoyed Sorcerer too. Very strange but effective movie score from Tangerine Dream. The steamy jungle cinematography is excellent.
Kevin Feige who runs the Marvel movies said more was coming. Now pretty much all of their movies have a female led.

Star Wars is similar with the sequel trilogy and Rogue One. Then the TV series.
I really enjoyed Rogue One. Just watched it again yesterday.
I really enjoyed Rogue One. Just watched it again yesterday.
Rogue One was decent and I think I’m one of the few that actually enjoyed solo, unfortunately the poor reception to episode 8 killed off chances of us getting more of these ‘parallel’ sw stories.
SW is one of those properties that it’s impossible to please everyone, I enjoyed ep 7 (even though on deeper inspection it’s essentially rehashing ep 4) but despised ep 8 and wasn’t the biggest fan of ep 9.
TV side enjoyed Mandalorian and enjoyed Obiwan and Ashoka for what they were, controversially was absolutely bored shitless with Andor despite many rating it their favourite
There was a lot of criticism about 10 years ago on films having too many men or white men as heroes and not enough women.

Kevin Feige who runs the Marvel movies said more was coming. Now pretty much all of their movies have a female led.

Star Wars is similar with the sequel trilogy and Rogue One. Then the TV series.

It is like Hollywood took the criticism and thought the pendulum is off centre but corrected too much now it is a bigger problem the other way.

If you listen to the writers or actresses took about their characters. They all talk about coming into power, which in traditional story telling would often be the bad guy. All they can talk about their characters or movies is "She's a leader", "She comes into power". It's getting to the point when it's becoming too stale.

If you see them talk about an upcoming movie as soon as they say brother and sister or a boy and a girl you can pick straight away the brother or the boy will be killed off or become the villain.

Ashoka is a cool character from the animated series. That live action series didn't hit the mark as modern story telling seems too safe. They also have had too many Jedi that survived order 66.
Most won’t have an issue with more diversity it’s just the forced diversity that gets a bit grating.
It is hard when traditionally most of the source material is ‘white males’ but simply transplanting those by gender/race swapping often comes across as a cheap knock off or imitation. However original POC and Female characters tend to do much better if they have a motivation/plot device that doesn’t solely rely on them ‘being better than the white make’.
Hit the nail on the head in saying that the pendulum swung to far the other way and would be better if/when a balance is reached.
Advertising is one of the main offenders too- try to find a car commercial where there is a male driver, try to find a family ad situation without a clueless oafish dumb husband whilst the put together Mum looks on knowingly. It’s fine to have positive female representations but you don’t have to have negative males ones to enhance it
Rogue One was decent and I think I’m one of the few that actually enjoyed solo, unfortunately the poor reception to episode 8 killed off chances of us getting more of these ‘parallel’ sw stories.
SW is one of those properties that it’s impossible to please everyone, I enjoyed ep 7 (even though on deeper inspection it’s essentially rehashing ep 4) but despised ep 8 and wasn’t the biggest fan of ep 9.
TV side enjoyed Mandalorian and enjoyed Obiwan and Ashoka for what they were, controversially was absolutely bored shitless with Andor despite many rating it their favourite
Fairly similar opinion to me. Really quite liked Rogue One and Episode 7. Episode 8 and 9 were just wrong. (I despised episode 1-3 as well) Liked Mandalorian. Andor and Bobba Fett were rather boring and probably missed opportunities.

Solo, I didn't like on first watch. Just couldn't get in to it and perhaps wasn't what I was expecting. Went back a few months after seeing it and watched it again and actually enjoyed it second time around. Not fantastic but much better than I initially gave it credit for.
Most won’t have an issue with more diversity it’s just the forced diversity that gets a bit grating.
It is hard when traditionally most of the source material is ‘white males’ but simply transplanting those by gender/race swapping often comes across as a cheap knock off or imitation. However original POC and Female characters tend to do much better if they have a motivation/plot device that doesn’t solely rely on them ‘being better than the white make’.
Hit the nail on the head in saying that the pendulum swung to far the other way and would be better if/when a balance is reached.
Advertising is one of the main offenders too- try to find a car commercial where there is a male driver, try to find a family ad situation without a clueless oafish dumb husband whilst the put together Mum looks on knowingly. It’s fine to have positive female representations but you don’t have to have negative males ones to enhance it
Agree and pretty sure most people feel the same. I thought Broke Back Mountain was good, a beautiful love story between two humans that was moving regardless of sexuality/gender, but all the recent social programming shit with no other qualities apart from raising awareness of political issues is just cringe and ridiculous, no one wants to be preached to in the guise of entertainment.

But I suppose it's a polemic that'll eventually find an equilibrium when it achieves it's objectives of non-descrimination, rights and acceptance. In the meantime, I'm sick of the preaching and inclusion of every token oppressed minority regardless of context.

Holy shit am I the embarrassing drunk uncle at Christmas?
Favourite movies of all time for me in no particular order:

Stand by Me - awesome coming of age flick

Scarface - Pacino killed that performance

Forrest Gump - Tom Hanks is an actors actor

Pulp Fiction - Just so different and Travolta and Jackson’s chemistry was incredible

The Green Mile - Hanks again and Duncan

Good Will Hunting (that scene in Robin Williams office when he first meets Damon’s character was brilliant)

Dumb & Dumber - yes you read right,

Lots of honourable mentions, it depends on the actor etc.

I’m not a big action movie fan but The Eqaulizer 1st & 2nd were great….good ole Denzel and his performance in Training day was legit hard. Gemini man with Will Smith just pure exhilarating action scenes…..the motorcycle chase scene was magic.

Can remember Mum letting me watch Watership Down when I was little and that shit scared me for life. Dark animated rabbit tale.

Jaoquin or Heath as The Joker? Most say Heath but Jaoquin took it to another level for mine. I left the theatre questioning my own sanity.
Favorite movies is tricky.

Most I have seen so many times I have somewhat spoiled the list with over exposure.

But a list would be something like....

Star wars (thee star wars from the seventies)
An officer and a Gentleman.
Bladerunner the original.
Terminator one.
Back to the future one.

Highlander was on there but looks horribly dated now.

Modern movies, hmm maybe Avatar the original and I will go the Matrix one, and finally the French movie the Intouchables.
Rogue One was decent and I think I’m one of the few that actually enjoyed solo, unfortunately the poor reception to episode 8 killed off chances of us getting more of these ‘parallel’ sw stories.
SW is one of those properties that it’s impossible to please everyone, I enjoyed ep 7 (even though on deeper inspection it’s essentially rehashing ep 4) but despised ep 8 and wasn’t the biggest fan of ep 9.
TV side enjoyed Mandalorian and enjoyed Obiwan and Ashoka for what they were, controversially was absolutely bored shitless with Andor despite many rating it their favourite
Rogue One was a bit of a surprise considering all of the issues they had making it. That is one I can re-watch quite easily. I know they like the Vader scene at the end. That would work better in a movie closer to Revenge of the Sith. As a movie that ties in to the original its a bit weird as then in A New Hope Vader and Obiwan have an old man fight with their light sabers where the day before Vader goes through and destroys everyone quite easily.

Solo I quite liked. The end where it ends up that he funded a rebellion probably wasn't needed. The same thing with them needed to do the Kessel Run he mentions in a New Hope, or explain the dice in the Millennium Falcon. For prequels you don't need to explain everything. Sometimes something is best left unsaid.

Obiwan it was a bit weird having him go off on an adventure with Leia as it takes you out of the bigger picture seeing as she later sends a message like she has never met him. Also the Vader and Obiwan rematch should have been left when you look at the lines in the original.

There is a funny bit in Obiwan where Vader goes to where Obiwan has landed and says something like "Obiwan you have come to me".

The Force Awakens was a movie I could re-watch. A little after it came out I did start to see the similarities to the original. I typically go to a movie to relax for a few hours. It is pretty rare for me to hate a movie. If I watch something at home I may find myself loosing interest but at the theatre not so much. The Last Jedi I did turn to my niece and say this movie is terrible.

Andor was a weird one. People raved about the first 3 episodes. I found them boring as all he did was walk around. The episodes after that although still less action to the other series it was a better watch from episode 4.
Most won’t have an issue with more diversity it’s just the forced diversity that gets a bit grating.
It is hard when traditionally most of the source material is ‘white males’ but simply transplanting those by gender/race swapping often comes across as a cheap knock off or imitation. However original POC and Female characters tend to do much better if they have a motivation/plot device that doesn’t solely rely on them ‘being better than the white make’.
Hit the nail on the head in saying that the pendulum swung to far the other way and would be better if/when a balance is reached.
Advertising is one of the main offenders too- try to find a car commercial where there is a male driver, try to find a family ad situation without a clueless oafish dumb husband whilst the put together Mum looks on knowingly. It’s fine to have positive female representations but you don’t have to have negative males ones to enhance it
The changing of historical figures is one that gets me. The Dr Who where I think it was Charles Dickens isn't as big of a deal to me. Now I'll admit I haven't watched it.

The Cleopatra one where Netflix did documentaries with people saying history is wrong. Even though those people aren't any specialist just someone that they can put on screen to say Cleopatra wasn't how everyone says she was African.

That is definitively wrong. It got so bad an Egyptian lawyer was going to sue Netflix on behalf of the entire country.
I'm not sure of favourite movies as yes I have a few but now when I'm trying to find something it will depend on the time I have available. This would often be late at night so a 90 minute action or horror would suit better. Often find myself spending more time finding something to watch and then fall asleep to.

I have quite a few movies I watch often.

As it is Christmas I'll go for my Christmas movies I like to get it.

Mainly Die Hard and Die Hard 2. Although after specifically not watching them during the year as I'd watch part 2 often and now having 10-20 years where I wait until Christmas it is starting to get a bit tiresome. Might need to push Lethal Weapon as a Christmas movie instead or Gremlins.

As my kids are at a good age we typically was Home Alone 1 & 2. I'd like to get them into Jingle All the Way.
The changing of historical figures is one that gets me. The Dr Who where I think it was Charles Dickens isn't as big of a deal to me. Now I'll admit I haven't watched it.

The Cleopatra one where Netflix did documentaries with people saying history is wrong. Even though those people aren't any specialist just someone that they can put on screen to say Cleopatra wasn't how everyone says she was African.

That is definitively wrong. It got so bad an Egyptian lawyer was going to sue Netflix on behalf of the entire country.
Was the Dr Who one the the Issac Newton actor that was half Indian? It ended up a being a very small part for like 1 scene that it didn’t really matter who was cast.
Interesting that Denzel Washington is playing Hannibal in an upcoming movie.
People go a bit too far in making the actor match the role in their personal life that it’s almost impossible to cast without someone without someone being offended-particularly with voice acting that it almost defeats the purpose of acting. Recent example is the actress cast in the LILO & Stitch live action- the actress is Hawaiian but people are complaining that her skin isn’t tanned enough… it gets a bit exhausting
The changing of historical figures is one that gets me. The Dr Who where I think it was Charles Dickens isn't as big of a deal to me. Now I'll admit I haven't watched it.

The Cleopatra one where Netflix did documentaries with people saying history is wrong. Even though those people aren't any specialist just someone that they can put on screen to say Cleopatra wasn't how everyone says she was African.

That is definitively wrong. It got so bad an Egyptian lawyer was going to sue Netflix on behalf of the entire country.

The funny thing is that the ancient Egyptians did not care much for color. To them light and dark Egyptians were all Egyptians. Racism did not exist as a concept in that era.

Prejudice existed based on cast and religion and other divisions of societies but if we look at the Egyptians own illustrative works of their society, people were all shades of brown through to very brown or what modern people call black now.

Well that is what the science shows too, although it may be possible to be more definitive as dna science evolves.

I do not know the Cleopatra documentary you speak of, but it is a well accepted fact that ethnically she was Greek Egyptian hey,

but her subjects were not white....and I notice no one complaining about all the white actors with makeup on who have played Egyptians in all the old Hollywood films over the years.

They were not white people either.
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