NRL Round Discussion NRL Round 18, 2024 Discussion

Six again inside the 10m -> a flop -> slowing the ruck... all in the same tackle

Sharks only get their one six again... so 3 penalties and 2 of them being deliberate = 1 six again and zero momentum under Vlando ball
Hynes literally takes it into the line and gets tackled... gets called late... there was nothing late about it... can't expect to not be hit when you go that deep into the line
Media set him up to fail with the massive overhyping
It was the narrative around him that made him a promotional dream - indigenous, rising above his childhood trauma, a clean cut, inspirational role model when Latrell was shitting the bed.

I think he has been used by the NRL. There is no doubt he is a good player, just not one who should be running a top 4 footy team.
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