International Pacific Championship

That’s sad
Where s the support for the Kiwi s gone
Did the support/ interest die due to covid disruption?
I noticed even on this site there was not many comments after last weekends game
Speaking to the Pacific Championships, there's a few baffling decisions:

- Holding the final in Hamilton rather than Mt Smart/Auckland.

- Having us play Australia two weeks in a row. Granted, we weren't guaranteed to be in the final but still poor scheduling. People on the fence won't bother going after we barely put up a fight last weekend.

- Ticket prices more akin to an All Blacks game. Majority of tickets should've been under $50 so people could take the family - look how successful this was for the Warriors.

- Kiwis not playing regularly. It's tough to get buy-in when kids can't see their heroes play in the flesh for years on end.

It seems the NZRL is too much of an old boys network and doesn't have anywhere near enough business savvy.
Speaking to the Pacific Championships, there's a few baffling decisions:

- Holding the final in Hamilton rather than Mt Smart/Auckland.

- Having us play Australia two weeks in a row. Granted, we weren't guaranteed to be in the final but still poor scheduling. People on the fence won't bother going after we barely put up a fight last weekend.

- Ticket prices more akin to an All Blacks game. Majority of tickets should've been under $50 so people could take the family - look how successful this was for the Warriors.

- Kiwis not playing regularly. It's tough to get buy-in when kids can't see their heroes play in the flesh for years on end.

It seems the NZRL is too much of an old boys network and doesn't have anywhere near enough business savvy.
To add to that (and a common gripe of mine) is the playing of the game in Aus at 10pmNZT. How can they drum up support when they make it difficult to watch.

Don’t get me wrong I love the Kiwis but I’m a young father with 2 kids under 4, I ain’t staying up past 10 to watch a game of footie (except our prelim of course).

But yeah all of those other factors too have a huge bearing on the support.

Ultimately this supporting if international rugba league from the NRL is just bullshit really
We've got some whānau staying with us atm.

12yo girl neice tells her 15yo brother she saw the Kiwis today.

15yo brother responds "who are the Kiwis?"

She tried to explain who they were but couldn't really nail it down, "Like the All Blacks.."

My heart sunk a bit realising how far the Kiwi jersey has fallen in recognition.

The Warriors are the be all and end all for rugby league for a lot of this country.
Speaking to the Pacific Championships, there's a few baffling decisions:

- Holding the final in Hamilton rather than Mt Smart/Auckland.

- Having us play Australia two weeks in a row. Granted, we weren't guaranteed to be in the final but still poor scheduling. People on the fence won't bother going after we barely put up a fight last weekend.

- Ticket prices more akin to an All Blacks game. Majority of tickets should've been under $50 so people could take the family - look how successful this was for the Warriors.

- Kiwis not playing regularly. It's tough to get buy-in when kids can't see their heroes play in the flesh for years on end.

It seems the NZRL is too much of an old boys network and doesn't have anywhere near enough business savvy.
Add to that barely any Warriors in the kiwis. If SJ, Tohu and a couple of other players were in the team I think there would have been more interest.

It is what it is though where between world cups, the players themselves aren’t even as interested.
To me they lost the game by being unable to control the Aussie ruck. The 18 points isn’t too bad, the 36 is the problem. I think the adjustment needs to be in the middle D.
agree, was at the game and watching the Aussies gang tackle then manage us to the ground, turn us 180, pile on 3 men high, slowly peel off with the last man tangling up our player then crowding the ruck was actually amazing to watch. we had no such control and seemed to let them play as quick as they liked...
That’s sad
Where s the support for the Kiwi s gone
Did the support/ interest die due to covid disruption?
I noticed even on this site there was not many comments after last weekends game
Tells you a lot about branding and marketing power of the nrl. The warriors are in your face for 40 weeks of the year 24/7. The warriors have become the New Zealand rugby league team.

I blame the nzrl though for not playing the kiwis enough at home. Played aussie 4 times in 14 years at home compared to their 15 times. Essentially played more games against aus in England then at home in that time period. I mean it must suck that your product has to be pushed to a corner now with only playing 3 tests a year at the end of the year when rugby league interest is completely drained. But to not have the balls to at least get 50/50 scheduling home and away during against our biggest rival is just crap. I know it’s about money but we’ve played away from home way too much now and this is the cost your brand is nearly unidentifiable in nz.

Credit to the players they were all there yesterday at centre place doing their bit to take photos and promote but still abit sad to hear that there’s no real penetration of the casual person to who the kiwis are. Gotta make some changes if you want to survive in this sporting landscape.
End of year tests are always hard to get support for. To have a chance against Aussie we need to be at full strength. This never happens with injuries at the end of the season.

As someone else mentioned the warriors are RL in NZ!!
I mean to be far, I’d rather the warriors win one premiership than kiwis winning 10 world cups in a row.
To add to that (and a common gripe of mine) is the playing of the game in Aus at 10pmNZT. How can they drum up support when they make it difficult to watch.

Don’t get me wrong I love the Kiwis but I’m a young father with 2 kids under 4, I ain’t staying up past 10 to watch a game of footie (except our prelim of course).

But yeah all of those other factors too have a huge bearing on the support.

Ultimately this supporting if in
End of year tests are always hard to get support for. To have a chance against Aussie we need to be at full strength. This never happens with injuries at the end of the season.

As someone else mentioned the warriors are RL in NZ!!
I mean to be far, I’d rather the warriors win one premiership than kiwis winning 10 world cups in a row.

End of year tests are always hard to get support for. To have a chance against Aussie we need to be at full strength. This never happens with injuries at the end of the season.

As someone else mentioned the warriors are RL in NZ!!
I mean to be far, I’d rather the warriors win one premiership than kiwis winning 10 world cups in a row.

ternational rugba league from the NRL is just bullshit
Unfortunately I have to agree with all the above posts, the kiwi league team are no longer the team they want to play for, It used to be the pinnacle for every young aspiring player in nz to eventually play for the kiwi's. I was so glad when the warriors first entered the nrl, previously I used to pore over the nrl team lists for any kiwi eligible players and when the warriors came along, I thought here we go, a team I can get behind 1,000%, because they would eventually end up playing for the kiwi's apart from those born outside of nz. however now we have players who have multiple pathways and options to choose from i.e. island teams, oz etc. believe you have to commit 100% when playing test matches, can't be half hearted or else you'll be found wanting. Its pretty simple, we lost because oz had better players than us, not much we can do about it until better players come along and hopefully oz won't steal them from us. p.s, they got to want to play for the black n white jersey first and foremost!
I first watched the kiwis in the mid 70s with my Dad at Carlaw Park, this included the best series ever in 1985 vs Australia..
I now really struggle to get behind this team and I’m not sure why?
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