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Not at all. I think every death is a tragedy, if you’ve read my posts it’s quite clear. I believe even if the kids are children of evil Hamas terrorists they should live just like my kids. It’s just in the reality of war these things happen. I believe that the evil of Hamas Terrorists and any other evil ideological view that makes people evil and sick like what they perpetuate should not be tolerated because it is close to root of the problem. Unless it is dealt with decisively it will flourish and spread and cause much more issues not only for Israel but the world.
Lol. Israel isn't 'evil' though. Do you even understand what occupation and apartheid are?
it just shows how the average Palestinian has absolutely nowhere to turn with a terrorist group from within murdering and outside forces also attacking, majority of these people being massacred aren’t hamas supporters and have no way of ousting them.
Part of the problem as I see it, is that Hamas are experts at manipulating civilians. They use them as shields and they win regardless. If their terrorists die they go to heaven, if civilians die, they use that to make Israel the genocidal satanic crazies (that they really are). They can do this because of their sick radical Islamic theology. Murdering terrorists go to heaven with 72 virgins, so do innocents. So they don’t seem to care and jeopardise their own peoples lives.

The ROOT of this problem is sick RADICAL RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY. The problem with Hamas is that RADICAL ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY acts of terrorism are justified and the expenditure of human life is justified. That sick ideology when lived out requires a strong offensive where innocent people will die, largely due to HAMAS’s approach and use of their own people. I agree it seems that Israel’s approach is harsh and I want no innocent people to die, but I agree that Israel need to deal severely with terrorists. It is necessary for the safety of the world.
Lol. Israel isn't 'evil' though. Do you even understand what occupation and apartheid are?
There have been acts of wickedness on both sides BUT RADICAL ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY seems to be the fiercest, evil against innocent people here. Look at terror attacks where people are murdered on the streets of London, Europe, while they lift up the name of their deity in celebration. This is a psychotic fixation that believes the Jews should be murdered and is enraged that the Jews are now on land that contest is theirs. They want to wipe them out as a race. By the way, this thinking is has been present for more than a 1000 years and is really deeply seated in extreme religious interpretation. There is no justification for that.
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Part of the problem as I see it, is that Hamas are experts at manipulating civilians. They use them as shields and they win regardless. If their terrorists die they go to heaven, if civilians die, they use that to make Israel the genocidal satanic crazies (that they really are). They can do this because of their sick radical Islamic theology. Murdering terrorists go to heaven with 72 virgins, so do innocents. So they don’t seem to care and jeopardise their own peoples lives.

The ROOT of this problem is sick RADICAL RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY. The problem with Hamas is that RADICAL ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY acts of terrorism are justified and the expenditure of human life is justified. That sick ideology when lived out requires a strong offensive where innocent people will die, largely due to HAMAS’s approach and use of their own people. I agree it seems that Israel’s approach is harsh and I want no innocent people to die, but I agree that Israel need to deal severely with terrorists. It is necessary for the safety of the world.
If the post that Est95 posted around Israel’s ideology bred into them from early, also with Israeli academics believing it true, wouldn’t that indicate there’s sick radical religious view on both sides? With perhaps a sense of entitlement from Israel because of what they endured.
Hamas are evil, master manipulators. Whilst Israel is simply defending it's military occupation. Lol.
If the post that Est95 posted around Israel’s ideology bred into them from early, also with Israeli academics believing it true, wouldn’t that indicate there’s sick radical religious view on both sides. With perhaps a sense of entitlement from Israel because of what they endured.
An extreme Zionism can be problematic but we have to be honest, we do not see people who have nothing to do with these conflicts in the west being murdered on our streets by radical Jews using the Torah to justify the murder while crying out to their diety. . I have no problem admitting every ideology has its extremes and is dangerous but this is different. The big issue many people are being sucked in to support radical Islamic groups that want to subjugate the world under Sharia.
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An extreme Zionism can be problematic but we have to be honest, we do not see people who have nothing to do with these conflicts in the west being murdered on our streets by radical Jews using the Torah to justify the murder while crying out to their diety. . I have no problem admitting every ideology has its extremes and is dangerous but this is different. The big issue many people are being sucked in to support radical Islamic groups that want to subjugate the world under Sharia.
It’s also wrong to announce every Arab or Muslim as belonging to a terrorist organisation, many are just peaceful members of their religion. Many have been persecuted because of these terrorist organisations with people citing this as reasoning for killing, our own Mosque shooting over here as one example.
It’s also wrong to announce every Arab or Muslim as belonging to a terrorist organisation, many are just peaceful members of their religion. Many have been persecuted because of these terrorist organisations with people citing this as reasoning for killing, our own Mosque shooting over here as one example.
Agreed. That’s why I am careful to say RADICAL Islamic or Extreme or Islamisist. It is an extreme overly literal view of the religion that can become problematic. Any version of any religion that is murderous should be questioned.
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Journalists and photographers aren't banned from covering Hamas activities. If they are living in Gaza, they may well have familiarity with some members - there is something like 20-25,000 fighters. That does not mean they are involved in terrorist activities.
Also remember, Hamas runs the administration and infrastructure within Gaza. So anyone who works in Gaza, could technically work for Hamas. I don't think you can make the leap that they are all terrorists.
This evidence is coming from the IDF and the 'expert' is from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies an Israeli alligned lobby group. I'd take this with a grain of salt.
The media ran the beheaded babies story for weeks, which was IDF propaganda.
but everything you post is perfect truth aye?
but everything you post is perfect truth aye?
Perfect? I can't be 100% certain. But I'd trust it over the IDF any day. ;)
I'm not the one defending indiscriminate bombing and untold civilian deaths as 'just a factor of war'. When clearly it's against international law. But whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Perfect? I can't be 100% certain. But I'd trust it over the IDF any day. ;)
I'm not the one defending indiscriminate bombing and untold civilian deaths as 'just a factor of war'. When clearly it's against international law. But whatever helps you sleep at night.
I’m not sure you are reading mate. I am not defending indiscriminate bombing. That would be like me saying you are defending terrorism 🤔
I sleep sad that so many innocent people on both sides are dying. It is also sad that so many people are being sucked into support terrorist organisations 😳.
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I’m not sure you are reading mate. I am not defending indiscriminate bombing. That would be like me saying you are defending terrorism 🤔
I sleep sad that so many innocent people on both sides are dying. It is also sad that so many people are being sucked into support terrorist organisations 😳.
So armed resistance in the form of terrorism is ALWAYS unequivocally bad?