International Pacific Championship

If Madge has half a brain he would have made his players watch that.

The Women showed the way, exactly what the Tane need to do.

My Sister in law said we could win.

She has an impeccable dna in this game. Captain of the first ever woman's Auckland team. Captain of the first ever NZ team and Coach of the first ever NZ world cup team.

No sportsman or woman in this country has that pedigree in any sport.

I truly feel a nobody in her presence when it comes to this sport given she is the most decorated pioneer in any sport in NZs history.

Anyway she was right and It was a real privilege watching this game with her.
What did she think of the officiating?
keeping Aussie to twelve or less by half time is the tried and true way NZ has won so many tests.

That is the key.
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