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Always thought metal gear solid would make a great movie after all in the game the cinematics occasionally take a break for a short period of gameplay ;)
Seems to be forever stuck in development hell though
Was going to mention Metal Gear Solid but I don't know much about it.

Got hyped for Metal Gear Solid 4 when it first came out for the PS3. Played it a bit but never got back to it.

The comics the quote I've heard is they are ignoring the comics that sold 100,000s or higher and are adapting the ones that sold 10,000 or less.
Yeah I can see why they’re doing it as it fits into diversity etc that modern movies tend to demand now, a little ironic as Disney originally purchased Marvel and Lucas film as they needed more assets that targeted males- now they’ve moved them in the opposite direction.
Marvel for a while haven’t been able to transition their roster into legacy characters like DC have been able to. There was a period of a couple of years where they essentially replaced every one of their traditionally white male characters with a female and or person of colour version- all bar Miles Morales and Kamala Khan pretty much tanked and although they’ve tried to go back sales haven’t recovered yet they keep trying to make the characters a thing with continuous reboots.
Was going to mention Metal Gear Solid but I don't know much about it.

Got hyped for Metal Gear Solid 4 when it first came out for the PS3. Played it a bit but never got back to it.
They’ve just released volume 1 collection which is 1-3 which I hope to pick up soon.
The continuity is a bit all over the place between games so can be tough to follow, really enjoyed 1,2 and 4 but found 3 and 5 harder to get into
Yeah I can see why they’re doing it as it fits into diversity etc that modern movies tend to demand now, a little ironic as Disney originally purchased Marvel and Lucas film as they needed more assets that targeted males- now they’ve moved them in the opposite direction.
Marvel for a while haven’t been able to transition their roster into legacy characters like DC have been able to. There was a period of a couple of years where they essentially replaced every one of their traditionally white male characters with a female and or person of colour version- all bar Miles Morales and Kamala Khan pretty much tanked and although they’ve tried to go back sales haven’t recovered yet they keep trying to make the characters a thing with continuous reboots.
Disney has brought two brands that yes they were primarily targeted to boys but were enjoyed by a lot of people and have turned them into girls brands. They have manged to get them to the point where Star Wars hasn't been able to get a movie into the theatres. Hell even Lucasfilm now would need to be careful getting sign off from Disney after the last Indiana Jones movie. All of the Lucasfilm Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies all star an English brunette. Not really that diverse.

Marvel lost one of their main guys it took a while to show that Kevin Feigie isn't the great messiah they thought he was. They did well for a 10+ year story arc but since Endgame they have been struggling besides maybe Spiderman No Way Home or Guardians 3. Some of their issues might be too much content with the Disney+ shows but if they hit the mark it wouldn't matter. Not much of their recent stuff has been re-watchable.

Disney talk the talk but aren't a great company when you look into it.

Today I saw something on them getting sued by 9000 female employees for gender pay gap issues. they have gotten into legal battles with the Governer of Florida. That has been reported more in their favour but when you look into it they seem like a pretty terrible company. Some of it is taking advantage of special deals they have but its also looking like some unethical and potentially illegal stuff.

They filmed next to a Chinese concentration camp.

Accuse the audience of racism. The fans thought Finn in the sequel trilogy had a story arc with great potential being a former Storm Trooper. Disney ignored that as they had no plan. Then shrunk him on the Chinese posters.

The Black Panther posters they hid the Chadwick Boseman on the Chinese posters.

Also sacked their CEO on a Sunday while he was out at an Elton John concert.
So I’m watching Marvel 2 with my 9 year old son right now and two things keep spinning in my head

1. All the lead characters are women
2. Brie Larsons watermelons (they were magnificent in Kong)

No idea what the actual fark this movie is about…
Really looking forward to the film origin coming out in January, Stan Walker’s song for the soundtrack is unreal.
Saw Silent Night on the weekend with my brother in law.

Can highly not recommend it 😅

Token revenge action flick where half the movie feels like an extended montage, and the "novelty" of the main character not being able to speak (due to getting shot in the throat early on) translates to basically no-one saying anything the whole movie (seriously the script can't have been more than two pages long), which leads to a not particularly engaging watch.

Some brutal action, some attempted emotional crap shoe-horned in (extremely cheesy), but just wasn't very entertained.
Yeah, I watched that Masters of the Universe movie again a few years ago and still enjoyed it. Dolph Lundgren looked the part as He-man. Meg Foster as Evil Lynn and Frank Langella as Skeletor were great too.

Masters of the Universe has a special place in my heart as was my earliest memory of going to the cinema (came out just before my 6th birthday), plus me and my brother and a pair of brothers who were our next door neighbours collectively had a sh!t ton of the action figures and accessories at the time (one of whom I found out a few years back is actually on this forum ;) ).

It's a cheesy as hell film, but it fills me with joy whenever I watch it. Will be forever disappointed that Skeletor never came back as he promised after the credits though :cry:
So I’m watching Marvel 2 with my 9 year old son right now and two things keep spinning in my head

1. All the lead characters are women
2. Brie Larsons watermelons (they were magnificent in Kong)

No idea what the actual fark this movie is about…
It’s a shame that the marvel bubble seems to have burst, I used to be an opening night guy but last 2 I haven’t even bothered to see in cinemas.
In the case of the Marvels think a couple of things have counted against it 1.Brie Larsons toxic attitude towards a large chunk of the fan base and by many accounts her own co stars. Thought Iman Vellani and Teyonah Parris might have helped as they were quite well Recieved in their series.
2. The Captain Marvel character herself is a bit of a forced property, Marvel were desperate for a Wonder Woman level female character that DC has so pushed the Carol Danvers (then Ms Marvel) character heavily which copped a bit of pushback and the character just hasn’t been successful despite their best efforts.
It’s a shame that the marvel bubble seems to have burst, I used to be an opening night guy but last 2 I haven’t even bothered to see in cinemas.
In the case of the Marvels think a couple of things have counted against it 1.Brie Larsons toxic attitude towards a large chunk of the fan base and by many accounts her own co stars. Thought Iman Vellani and Teyonah Parris might have helped as they were quite well Recieved in their series.
2. The Captain Marvel character herself is a bit of a forced property, Marvel were desperate for a Wonder Woman level female character that DC has so pushed the Carol Danvers (then Ms Marvel) character heavily which copped a bit of pushback and the character just hasn’t been successful despite their best efforts.
I used to be keen on all of the Marvel stuff. Since Endgame only the Spiderman No Way Home and Guardians 3 have any re-watch value to me. I have watched the rest but it hasn't really been a have to watch at the cinemas, I've been happy to wait. Even then it has been a watch over multiple sessions and some I've seen my interest waning.

The Marvel TV shows I found myself watching Moon Knight and haven't watched any since. I was originally looking forward to Secret Invasion but never got around to it.

Another criticism of The Marvels is the amount of homework you ideally need to do to watch it and know the characters. The amount of content they are pumping out is affecting the overall universe.

The reason the Infinity Saga worked is they took time drip-feeding the new characters or the overall arc. This one it seems like they are rushing through. The lower-quality movies isn't helping either.

After Endgame they could either carry after losing their two main characters or reset. I'm starting to think resetting may have been a better choice. Say it is in a different universe like it is already established so they could skip a lot of the origin stories. Maybe go a bit more comic book with it. Finish and arc there and then do another universe starting from scratch.

I do find myself looking at other genres now if I want to go out to the cinema.
Curious to see what Rebel Moon is like. Started off as a Star Wars concept so will be interesting to see how much of the feel it retains. Also for all his flaws Snyder does usually make visually appealing movies
The reviews for this have been a bit all over the place. A new sci-fi series is something I'm keen to get into seeing as how Disney has destroyed Star Wars.

I hope Hollywood moves on from sequels, prequels or the same franchises. Need something original.
On the Vin Diesel allegations. I'll wait until the full details come out. Sure there has been a lot of dodgy behaviour in Hollywood. The MeToo movement has exposed a lot of it but there are also a few who has taken advantage of it.

The Johnny Depp case for one.

The Marlyn Manson case is another one. The main actress there is a better actor then Amber Heard so could be more convincing on the witness stand. But then she has been pushing other woman to make things up and has also impersonated an FBI agent by send letter as the guy.

Also in the Manson case the judge discussed with one ladies lawyer that even after all of this time I need to take these seriously. Lawyer agrees. Anything she tells me I need to take on board. Lawyer agrees. Judge asked this story of aliens abducting here and she know remembers after 20 years isn't stretching that statement in the law. Lawyer hmm umm hmm.

This lady only worked for Diesel for a few days so an incident could have happened causing here to move on. But some of the details also don't stack up.

As much as society needs to be cleaned up. Men still deserve to be proven guilty and not guilty just because of allegations. Some instances in Hollywood the studios have sacked people on allegations and let some of their favourites off or need to wait until they are proven guilty.

Ezra Miller went on drug fuelled rampages in Hawaii. Breaking into houses, holding people hostage, getting into fights with women. Hollywood Ezra is having a few issues.
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