NRL NRL Expansion

Yeah thanks and I caught that one last season, your opinion had merit but it doesn't change the fact this is a political decision.
NZ is a far more viable, sustainable market to expand further into and a recent post with some leaked article shows the NRL haven't lost focus.
Good luck to PNG but like @sup42 pointed out the Chinese investment would probably go further..
If we can convince China to build a new airfield here do you think we could get 60 million and a Christchurch franchise?
China offered to build CRL and central interceptor for a quarter of the costs that we are incurring, light rail for a fraction of what our cancelled scheme was going to cost and a highish speed rail network for the upper north island to be repaid over 30 years from governmental savings from macroeconomic benifits (i.e., less than free) and a combination of Jacinda Adern, Winston Peters, WK, Watercare and CRLL ahut them out.
@Fonzie Ive written DIV level IPB's and participated in JIRO's specificaly for PNG. Was operational in APAC PNG 2018, and still not 100% on the country. If who ever you are talking to thinks this is a good idea, they are a rubbish analyst.
Horrendous call.

Nobody wants to live in PNG, they will attract zero players. And their pathways currently aren't good enough to even produce a half decent QLDcup team.

Where there is a will there is a way.

Given this is basically a cold war investment to protect Australian borders and keep their sticky fingers in PNGS vast mineral wealth, the money will solve most of the issues including attracting players.

There is nothing to stop the NRL giving a png franchise salary cap exemptions and the Aus Govt to offer special tax exemptions to players willing to move to base themselves in PNG.

The Sky is the limit.

One Nuclear sub cost ten to twenty billion dollars. Running those suckers cost fifty million per year.

My guess is that the Australian Govt will slush fund this thing much deeper than this sixty million a year initial deal to keep their interests safe from China.

Well worth a listen thanks Fonzie and this Warriors life.

PNG will probably change the NRL in ways we can only imagine. All the talk is about what Australia can do for PNG (helpful, essential, cannot happen without them at first).

But ten years from now, who is to say that a PNG does not become the new powerhouse Nursery of the NRL with literally hundreds of PNG players getting contracts in the top thirties of all the existing teams (sorry for parroting what you are saying but i literally typed this reply while loading the pod to give my thoughts without influence).

I see the same vision for this that you describe in that it is unique, it is Govt to Govt creation of an international trade deal, a cold war geo political alliance, an investment in Australia's business interests in PNG.

What you are describing are forces that have nothing to do with sport, these are much bigger wheels turning at the highest level of the global power struggle between the West and its enemies.

Rugby League by quirk of fate, was introduced into the former protectorate of PNG before Union got there, before the AFL had a go....before Soccer did its typical global take over.

Rugby league now by by sheer happenstance is being used as the tip of the spear in the cynical hearts and minds campaign in alignment with foreign relations.

Just to add to all the very detailed discussion you raised I have few thoughts of my own.

Chief among them is from a PNG POV in terms of opportunity for the players and their families from a financial perspective.

Often times when big foreign companies set up in developing countries, the local work force are used for cheap labor....with the skilled work force being imported and paid on a different pay scale to the locals.

Emerging nations need ethical companies to set industry standards, and to lift the expectations around things like fair pay etc. The NRL will be well placed to do this, to influence and raise the expectations and demands by the native workers.

Sport creates role models, sport inspires kids, it inspires nationhood, and often times people will talk about how sports influence culture.

I think this deal is going to prove profound.

Look at Tonga and Samoa now. Look at the street parades in America for the Island diaspora....the blocks and blocks of streets around Mt Smart flying Tongan flags year round.

The NRL ordinarily are pretty stupid and blind to the potential that exists to expand the game

The Pasifika hysteria right now is a monster. It is just sitting there waiting for some NRL board to wake up and let the Tongan Samoan supporters drive their game outside their usual biopic inward looking bubble.

And therein lies the Gift of PNG.

PNG will probably be the saving of the NRL and the sport of Rugby league....when neither knew they needed saving....but I would wager twenty years from now we will look back and can't have the NRL without is far too important to the fan experience to even dream of not having them in the competition.
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600 million is pretty much a really nice Sunday lunch in the world of geopolitics. It’s nothing.

IMO, the issue of attracting players is somewhat exaggerated. With incentives and/or tax breaks etc….. it won’t be hard to attract a very good, young (no family) journeyman or someone at the end of their career that’s willing to take the risk to set himself up. Especially if he’s desperate for an opportunity.

People literally go to war willingly, for a fraction of that money.

The potential payoff is enormous. A relatively large population, given the right facilities and training. Churning out players will be massive for the game.
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