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  1. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention
  2. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    TeamList Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    short answer, probably not.
  3. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    except for Xavier willison on the weekend.
  4. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Social Where's Sup42

  5. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Player Te Maire Martin

    Definitely can vouch that. He wouldn't know me from a hole in a head but every time we've met, he's been great to me and my kids. Every Warrior to be honest.
  6. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Yep ask Corey Horsborough.
  7. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    TeamList Warriors vs Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Haas, Walsh and Carrigan are being rested.
  8. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    State of Origin State of Origin

    Capewell is in at Centre for the Hammer, this could be interesting.
  9. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Support Site Bugs / Feature Requests

    did you join?🤣
  10. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    General Cameron George

    there is an article on the DT with an interview with CG, any help...
  11. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

    Zyon and ali are hurt atm I believe.
  12. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Gameday Titans vs Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    No changes for the Warriors. A few for the Titans, Fermor to the centre, Verrills to 9, Pahulu and Clark to Prop, Alick- Weincke to 2nd Row, Randall to lock and Palasia to the Bench.
  13. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    General Warriors Jersey Flegg 2024

    eek Flegg team was flogged 46 14
  14. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    Confirmed, Capewell is in the origin team, hmmm.
  15. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    According to Warriorholic, he'll be ok apparently, just a minor cork or something along those lines.
  16. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    Just reading on the cm website that capewell might be 18th man QLD????
  17. Canadian_Warriors_Fan

    Pick Your Team Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    the game is not this week but the week after. 18th man doesn't play this week.