Ah, but it's spelt with an A and pronounced slightly differently and is apparantly a synonym for friend/pal etc....
Yet, it seems to me it's almost used only as part "you're my/he's my " phrases which for cynical me sounds a bit like "I'm better than you..."
To muddy things further, I've read an article where someone compared calling a friend a n-word-a is like calling your wife honey, your friend can call you that, you can call your wife that, but some random dude/someone you're not friends with doing it is, er, a bit WTF at the very least.
Anyway, um, topic is (man peers at top of screen to read thread is 'nrl-round-1-2024-discussion' not 'what-does-the-other-nword-mean' like he thought) oh, yeah, Round 1, going for the Raiders just becuase they're my Interchange BFF when the Warriors suck. Not entirely confident, though...
Hoping the Panthers stomp the Storm so they're down in the mouth and primed for a pummelling from the Warriors next Saturday.