This one is for all you people who think Maori and Indigenous Australians get special treatment.
Lets apply your own societal values and laws to a non racially identified citizen of NZ or Australia.
Lets say a white farmer in Canterbury had his farm taken unfairly by the Govt and his descendants wish to apply to the laws of the land for redress.
Lets just say that under our current laws, White people who have their homes taken by the Govt tomorrow get compensation, and no one bats an eyelid.
Ergo, get rid of this treaty, fine, and pay the bill for stealing millions of acres off New Zealand citizens you define as Maori special treatment cases. Lets just give those Maori the same laws of the land that you are protected by, get rid of the treaty fine, pay the Maori who had land stolen the fair market rate as if they were whites farming in Canterbury when the land was stolen protected by the same White laws.
No stomach for that? Yeah well that is why my family are fighting the Dept of Conservation for lands that are ours which they decided to turn into a Doc reserve without any permission from the land owner. Why am I not protected by White laws to stop this land theft? Apparently our situation is not meant to happen in the present day. We gave Doc Cuvier Island, gave it to them, as part of a treaty settlement, in other words the crown recognized they stole the Island, and they turned it into a reserve (how would you like your assets seized and turned into a reserve) So we agreed to let the White man keep it. in the two thousands, and yet we are fighting the same people for lands they took in my life time near Waihi.
I am sick to death of reading about special treatment for maori in this forum, hell we ain't even protected by white law for our own assets.
Special treatment? stick your treaty and your special treatment up ya arse and give us the same normal treatment under White laws which prevent White people having their assets stolen. Treat us like whites please.