Shrewd move by Souths to bring in Mal.
With all the racial optics and rumors swirling around the club, Maninga would have been the first person I would have thought of, they should have Gordon Tallis in the mix as well so Mal can play good cop.
Mal can do it on his own though, he is a level headed person and a genuine tough guy of the Winfield cup era, when men were men.
Guys like Latrell will be unsettled by the news of the new Alpha old school bossman in charge that they cannot pull the wool over his eyes.
I expect Latrell will be shopped elsewhere, and others, Mal will do a hatchet job and leave Souths in a rebuild....the NRL will pull out the pride of the league special treatment card and help Souths rebuild. As such, unlike the Warriors they will not need years to recover from this (the special status is already there, hey....where was a coach like Mal when the Warriors needed rescuing? we don't live in that universe....the big names in the NRL couldn't give a toss watching NZ Rugby League die all these decades).