He was bred to fight, that’s the path he chose and he’s good at it but he’s an egg.When you really look at it it's pretty weird that he's any kind of hero for being the best at beating the shit out of people in a "sport".
If he'd gone to med school instead and learned to be a Dr or nurse and save lives he'd be anonymous, but that's kind of fucked up world we're in.
Having said that I still watched some of his fights, but I'm one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever met.
The fight game is a natural sport under supervised conditions.
I’ve had one to many of my own personal experiences scrapping and I know exactly what the mindset is behind it and it’s quite ugly.
It has its down sides, it actually makes my stomach churn these days but it’s like a Roman Circus to keep us entertained and we make hero’s out of grown men that are often more flawed than the rest of us, defend them at all costs and ignore their stupidity, yet we ignore the real hero’s like paramedics etc.
I love sport but I’m well aware of why it exists, I’m a hypocrite too…..it’s part of the human condition but some of us are aware of it and some of us aren’t.
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